In the just published (May 4, 2011) online journal article, “Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses routinely given: Is there a biochemical or synergistic toxicity?” in Human and Experimental Toxicology, authors Neil Z Miller and Gary S Goldman state:
“Nations that require more vaccine doses tend to have higher infant mortality rates.”
That statement is based upon a study of the infant mortality rate (IMR) in numerous nations that require infant vaccinations. Although the authors agree that clean water, increased nutritional measures, better sanitation, and easy access to health care contribute the most to improving infant mortality rates, they found that vaccines were not a predominate factor in infant survival, but probably contribute to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID).
Their research indicates that even though the United States spends more per capita on healthcare than any other nation, the U.S. comes in at number 34 in the listing of 2009 Infant Mortality Rates, Top 34 Nations. Countries like Iceland, Malta, Czech Republic, Slovenia, and even Cuba ranked better than the U.S.
The data showed a direct correlation between the number of vaccines an infant receives in his/her first year of life and IMR. Singapore ranked first (2.31 IMR); Sweden, second (2.75 IMR); Japan, third (2.79 IMR); Iceland, fourth (3.23 IMR); and France, fifth (3.33 IMR). All these countries in 2009 required only 12 vaccines during a child’s first year of life, whereas the U.S. ranked 34th (6.22 IMR) and mandates 26 vaccines—more than double those countries with lower IMRs. They factored in that the DTaP vaccination has three vaccines given in one shot.
A most significant finding in their research, I thought, was that even though most countries have a high vaccination compliance rate (90% or better), poorer countries that lacked clean water, proper nutrition, improved sanitation, and access to healthcare also had very high IMRs, e.g., Gambia’s IMR is 68.8 and Mongolia’s is 39.9 IMR. Both countries require 22 vaccines during infancy.
SIDS or ‘crib death’ was relatively unknown prior to the 1960s when national immunization programs were initiated. The authors cite the works of other researchers regarding the frequency of SIDS starting in 1969 when “most US infants were required to receive several doses of DPT, polio, measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines.”
Previous research by W C Torch found that “two thirds of babies who had died from SIDS had been vaccinated against DPT (diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus toxoid) prior to death. Of these, 6.5% died within 12 hours of vaccination; 13% within 24 hours; 26% within 3 days; and 37%, 61%, and 70% within 1,2, and 3 weeks, respectively.”
Furthermore, “Walker et al. found ‘the SIDS mortality rate in the period zero to three days following DPT to be 7.3 times that in the period beginning 30 days after immunization.’”
Most remarkable is Miller and Goldman’s statement, “It appears as though some infant deaths attributed to SIDS may be vaccine related, perhaps associated with biochemical or synergistic toxicity due to over-vaccination.”
Preterm infants, whose birth rates have increased steadily since the 1980s, were discussed but something that I consider very relevant was not talked about at length: Premature birth infants usually weigh a lot less than normal term infants and most likely have some health problem(s). These infants are vaccinated when, perhaps, they should not be. There will be added physiological stresses to their small body mass. Their bodies’ detoxifying capabilities to deal with toxins in vaccines plus their under-developed immune systems probably go into ‘overdrive’ after receiving vaccinations, especially a five-in-one shot.
However, respiratory disturbances were documented in close proximity to vaccinations.
Miller and Goldman’s conclusion stated in part, “A closer inspection of correlations between vaccine doses, biochemical or synergistic toxicity, and IMRs, is essential. All nations—rich and poor, advanced and developing—have an obligation to determine whether their immunization schedules are achieving their desired goals.”
Perhaps ‘desired goals’ have been achieved insofar as there is more than 90 percent vaccination rate almost globally, and yet many of the infectious diseases for which vaccines are available are on the rebound. That certainly cannot be due to the 10 percent of the population that is not vaccinated. Rationally, that indicates with such a high vaccination rate, vaccines really aren’t effective.
Accessed May 5, 2011
Photo Credit: Paparutzi