Antibiotics are in your vaccines.
On June 2, 2011, The New York Times posted an online editorial that caught my eye, “The High Cost of Cheap Meat,” in which small doses of antibiotics in animal feed were discussed as the probable cause of the growing concern over an ineffectiveness in eliminating bacterial ‘super bugs’ that are overwhelming our immune systems and the practice of medicine. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/03/opinion/03fri3.html
However, this ‘gem’ really sums up the issue: Last week, the Natural Resources Defense Council, joined by other advocacy groups, sued the Food and Drug Administration to compel it to end the nontherapeutic use of penicillin and tetracycline in farm animals. I must admit that was music to my ears. I’ve been promoting that ever since I learned of that practice while studying nutrition many more years ago than I’d like to admit.
The other remarkable piece of information that The NY Times editorial divulged is
For years, the F.D.A. has had the scientific studies and the authority to ban these drugs. But it has always bowed to pressure from the pharmaceutical and farm lobbies, despite the well-founded objections of groups like the American Medical Association and the World Health Organization, which support an antibiotic ban. [My emphasis added]
The practice of feeding antibiotics to livestock goes back to 1946. Today poultry and fish also are fed nontherapeutic antibiotics, which accounts for faster growth [Performance enhancement], plus ‘avoiding’ health conditions [Prophylaxis] overcrowding conditions expose them to. Are you aware that 80 percent of all antibiotics sold in the USA are given to food-producing animals as small dose antibiotics or antimicrobials in feed to prevent diseases caused by overcrowding and for faster and greater muscle (meat) growth? Early in December 2010, the FDA issued a statement that 28.8 million pounds of antibiotics were sold for use in USA agriculture, or 80 percent of all antibiotics produced by Big Pharma. http://delano.com/blog/?p=1208
According to the Union of Concerned Scientists 2001 report “Hogging It!: Estimates of Antibiotic Abuse in Livestock,” non-therapeutic antibiotic use had increased by 50 percent since 1985. However, FDA now says factory-farming uses 80 percent of all antibiotics produced.
Penicillin and tetracycline are the prominent antibiotics fed to animals or used as nontherapeutic dose antibiotics by most of the animal meat- and milk-producing industries. Nontherapeutic doses are fed routinely and in addition to any therapeutic antibiotics that must be supplied for such diseases as mastitis in dairy cows. Dairy cows injected with the genetically modified growth hormone Bovine Somatotropin (bST), which increases milk production, routinely suffer with infected udders and produce more pus in their milk. Staphylococcus aureus is a cause of mastitis in cows. Undergrade milk, by states and FDA laws, should not be sold for human consumption. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Staphylococcus_aureus
So I applaud The New York Times for their recommendation that
It is time for the F.D.A. to stop corporate factory farms from squandering valuable drugs just to promote growth among animals confined in conditions that inherently create the risk of disease.
However, that recommendation just didn’t go far enough, in my opinion, and falls short of including other antibiotic supply mechanisms: VACCINATIONS.
Vaccine Antibiotics
Are you aware that many vaccines—especially those given to infants and toddlers—contain antibiotics? Some vaccines contain more than one antibiotic. The most common antibiotic used in vaccines is Neomycin. Other antibiotics include Amphotericin B, Chlortetracycline, Gentamicin, Polymyxin B, and Streptomycin. To learn which vaccines contain those antibiotics, please refer to Vaccines & Vaccinations: The Need for Congressional Investigation posted on VacTruth at http://vactruth.com/vaccines-vaccinations-the-need-for-congressional-investigation/ and go to Vaccine Excipient & Media Summary (CDC Pink Book) at pages 16-22.
Even though antibiotics have been around for close to 80 years, The effects of antibiotics on the antigen-specific humoral immune response are not known. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10548572 Interesting?
What we do know is that the humoral immune response begins with an activation phase. That presents an electrifying follow-up question: Do antibiotics in vaccines then cause an intensified or prolonged immune response because of their interactions with other vaccine ingredients, e.g., neurotoxic adjuvants like aluminum; mercury in Thimerosal; or 2-Phenoxyethanol (2-PE) about which I wrote an article for VacTruth.
The immune system was separated into two branches: humoral immunity, for which the protective function of immunization could be found in the humor (cell-free bodily fluid or serum) and cellular immunity, for which the protective function of immunization was associated with cells. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cell-mediated_immunity
Here, in a nutshell definition, is how these two branches of the immune system work:
- In the Humoral system antibodies are produced by plasma cells in the bone marrow.
- The Cellular immunity system involves a variety of classes of white blood cells such as lymphocytes, primarily produced by lymph nodes of the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts, granulocytes (neutrophils) produced in the bone marrow, natural killer cells, and others.
Let’s not forget that Dr. Andrew Wakefield was ‘professionally eviscerated’ when he published that he had found the same vaccine measles strain in several children’s gastrointestinal analyses.
Antibiotics are recognized as being responsible for drug-resistant micro-organisms and, in particular, penicillin-resistant Staphylococcus plus their unfortunate capability of killing off beneficial and essential gut-organisms that produce essential nutrients including the B vitamins necessary for most enzyme systems to function efficiently, and vitamin K, which prevents hemorrhagic disease in the newborn.
So, in view of the above, what do antibiotics do that are:
- prescribed for just about every human medical problem?
- included in many vaccines?
- fed as modifying feed ‘constituents’ for ‘factory farmed’ food animals?
Do antibiotics then help to modify or change the immune system from its pre-antibiotic-era, into a ‘trigger-happy-response’ immune system with allergic reactions and allergies abounding in infants and toddlers? Peanut allergies were never as prominent as they are now, particularly since the introduction of the adjuvant peanut oil, which is not listed on vaccine package inserts or labels. Asthma is almost pandemic in kids. And, with 90 percent of soy in the U.S. being genetically modified, those infants fed soy baby formulas just may present even more challenging health problems that either compound vaccine issues or are compounded by vaccine issues. Which is it?
We will never know the answer until those studies are performed by independent, NON-Big Pharma-associated or financed research. That’s something we should be asking FDA or the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to do immediately, I think.
Cheese Recall for Antibiotic Residue
Interestingly, the Illinois Department of Health recalled mozzarella cheese products because they contained residues of the antibiotic family known as the beta-lactam ring. Penicillin is a beta-lactam. According to Food Safety News, June 6, 2011,
…individuals who are allergic to antibiotics may have adverse reactions, such as anaphylaxis, cardiac arrhythmias, endocrine abnormalities and cutaneous eruptions. [CJF emphasis added] http://www.foodsafetynews.com/2011/06/mozzarella-recall-involves-antibiotic-residues/
Apparently one load of raw milk was not properly screened/tested before the cheese was made and the antibiotic residue remained in the cheese. This just may be a classic example of how food animals transfer antibiotic residue to humans unintentionally on anyone’s part except, perhaps, the farmer who has bought into Big Pharma’s sales pitch for using antibiotics in animal feed or from treating cows for mastitis of their udders.
This cheese recall affected consumers in the State of Illinois. If you have concerns, you may contact Walnut Cheese Company at 815-379-2155.
Microchips in Vaccines?
But antibiotics are not the only medical technology advancement that has become a two-edge sword, so to speak. We soon will be looking down the gun barrel—may literally—for being implanted with microchips, particularly the “Swine flu pathogen sensor microchip” that IBM is working on and has received a patent for. There are other VeriChip human implants that are on the fast track of ‘medical technology’ to detect illnesses and for identity management in what’s termed M2M communications. Please watch this 8:56 minute video that explains what I’ve just mentioned here. Flag the 5:18 minute segment, in particular. http://www.forbiddenknowledgetv.com/videos/police-state/ibm-verichip-rfid-implant-edible-rfid-tracking-chips.html Nano-chips also may be placed into vaccines for specific reasons I’ve yet to uncover. Also, each person will have his or her own under-the-skin bar code called an EPD, “Electronic Product Code.”
It’s looking official: YOU/WE are becoming an expendable product, it seems.
For those who don’t know the history or remember the horrors of the Adolph Hitler years of experimenting on humans to create the perfect Aryan race—over which the Second World War was fought—I think ol’ Adolph is jumpin’ for joy where ever he is at in the hereafter and probably thinking, “You know, we finally did it! And the people thought it was for their own good. What strategy!”
Photo Credit: Somegeekintn