By the time babies reach twelve months of age, they will have received about two dozen doses of vaccines, if their parents follow the schedule recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Many parents trust the recommendations of their health care providers, who assure moms and dads vaccines are “safe.” These same doctors and nurses also recommend Tylenol for babies after their shots. [1]
However, countries whose infants receive the highest numbers of vaccine doses during infancy also have the highest rates of infant mortality.
Many health care providers encourage concerned parents to give their baby Tylenol to relieve pain, fever, and crying after vaccination. In just a moment, you will know why this common recommendation can be very dangerous.
Babies’ Amazing Survival Abilities
Babies are born with amazing abilities and protective mechanisms to help them survive and grow during the months after they are born. Many child development experts refer to this important time of mental growth as “the fourth trimester.” On a basic level, newborn humans are born with the rooting and sucking reflexes, instinctive survival mechanisms to help them eat. They have the parachute reflex to help them survive a fall. [2]
Babies are born already recognizing and preferring their mother’s voice. In fact, within 24 hours after birth, the sound of their mother’s voice activates the part of baby’s brain responsible for learning language. The lists of the fascinating abilities of babies are endless. [3, 4]
However, despite their amazing capacity to survive and thrive, babies bodies’ are not designed to handle the onslaught of injected chemicals contained in dozens of vaccine vials. policy. The CDC’s one-size-fits-all vaccination schedule does not consider babies’ genetics, unique biology, birth weight, family medical history, or other special concerns. It also fails to recognize the amazing antibodies breastfed babies receive in their mothers’ milk.
One Vital Protection for Babies
Human babies are born “prematurely,” in a sense, before their brains are done developing. At the time of birth, our babies’ brains are only 30 percent of the size of the mature, adult human brain. Babies may be born “helpless” in order for their heads to fit through the narrow birth canal. During their first year of life, babies’ brains almost double in size. [5]
The human brain contains a protective gatekeeper known as the blood brain barrier. Essentially, this security system lets important substances into the brain and prevents damaging substances from reaching brain tissue. Researchers do not conclusively agree whether or not the protective blood brain barrier is fully developed at birth. [6]
For the past hundred years, pediatricians and neurologists have believed that the blood brain barrier is not fully developed when babies are born. They have described it as “leaky” and “immature.” If this theory holds true, babies lack protection from an onslaught of vaccine ingredients, beginning just moments or hours after birth when they receive their first vaccination.
Evidence from 2010 suggests that the infant blood brain barrier may be more mature than pediatricians and neurologists had believed for the past hundred years. Even if this is true, can it handle the onslaught of up to 27 vaccine doses during the first year of life outside the womb? [7, 8]
The Blood Brain Barrier Faces Dangerous Vaccine Ingredients
Vaccines contain chemicals that are not beneficial for children of any age, especially for infants. You can read a list of vaccine ingredients here, as published by the CDC.
The list includes substances such as human DNA; squalene, a known cancer-causing adjuvant; thimerosal, a form of mercury known to cause neurological damage; aluminum; chick embryo cells; formaldehyde; and cell cultures from human embryos and guinea pigs.
Vaccines also contain excitotoxins, including monosodium glutamate (MSG), substances which can overstimulate and damage or even destroy brain cells, which would likely be even more dangerous to a still-developing brain.
All of these substance may cross the infant’s blood brain barrier. Sadly, babies’ blood brain barriers may be even more challenged when their parents give them popular pain relievers, such as acetaminophen, commonly known as Tylenol®.
The Risks of Mixing Tylenol with Vaccines
The CDC recently advised parents that giving children Tylenol pain relief after vaccination may make the vaccines less effective. The pain reliever’s ability to prevent fevers causes suppression of the immune system, which also renders the vaccines less effective. [9]
A 2011 report from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warned parents and health care providers that overdoses of liquid acetaminophen in babies of children caused liver failure and death. [10]
Disturbingly, a recent research study demonstrated that increased use of acetaminophen during a child’s first year of life has been linked to higher rates of asthma. In addition, despite the unclear and complex causes of autism, the use of acetaminophen during infancy has also demonstrated a possible link to higher rates of autism. [11, 12]
The causes for these links are still unknown, but scientists have proposed that the use of acetaminophen may cause “alterations in glutathione levels.” Other leading theories include that the use of this popular pain reliever also causes “effects on serotonin, suppression of COX2, and specific effects of acetaminophen breakdown products.”
In simple terms, glutathione is a molecule made of three amino acids, the building blocks of life. Our bodies produce this vital substance naturally. It helps us stay healthy and prevent disease, aiding our bodies to fight cancer, heart disease, dementia, and chronic disease. As a supplement, it has been used to treat autism, Alzheimer’s disease, and cancer. [13]
When babies are vaccinated, many vaccine ingredients may cross the blood brain barrier. When parents give their babies pain relief in combination with a vaccine, glutathione levels may be lowered or depleted, preventing this important “security guard” from removing vaccine toxins from the brain and other parts of the body.
In addition, parents may be unable to recognize adverse reactions to vaccines because acetaminophen conceals crying, fevers, and other symptoms.
The widely accepted use of acetaminophen pain relievers, such as Tylenol, has been shown in scientific studies to deplete levels of our bodies’ master antioxidant, glutathione. Parents should question the popular notion that dozens of vaccine doses in infancy are safe, and they should certainly research the damaging effects acetaminophen can have on the developing brain.
- http://articles.mercola.com/…vaccine-dosage-for-babies.aspx
- https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/003292.htm
- http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/story?id=97635&page=1
- http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/story?id=97635&page=1
- https://blogs.scientificamerican.com…why-humans-give-birth-to-helpless-babies/
- http://www.thevaccinereaction.org…natures-security-system/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3314990/
- https://www.nvic.org/Downloads/49-Doses-PosterB.aspx
- http://www.cbsnews.com/news/study-avoid-tylenol-after-vaccinations/
- https://www.fda.gov/ForConsumers/ConsumerUpdates/ucm284563.htm
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3261751/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18445737
- https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/what-is-glutathione/