The huge wave of serious adverse conditions after Gardasil vaccination has caused deep concern across the world. However, the suffering may not only be limited to those who are vaccinated. Blood donated from individuals vaccinated with Gardasil may have horrific consequences for the recipients’ health.
HPV was found in a girl’s blood two years after vaccination. It should not be present!
Normally the virus does not survive in the blood stream for long. Why was the human papilloma virus present instead of the antibodies? A shocking discovery was made when an independent lab analyzed vials of Gardasil. [1]
Samples of Gardasil showed the presence of genetically modified HPV DNA, a potential biohazard. Vials of Gardasil from 13 different lot numbers were analyzed by an independent lab contracted by the SANE Vax team. All the samples were found to be contaminated with viral HPV DNA residues, firmly attached to the aluminum adjuvant.
“All recombinant or genetically engineered DNAs are considered potential biohazards if injected intramuscularly into the body … Gardasil is the first vaccine found to be contaminated by a genetically engineered DNA used to manufacture virus-like particle proteins for the vaccine.” [2]
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Foreign DNA Fragments Discovered in Post-Mortem Samples
Merck’s Gardasil patient product insert originally stated that there was no viral DNA in the vaccine. After viral DNA was discovered by an independent lab, the statement mysteriously disappeared from US product inserts in April 2011. SANE Vax, Inc., believes the FDA and Merck should have tested, evaluated and quantified the risk of the residual recombinant HPV DNA in Gardasil before vaccine approval.
SANE Vax Inc. also believes that both the FDA and Merck were at least negligent and perhaps fraudulent when claiming there was ‘no HPV (viral) DNA’ in the Gardasil vaccine.
Dr. Lee, a pathologist on the medical staff at Connecticut’s Milford Hospital, testified:
“The finding of these foreign DNA fragments in the post-mortem samples six months after vaccination indicates that some of the residual DNA fragments from the viral gene or plasmid injected with Gardasil may have been protected from degradation in the form of DNA-aluminum complexes in the macrophages; or via integration into the human genome.
Undegraded viral and plasmid DNA fragments are known to activate macrophages, causing them to release tumor necrosis factor, a myocardial depressant which can induce lethal shock in animals and humans.
Based on medical literature and some of the FDA/Merck’s own publications, adventitious (coming from an outside source) DNA in an injectable protein-based vaccine may increase the risk of autoimmune disorders and gene mutation which may lead to malignancies.” [3]
If the Gardasil-vaccinated donate blood, these unanswered questions may apply both to the donors and to the recipients:
- Is the aluminium bound recombinant (genetically modified) HPV DNA a new chemical compound with untested toxicity?
- Does binding with aluminium prolong survival of the recombinant HPV DNA in the blood stream?
- If recombinant HPV DNA attached to aluminum adjuvant enters a person’s blood, how long will it remain there?
- Which autoimmune-related disorders could result from this contamination?
- Which genetic changes (mutagenesis) could occur should the residual HPV DNA enter and begin reproducing in a human cell?
- Is it possible that the contamination will initiate gene mutations which may lead to cancer?
Blood Donation: How is the Blood Tested?
Information from the the UK National Health Service (NHS) explains that after your blood has been collected for donation, it is sent for testing in a laboratory. Here, it is screened for viruses and infections such as HIV and hepatitis.
If the blood passes this screening, it will usually be separated into different components. This means your blood donation can be used to help several different patients.
Once the blood has been separated, it is distributed to hospitals all over the country. [4]
From this information, we may definitely deduce that blood will not be tested for genetically modified (recombinant) aluminium-bound HPV DNA. Blood from several donors may be mixed or pooled. Elements in blood from a Gardasil-vaccinated donor may be given to several recipients.
In some poor regions of the world the blood is not tested at all. The human consequences may be devastating. [5]
Health Authorities and Blood Donation Units Ignore the Presence of the Potential Biohazard in the Blood of Gardasil-Vaccinated Donors
Guidelines for assessing blood donor suitability do not contain special restrictions regarding blood donation from Gardasil vaccinated.
Here are some official guidelines from well-known organizations on assessing donor suitability for blood donation:
On page 64, a list of vaccines is given, including the HPV vaccine, followed by:
“These vaccines pose no risk to the recipients of blood; donors may be accepted provided they are well.” [6]
Australian Red Cross Blood Service
“Question: How long after I’ve had a vaccination (or flu shot, etc) can I donate?
Answer: Those made from ‘killed/inactivated/recombinant’ material generally do not affect eligibility. These include diphtheria, influenza (both seasonal flu and H1N1 or ‘swine’ flu), hepatitis A, meningococcus, pertussis (whooping cough), pneumococcus, Q fever, tetanus, human papillomavirus (Gardasil) and others.” [7]
UK National Health Service (NHS)
“People who cannot donate blood: You may not be able to donate blood if you have had certain immunizations within the last four weeks.” [8]
This statement was followed up by sending a polite email message to Dr. David Salisbury, Director of Immunization, Department of Health:
Dear Dr. Salisbury,
I understand that blood transfusion units maintain that blood donated from Gardasil-vaccinated poses no risk to the blood recipients. I found these guidelines. [9]
However, I have now read that fragments of gene-modified HPV DNA bound to aluminum have been found post-mortem from a girl who had been vaccinated with Gardasil six months previously.
My question is whether there may be harmful health consequences for the recipient of blood from a donor who has been vaccinated with Gardasil?
I will be most grateful for your opinion.
Best wishes,
Ms. Sandy Lunoe
Only a few hours later this rather impolite response was received from Dr. Salisbury:
Dear Ms. Lunoe,
I fully endorse the advice of blood transfusion units to ignore receipt of Gardasil in blood donors as it poses no risk to recipients. The report of fragments of HPV DNA from a post-mortem specimen has been the subject of considerable criticism that I am sure you can find for yourself.
Yours sincerely,
Professor David Salisbury
Dr. Salisbury did not refer to any evidence or studies to support his statement “… poses no risk to recipients.”
The same question was sent to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Here is their prompt answer:
Thanks for your inquiry. Vaccination with Gardasil provides no known risk to the blood recipients or the blood donor. The presence of DNA fragments is expected in Gardasil and not evidence of contamination. Based on the scientific information available to FDA, Gardasil continues to be safe and effective. FDA recently addressed the question of DNA fragments with the following information: [10]
Eileen F. Dunne MD, MPH
Re: Andrew Kroger, M.D., M.P.H, Medical Officer, Immunization Services Division, CDC
No evidence was given to support the statement: “Vaccination with Gardasil provides no known risk to the blood recipients or the blood donor.”
It is the responsibility of health authorities to present evidence that blood donation from Gardasil vaccinated is safe for the recipients. If the authorities do not do this they may well have blood on their hands, possibly a tragic pun.
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1. http://sanevax.org/sane-vax-inc-announces-the-discovery-of-viral-hpv-dna-contaminant-in-gardasil/
2. http://sanevax.org/sane-vax-inc-discovers-potential-bio-hazard…
3. http://sanevax.org/breaking-news-gardasil-hpv-dna-discovered-in-post-mortem-samples/
4. http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Blood-donation/Pages/What-is-it-used-for.aspx
5. http://www.gsb.stanford.edu/news/research/healthcare_donors.shtml
6. http://www.who.int/bloodsafety/publications/guide_selection_assessing_suitability.pdf
7. http://www.donateblood.com.au/who-can-give/faq
8. http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Blood-donation/Pages/Who-can-use-it.aspx
9. http://www.who.int/bloodsafety/publications/guide_selection_assessing_suitability.pdf
10. http://www.fda.gov/BiologicsBloodVaccines/Vaccines/ApprovedProducts/ucm276859.htm