Teen Has H1N1 Vaccine Reaction, Diagnosed with Guillian Barre Syndrome
By VT / November 21, 2009H1N1 Flu shot cripples teenager.
Jeffry John Aufderheide is the father of a child injured as a result of vaccination. As editor of the website www.vactruth.com he promotes well-educated pediatricians, informed consent, and full disclosure and accountability of adverse reactions to vaccines.
H1N1 Flu shot cripples teenager.
It is also planned that 14 other bergen babies will be part of the experiment.
“But what happens when researchers at the same university publish medical studies without acknowledging that they were written by somebody else?â€
People are starting to see through the H1N1 Swine Flu Propaganda.
Increasing numbers of scientists and doctors are issuing harsh criticisms of the Government’s plan to vaccinate (forcibly if necessary) virtually the entire U.S. population with what they claim is a poorly tested vaccine…
As they conduct an autopsy investigation into the second death, Chinese health officials have pulled all vaccines that were manufactured in the same batch used to inoculate the teacher.
He said there was an “anti-vaccine” attitude among some Americans, prompted in part by distrust of the government.
With the current H1N1 strain fizzling out — and yet billions of dollars worth of vaccines still needing to be sold — could the Ukraine strain have been engineered to scare up more demand and more sales of vaccines and anti-virals?
The drop in numbers willing to take the H1N1 vaccine mirrors that in Germany where just 13% now say they are willing to take the shot, down from 51% in July.
A northern Virginia family says their lives were turned upside down just 24 hours after getting their 14-year-old son received his seasonal flu and H1N1 vaccines.
Two people died after they were inoculated with the H1N1 flu vaccine in China, health authorities reported, amid wariness among the Chinese about the quality of the shot.
“Four of us got the H1N1 vaccine 2 weeks ago and one by one each of us started to have preterm contractions.”
She had also received the H1N1 vaccination on Oct. 29, two days before coming down with symptoms of the flu.
Friday’s incident was the only time Ohio County deputies have held a student during a shot.
Such contrarian voices, through the megaphone of cable news or in the quiet of exam rooms, have forced federal health officials to play defense as well as offense in their campaign to encourage immunization.