UK Scientist Speaks Out About the Dangers of Aluminum Adjuvants in Vaccinations

Over the years, Professor Christopher Exley, from the Keele University in Staffordshire, has written hundreds of papers on the dangers of aluminum. Known worldwide as Mr. Alumunim, Exley has studied the dangers of aluminum for the past 35 years and he is particularly concerned about the use of aluminum adjuvants in childhood vaccinations.

One of the vaccinations that contains an exceptionally high level of aluminum is the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, Gardasil, and in September 2018, I had the rare opportunity to interview professor Exley on his concerns, and what he had to say was, in our opinion, truly shocking.

During this interview, Professor Exley explained to me in depth about the safety of aluminum salts being used as an adjuvant in vaccinations. What he revealed, we believe, was extremely worrying because, according to him, the HPV vaccination not only contains more aluminum that any other vaccination on the market, but also, according to data, it has been said to have caused more adverse reactions than any other vaccine. He stated that:

“The consensus of opinion out there in the wider world, is always that these are relatively safe salts, that aluminum causes no damage and so being able to use something which is considered safe, which has as I have said costs absolutely nothing to the manufacturer, but also for which there has never been sort of safety trial, there has never been any sort of regulation, so you can use it as much or as little as you wish.”

Exley confirmed that Merck themselves have listed a wide variety of adverse reactions ranging from numbness in the arm all the way to death in their product information leaflet.

Exley asked:

“Now, if parents knew that 1 in 50 recipients of the HPV vaccine will get ill following it and that that illness can be anything from a debilitating illness like paralysis of the arm through to death, would they then think that taking a vaccine, taking something when you are perfectly healthy is worth it or not and would the results have been the same?”

Our guess is that very few parents would agree to their child receiving a vaccine known to cause high numbers of adverse reactions, but as very few parents ever set eyes on the product information leaflet before their child is vaccinated, this is something we will never know.

Groundbreaking Studies by Exley and His Team

Professor Exley and his team have completed many groundbreaking studies during the past five years. Thanks to their amazing work, for the first time ever, parents and professionals are beginning to question the use of aluminum adjuvants in childhood vaccinations and the effect that they can have on our children’s health.

In a recent article on the damaging effects that aluminum adjuvants have on the human body, published on the Children’s Medical Safety Research Institute (CMSRI) website, author Claire Dwoskin wrote that:

 “Below are the landmark studies that have revealed the way in which aluminum in vaccines migrates to the brain and the extremely high levels of aluminum found in the brains of individuals diagnosed with autism, Alzheimers disease and multiple sclerosis.” 

As you can see, the list of the studies written by professor Exley and his team outlined by Dwoskin, is impressive. Under each study Dwoskin has summarized what their study was about.

These studies include:

Human Exposure to Aluminum –Development of the concept of the body burden of aluminum: what it is, where it comes from and how it impacts upon human health.

How Aluminum Adjuvants Work-The first published, unequivocal evidence that the types of cells that are known to populate a vaccine injection site actually take up aluminum adjuvant into their cell bodies.

Human Exposure to Aluminum in Neurodegenerative Diseases-Evidence that aluminum must now be considered to play a role in Alzheimer’s disease.

The Identification of Aluminum in Human Brain Tissue –First use of lumogallion and fluorescence microscopy to identify aluminum in brain tissue in an individual who died of Alzheimers disease following significant environmental exposure to aluminum. 

The Cellular Fate and Toxicity of Aluminum Adjuvants used in Human Vaccinations –Development of fluorescence microscopy to compare how cells are affected by different aluminum adjuvants; evidence showed more cell death by the adjuvant AdjuPhos and more likely translocation to other tissues away from injection site with AlHydrogel.

Aluminum in Brain Tissue in Familial Alzheimer’s Disease –Examination of rare brain tissue for 12 cases of early onset Alzheimers found highest content of aluminum in human brain tissue yet recorded and unique location of aluminum; study concluded that genetic mutations known to predispose individuals to early onset Alzheimers also predispose the same individuals to accumulate/retain aluminum in their brain tissues AND that aluminum is a definite contributor to Alzheimers disease.

Particle Size Distributions of Common Aluminum Adjuvants –Determination of aluminum adjuvant particle sizes concluded that AlHydrogel particles are smaller than AdjuPhos and can explain why AlHydrogel is more efficiently taken up by cells at vaccine injection sites.

Aluminum Now Considered a Primary Aetiological Factor in Alzheimer’s Disease –The definitive statement, published in the prestigious Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, that human exposure to aluminum should now be considered a primary aetiological factor in Alzheimer’s disease.

Aluminum in Brain Tissue in Autism –In addition to identifying extremely high levels of aluminum in brain tissue of individuals who died with autism, this landmark study found the majority of aluminum was intracellular and associated with pro-inflammatory cells both in the brain (microglia). Evidence showed aluminum in lymphocytes (and similar cells) in the rest of the body was being transported from both the lymphatic system and the blood to the brain, suggesting aluminum adjuvants in vaccines may contribute to autism.

Cellular Uptake of Vaccine Adjuvants and Antigens –Discovery that antigens and adjuvants are taken up as separate particles have implications for the formulation of vaccines and how they deliver immunity and the possible role of aluminum adjuvants in instigating serious adverse events distant from the vaccine injection site.

Aluminum in Brain Tissue in Multiple Sclerosis –Abnormally high amounts of aluminum found in MS brain tissue showed the association of aluminum with certain neuropathological features that are characteristic of MS.

 Aluminum-based Adjuvants and Adverse Reactions – A review of the properties of aluminum adjuvants, how they work and why they can be responsible for severe adverse events following vaccination.”

Many of the studies listed above are studies that I have also outlined in my articles.

In an article titled, Scientists Prove Link Between Aluminum and Early Onset Alzheimer’s Disease, I wrote that in December 2016, an article was published in the Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, titled: Aluminium in brain tissue in familial Alzheimer’s disease, that outlined one of the many studies that Exley and his team had conducted on the subject of aluminum over the years. I explained that:

 “However, this study in particular is believed to be of significant value, because it is the first time that scientists have measured the level of aluminum in the brain tissue of individuals diagnosed with familial Alzheimers disease.”

(Alzheimer’s disease or AD is considered to be familial if two or more people in a family suffer from the disease.) 

I continued that: 

“According to their paper, the concentrations of aluminum found in brain tissue donated by individuals who died with a diagnosis of familial AD, was the highest level ever measured in human brain tissue.”

I stated that Professor Exleyhad written the following:

“We now show that some of the highest levels of aluminium ever measured in human brain tissue are found in individuals who have died with a diagnosis of familial Alzheimers disease.

The levels of aluminium in brain tissue from individuals with familial Alzheimers disease are similar to those recorded in individuals who died of an aluminium-induced encephalopathy while undergoing renal dialysis.”

I stated that he had explained in his paper, that:

“Familial Alzheimers disease is an early-onset form of the disease with first symptoms occurring as early as 30 or 40 years of age. It is extremely rare, perhaps 2-3% of all cases of Alzheimers disease. Its bases are genetic mutations associated with a protein called amyloid-beta, a protein which has been heavily linked with the cause of all forms of Alzheimers disease.

Individuals with familial Alzheimers disease produce more amyloid beta and the onset of the symptoms of Alzheimers disease are much earlier in life.”

What Do Their Findings Mean?

To explain the team’s findings in more depth, I wrote that Exley had stated that:

 “This new research may suggest that these genetic predispositions to early onset Alzheimers disease are linked in some way to the accumulation of aluminium (through ‘normal everyday human exposure) in brain tissue.

Ageing is the main risk factor for Alzheimers disease and aluminium accumulates in human brain tissue with ageing. Environmental or occupational exposure to aluminium results in higher levels of aluminium in human brain tissue and an early onset form of sporadic Alzheimers disease. The genetic predispositions which are used to define familial or early-onset Alzheimers disease also predispose individuals to higher levels of brain aluminium at a much younger age.

Aluminium is accepted as a known neurotoxin, for example being the cause of dialysis encephalopathy, and its accumulation in human brain tissue at any age can only contribute to any ongoing disease state or toxicity.””

I continued by explaining that Exley’s paper was extremely concerning because, according to research published at the time, infants under the age of 2 years were being vaccinated with 4,925 mcg of aluminum. 

To read my full article, see: Scientists Prove Link Between Aluminum and Early Onset Alzheimer’s Disease.

This was not the only study written by professor Exley that I have written about over the years. Here are two more of my articles which cover his work:

Scientists Discover A Non-Invasive Treatment For Multiple Sclerosis

New Research Proves Brains of Children with Autism are Loaded with Aluminum

Further Studies Awaiting Publication

However, these studies are not only studies that Exley and his team have been working on. They also have additional studies awaiting publication. These include a study on how off-the-shelf infant formulas specially designed for infants and those infants suffering from allergies and food intolerances are in fact contaminated with aluminum, which, over time, may contribute to further health complications in the future, and a study on aluminum and epilepsy.

These are both studies of upmost importance, as I am sure you will agree. but sadly, these studies cannot and will not be able to go ahead without funding from organizations like the CMSRI, who provide research funding for independent studies on causal factors underlying the chronic disease and disability epidemic. We believe that it is important that the public acknowledge the significance of their funding and continue to support their work. To make a donation to this organization your organization of choice this Christmas, please visit their donate page at

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About the author

Christina England, BA Hons