HPV testing and vaccination: 56 experts appear to ignore the facts

Norma Erickson

According to a recent abstract in PubMed, 56 experts in cervical cancer gathered to review the current state of HPV typing in the vaccinated population of the United States and the potential for typing this population over the next five years.

Their conclusions were startling, to say the least. On one hand, they conclude that HPV DNA screening and genotyping may be the future in the post-HPV vaccination United States.

On the other hand, they state, “HPV typing should not be used to determine who should be vaccinated against HPV.”

Anyone who has an ounce of common sense, has to ask why not?

Read the rest of the article.

About the author


Jeffry John Aufderheide is the father of a child injured as a result of vaccination. As editor of the website www.vactruth.com he promotes well-educated pediatricians, informed consent, and full disclosure and accountability of adverse reactions to vaccines.