Merck wants your Tired, your Poor to be ‘One Less’ Gardasil Access Program Targets Third World Countries

SEO Press Releases

Vaccine Adverse Reporting System (VAERS) May statistics on HPV vaccine injury and death now stands at 18,445 adverse reaction (increase of 1,000 in the last 6 weeks), 75 deaths, 3,771 not recovered, 4,905 unknown recovered, 610 disabled, 355 life threatening, 7,858 ER visits, 1,865 hospitalized. The numbers reflect only 1 to 10% of the population reporting.

Recent news stories have reported that only 1/3 of girls in the U.S. are getting vaccinated. With the FDA’s blessing, Merck is now actively pursuing 9 to 26 year old boys – and reports of adverse events are now coming in.

If this is not enough cause for concern, the Gardasil Access Program, a five-year organized effort between Merck & Company, Axios Healthcare Development (AHD) and Axios International is now donating 3 million doses of the vaccine to low-income countries around the world.

As reported in the June 13 Vaccine Examiner article, Merck targets low-income countries for further HPV vaccination ‘projects’ , 72 countries are eligible for the program and with a downloadable application form for organizations and institutions in these low-income countries to use.

Read the rest of the press release.

About the author


Jeffry John Aufderheide is the father of a child injured as a result of vaccination. As editor of the website he promotes well-educated pediatricians, informed consent, and full disclosure and accountability of adverse reactions to vaccines.