About the author


Jeffry John Aufderheide is the father of a child injured as a result of vaccination. As editor of the website www.vactruth.com he promotes well-educated pediatricians, informed consent, and full disclosure and accountability of adverse reactions to vaccines.

Medical Schools Quizzed on Ghostwriting

By VT / November 18, 2009

“But what happens when researchers at the same university publish medical studies without acknowledging that they were written by somebody else?”

China Investigates Deaths After Swine Flu Shot

By VT / November 17, 2009

As they conduct an autopsy investigation into the second death, Chinese health officials have pulled all vaccines that were manufactured in the same batch used to inoculate the teacher.

Two die in China after H1N1 flu vaccine

By VT / November 14, 2009

Two people died after they were inoculated with the H1N1 flu vaccine in China, health authorities reported, amid wariness among the Chinese about the quality of the shot.

H1N1 injection (and spray) rejection

By VT / November 12, 2009

Such contrarian voices, through the megaphone of cable news or in the quiet of exam rooms, have forced federal health officials to play defense as well as offense in their campaign to encourage immunization.

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