A Response to a Pediatrician


From a post on Neil Z. Miller’s Facebook page…

I received the following email this morning (my response follows):

The documentation of the reduced incidence of certain diseases is public information, and easily accessible. Here is a link to just one report http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5024a2.htm.

For anyone who does not believe that immunization has made a positive difference in the lives of our human population I would issue you this single challenge. Name one person under age 30 that you know that has had measles or smallpox.

Incidentally, I am a pediatrician who grew up in a third world country witnessing the effects of vaccine preventable diseases in my friends. When I am approached by parents who choose not to immunize, or may choose alternate schedules, I simply tell them I must recommend the ACIP recommended schedule because that is the standard by which I am judged, however I will respect their right to choose. I also make sure they know, they will get the same very brief statement every time shots are due. In this country where we have freedom of choice, it’s ironic that if I fail to make my statement, there is a lawyer out there who might successfully take advantage of my “failure to inform parents of the life saving benefits or vaccines that are recommended as the standard of care”.

My response:

Your “proof” of vaccine benefits is extremely simplistic. Reducing the incidence of a disease while increasing the number of autoimmune and neurological disorders is not positive progress. Your profession is excellent at burying its head in the sand, pretending that severe vaccine reactions are rare and essentially conning parents into mistrusting their own observations so that they can continue damaging their children even after they’ve experienced a life-threatening side effect from the shots. VAERS is underreported by a factor of about 100 (as are all passive reporting systems) yet by refusing to investigate or pretending they are merely anecdotal, you are able to continue promoting your product with impunity. You and your vaccine brotherhood live in a make-believe world where vaccine benefit-to-risk ratios are figments of reality. For example, the HPV vaccine is a dangerous scam that won’t protect a single young lady from cervical cancer yet this vaccine has already been linked to thousands of debilitating reactions, including 61 deaths. In clinical studies, the new rotavirus vaccine actually killed more babies that received it when compared to babies that were left alone. These deaths were statistically significant, yet this vaccine was licensed. We can save hundreds of lives by NOT vaccinating babies with this killer shot.

You may find it ironic that you need to warn parents against non-vaccination, but you fail to recognize that you are criminally negligent every time you successful convince a new parent to flood their developing infants’ little bodies with 8 different vaccine/drugs simultaneously at 2, 4, and 6 months of age, because this toxic overload is responsible for so many of their health problems. This has no affinity with true science; this is mad science. Yet, you brag about exporting this program overseas, where babies in Third World countries now have access to mercury-laced shots and all of the debilitating ailments our own children are experiencing as a result of this insanity. The U.S. is the most vaccinated country in the world yet our infant mortality rate is atrocious. Every time we add a new vaccine to the schedule, the U.S. actually drops a few more places in the international infant mortality rate standings. This should not inspire pride in rational people. For more information about overdosed babies, I recommend the following eBook: http://thinktwice.com/overdose.pdf

Please re-educate yourself about vaccines so that you can offer honest health benefits to your families. Although many pediatricians today are aggressive legalized drug peddlers for the pharmaceutical companies, it doesn’t have to continue this way. At least you allow your familes the right to reject vaccines, which is a step ahead of many other pediatricians, who are denying service to non-vaccinators. If you can stretch in your understanding just a little bit more, you will come to see, like several enlightened medical doctors today, that the current pediatric system — and the entire vaccine program — is dysfunctional and dangerous, in need of a major overhaul. You have lost the trust of the people, not because they are uneducated and irrational but rather because they have valid concerns and are starting to wake up.

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About the author


Jeffry John Aufderheide is the father of a child injured as a result of vaccination. As editor of the website www.vactruth.com he promotes well-educated pediatricians, informed consent, and full disclosure and accountability of adverse reactions to vaccines.