The truth about the HPV vaccines or what they do not want you to know (Part 1)

Cynthia Janak
Renew America


In my last article I mentioned that I was part of an international group of women and we had a “listening session” with the FDA and presented our findings, based on scientific, peer reviewed and FDA and CDC documents. The presentation was held on March 12th of 2010 and the silence of the FDA to our findings is deafening.

What I am going to do is inform you as to what our findings are in a series of articles. The reason for this is because the presentation had 54 slides and there is just too much data involved for just one article.

To start with let me tell you about the women in this international group.

Karen Maynor from New Mexico is the one who got this whole thing with the FDA rolling when she sent them a letter. What ensued because of that letter was a series of conference calls with the FDA that led up to the webinar. The reason that the letter was sent in the first place was that she lost her beautiful daughter because of the Gardasil vaccine and wanted answers. Her daughter’s name was Megan and she passed just before her 21rst birthday.

Read the rest of the article.

About the author


Jeffry John Aufderheide is the father of a child injured as a result of vaccination. As editor of the website he promotes well-educated pediatricians, informed consent, and full disclosure and accountability of adverse reactions to vaccines.