Through repetition, the “reassuring” voice that many parents crave will soon be injected into the minds of pregnant and new mothers everywhere, thanks to companies with deep financial pockets. The latest trend in building a support system for new parents who may find themselves tired, overwhelmed, and uncertain embraces technology to reach new parents via their lifeline: their cell phone.
Text4Baby ( is a new program funded by a huge coalition of private, public and military organizations, whose intentions are deceitful, instead of just helping new parents parent, as their website would lead you to believe. This so-called “wellness initiative” hails from a huge list of corporate and government partners with ulterior motives.
If you are well-versed in the language of healthy living and Big Pharma cover-ups[1], you will easily see through this scam as another way to encourage parents to vaccinate their children. Are you among the growing percentage of concerned citizens who are questioning the safety of vaccines? If so, read on.
Pharmaceutical giants Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson; Well Point, the nation’s largest membership health care insurer; and even the Department of Defense and the White House are involved in a scheme that would appear to many, at first glance, to be a well-intentioned, wholesome reminder service for moms to take good care of themselves and their babies. Moms who long for that reassuring voice to boost their self-confidence may have to settle for repeated text messages sent from Big Brother and Big Pharma. Text messages look harmless on the surface, yet waiting underneath is a secret their sources don’t want you to discover.
The secret is repetition through authority.[2] We have known for a very long time that this method works, especially from an authoritative figure such as the Department of Defense or your doctor. In this particular case, the combination of authority and conditioned response give birth to what is known as a virus of the mind.[3]
“Memes (mind viruses) enter our minds without our permission. They become part of our mental programming and influence our lives without our even being aware of it.”
-Richard Brodie
Virus of the Mind pp. 126
The Mind Virus: Conditioned Authority
In the early 1900s, Russian scientist Ivan Pavlov ( proved through a series of experiments that associations to a stimulus could be conditioned. Here’s how he did it.
Initially, dogs were given food at the sound of a ringing bell. After the dogs began to associate being fed with the ringing bell, researchers then just rang the bell at which point the dogs began to salivate. Therefore, the dogs’ association to bell ringing with being fed was formed. Mothers who want to make the right decision for Baby are told to similarly respond to these Pavlonian texts.
This new program sends text messages to new and expectant parents to remind them to “take a nap” and schedule their child’s well-baby exam. Vaccination texts are mixed in with common sense messages, implying that injecting chemicals like aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, and polysorbate 80 into your new tiny person need not be questioned.
After Baby was born, like most new parents, I questioned myself dozens of times a day. Was Baby eating enough? Was Baby warm enough? Is Baby having enough wet diapers? Am I holding Baby too much? That well-intentioned self-doubt, combined with a new mom’s longing for sleep, might convince her to listen to repetitive text messages about her baby’s well-being from so-called experts, especially if those moms feel too tired to do additional research on their own about the safety and efficacy of vaccinations.
In my own search for respite, I experimented with novel measures to add precious minutes to my underfunded sleep bank. I tried walking down the short hallway from my bedroom to the rocking chair with my eyes closed as I held Baby in my arms for an afternoon feeding, grateful for mere seconds of artificial rest. I skipped showers and skipped housework. I took advice from well-meaning friends and doctors that I wouldn’t normally heed. I craved a nap, a meal that I didn’t have to cook, a pile of neatly folded clean laundry, and a five-minute chair massage. Most of all, I longed for an encouraging voice to tell me I was doing a good job taking care of my baby. What if that voice had been a text message reminding me to vaccinate my child? Would I have listened? As the website states on its homepage, “She’s One Smart Mom, She’s Got text4baby.”
In Conclusion
At first glance, the initiative sounds like a positive way to help families take good care of their precious new babies. Strategic text message reminders are sent about getting enough sleep, scheduling well-baby check-ups with their health care provider … and injecting their precious new baby with lots and lots of vaccines. Do new moms really need a reminder to take a nap? Do fresh-from-the-womb little people really need toxic doses of aluminum, mercury, and other chemicals that don’t belong in their tiny bodies?
One hundred seventy-seven nations around the world (…) offer paid maternity leave for new moms. What does our country offer? A few dozen text messages laced with publicly and privately funded propaganda to push their self-serving no-child-left-behind-without-injected toxins agenda.
[1] Read the URLs below for a few contemporary examples of pharmaceutical companies involved in unethical behavior:– Do Drug Firm Bribery Charges Implicate the U.S. FDA?
o URL:
– Secret US Report Surfaces on Antidepressants in Children
o URL:
[2] “The Milgram experiment on obedience to authority figures was a series of social psychology experiments conducted by Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram, which measured the willingness of study participants to obey an authority figure who instructed them to perform acts that conflicted with their personal conscience. Milgram first described his research in 1963 in an article published in the Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology.”URL:
[3] “Virus of the Mind” is a term taken from a book written by author Richard Brodie. In this book he describes how belief systems can be intentionally created through conditioning, cognitive dissonance, and Trojan horse methods. These belief systems are called memes, or mind viruses.Brodie, R. (2009). Virus of the Mind: The New Science of the Meme. Hay House.