In a press release issued on November 12, 2013, the human rights organization Peoples Union for Democratic Rights (PUDR) stated that between September and October 2013, eight infants had died and many more had been seriously injured after they had received the pentavalent (5-in-1) vaccination.
PUDR reported that the pentavalent vaccine, given to infants to protect them from diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), tetanus, pneumonia-meningitis (Hib) and hepatitis B, had been introduced to Jammu and Kashmir, in India, as part of the Universal Immunization Program (UIP) in February 2013.
Why This Vaccine Should Have Never Been Administered
Their press release stated that immediately following the children’s deaths, a team from the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare in Delhi, headed by Dr. N. K. Arora of INCLEN (International Clinical Epidemiology Network), had visited the village of Srinagar to investigate what had happened. PUDR said that:
“While the final report of this team is awaited, their preliminary report has already stated that the children have died from causes like septicemia and pneumonia, and are unrelated to the vaccine. This conclusion fails to explain why or how the babies were administered the vaccine in the first place if they were seriously ill at the time of immunization.”
In other words, PUDR had uncovered that the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare had given their conclusions as to how these children had died before the final reports had even been issued.
Disgusted by their discoveries, PUDR decided to investigate for themselves exactly what had happened to these infants. They described with horror what they had uncovered:
“It was in this context that the PUDR, Delhi (People’s Union for Democratic Rights), put together a team comprising public health experts, including clinicians, to look into these incidents. The team which was in Srinagar between 8th to 10th November, visited some of the affected families and conducted a verbal autopsy of the infant deaths to look for antecedent illnesses as well as enquire about other adverse events (as per the Adverse Events Following Immunisation (AEFI ) guidelines.
This team came across infants who had developed serious adverse events after the immunization and had been admitted in the children’s hospital in Srinagar. It was found that the FIR (First Information Report by a doctor or health worker for reporting AEFI) had been recorded only in the cases of death and not in cases of those infants who survived; in other words FIR was prepared after death of the child and not on admission.” (emphasis added)
During their investigations, they discovered that it had taken one family over two hours to reach the hospital and by the time the exhausted family had arrived, their baby had died en route. However, instead of reporting this case as another possible vaccine death, the hospital reported that child had been ‘dead on arrival.’
PUDR learned that although the FDA does not license the pentavalent vaccine for use in the USA, the World Health Organization (WHO), the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI), and the Gates Foundation heavily promotes its use in the developing world. [1]
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Ties Discovered to Gates Foundation
So, why is the WHO promoting a dangerous vaccine that is killing children? Maybe it is because the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation are funding them to do so.
The Gates Foundation recently announced that they will be giving the sum of $750 million over five years to help ensure that children in developing countries are immunized against major killer diseases in the new millennium.
They said in a press release:
“The fund will work closely with a new international coalition called the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI), a partnership of international development and finance organizations, philanthropic groups, the pharmaceutical industry and others.
The GAVI partners, which include the World Health Organization, UNICEF, The World Bank, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Children’s Vaccine Program will use the money for a sustained global vaccination effort to address the challenges facing vaccine development and delivery in developing countries.” [2]
Are These Vaccines Saving Children Or Killing Them?
For many years our governments and mainstream media have led us to believe that organizations such as the WHO, GAVI and the Gates Foundation promote vaccines such as the pentavalent vaccine for use in developing countries to save the lives of millions of children. But are they?
Apparently not, according to Truthstream Media, who has recently written an article tiled Pediatrician Says 5-in-1 Vaccine Pushed by Bill Gates’ GAVI, WHO Will Kill 3,125 Babies. The 5-in-1 vaccine, promoted by the Gates Foundation, GAVI, the WHO and UNICEF, has already killed at least 70 children across five developing nations and is on target to kill thousands more. They wrote that:
“According to a recently published editorial in the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics by St. Stephens Hospital Head Pediatrician Dr. Jacob Puliyel, thousands more babies are expected to perish for what will be a negligible impact in the supposed campaign to stop disease.”
They stated in their report that Dr. Puliyel had accused WHO of promoting the 5-in-1 vaccination by FALSELY stating that NO adverse event following immunization had ever been reported. [3]
Vaccine Death is Not SIDS
I decided to find out exactly what else Dr. Puliyel had written in his report.
I found that his report revealed that several infants had died, soon after vaccination, in every area where the vaccine had been introduced. To cover up this fact, the WHO had come up with various elaborate excuses.
However, Dr. Jacob Puliyel had written that none of their excuses were ‘sufficient alternative causes’ and revealed that whenever a child’s death could not be explained, the WHO diagnosed the child as having died from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
He wrote:
“All sudden deaths in infancy are not cases of SIDS. SIDS by definition is the death of an infant that is not predicted by the medical history, and which is unexplained after a thorough forensic autopsy and detailed investigation of the death scene. There are certain features common to all the deaths discussed in this editorial: the children had received the pentavalent vaccine which in most cases, was followed by a high fever and excessive crying and in some, convulsions before the child died. The use of the term SIDS in a generic manor to describe deaths following vaccination, when the autopsy has suggested hypersensitivity and shock, is misleading and unfortunate.” [4]
This is true and it will be very interesting to see how the WHO tries to wriggle out of this factual information.
Again, we have strong evidence to suggest that an unlicensed and unsafe vaccination is being given to millions of children in the developing world. Rather than saving their lives, as we have been led to believe that they are, the WHO, GAVI and the Gates Foundation have killed possibly hundreds if not thousands of these vulnerable children with dangerous and unnecessary vaccination programs.
Many of these children are already weak and ill. What they need is a clean and safe water supply, better nutrition and a better environment. Why are the Gates Foundation, the WHO and GAVI spending billions of dollars on vaccination programs, when they could provide them with what they really need at a fraction of the cost?
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1. http://www.countercurrents.org/pudr121113.htm
4. http://ijme.in/213ed142.html