Parents in Wisconsin are grieving over the loss of their infant son following routine vaccinations. Less than one day after receiving seven vaccine doses at his four-month baby checkup, Zaire Corvell Thomas went into cardiac arrest and stopped breathing in his sleep. His mother and emergency responders helped save him.
Once at the hospital, Zaire was put on life support. Within twelve hours, his parents were being pressured to donate his organs. Zaire was hardly given a chance to recover when his beating heart and liver were taken from his living body four days later.
Prior to this happening, Zaire’s mother thought vaccines were safe and was an organ donor. She no longer feels this way and asks parents to please research vaccines before allowing your child to get injected with what is in them. It took her losing her son to realize he was never protected from any vaccine; instead he was used for profit. After learning of the deceptive practices used to get increased consent for organ donations, Zaire’s parents question if their son could’ve survived.
Zaire’s parents live with such grief and guilt, wishing they had been more aware of the truth, feeling they helped harm their son by trusting the doctors so much. Their lives have been shattered over this. In the process of coping with the loss of their baby, Zaire’s parents want to share their story, in hopes to bring attention to issues involving vaccines and organ donations.
Vaccines Didn’t Protect Me
Felica Thomas felt blessed when she became pregnant with Zaire. She refused any vaccines during pregnancy and took good care of herself. Zaire Corvell Thomas was welcomed into this world on October 22, 2015, at Meriter-Unity Point Health hospital in Madison, Wisconsin. He weighed 5 pounds and 12 ounces. Soon after his birth, the vitamin K shot was injected into him.
On October 24, 2015, before leaving the hospital, baby Zaire was given his first hepatitis B vaccine dose. Zaire appeared to be healthy afterwards and breastfed regularly.
Two months later, on December 23, 2015, Zaire’s mom took him to the pediatrician’s office at the University of Wisconsin Health Clinic on Mineral Point Road for his two-month checkup. UW Health is where Zaire received the routine eight vaccine doses for diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, hepatitis B, Hib, pneumococcal, polio and oral rotavirus vaccines, administered by two nurses at the same time.
Over the next several weeks, Zaire’s health started to decline. He developed acid reflux, vomiting, irritability, and unusual crankiness, none of which he suffered from before he received those eight vaccine doses. On February 17, 2016, his mother took him to see the doctor for what she assumed to be acid reflux, because Zaire had started making grunting noises. The doctor said she didn’t want to put Zaire on any medicine because he was gaining weight and appeared healthy. Zaire was not properly treated and only got worse.
On February 28, 2016, his mother rushed him to the emergency room because Zaire kept bending his knees up towards his abdomen, began to look pale, was congested and had difficulty breathing. Zaire was hooked up to an oxygen machine for ten minutes before a student doctor came in and took him off the machine. Staff at the hospital should have recognized Zaire’s problems as vaccine reactions but no one said anything about this.
This student doctor said Zaire probably had a stomach bug and gave him Pedialyte for almost an hour. Felica was holding her son as he drank and he fell asleep comfortably in her arms, then the doctor sent them home. Felica felt the doctors dismissed her concerns about her son and they should have kept him on the breathing monitor longer.
Zaire’s father, Lavell Thomas, always had Zaire laughing, but after he got sick, Zaire couldn’t laugh. Lavell remembers this expression on Zaire’s face as if he were telling him, “I want to laugh, Daddy, but I can’t.”
Four days later, on March 3, 2016, Felica took her son in for his scheduled four month baby checkup. Felica had a conversation with the same pediatrician and told her that Zaire was seen in the emergency room recently and explained what happened while in the ER. The doctor should have recognized how much Zaire’s health had declined since the previous vaccinations were administered and warned Felica not to allow him to get further vaccinations, but instead, the pediatrician didn’t seem very concerned and said it was safe to go ahead and give him the scheduled four month vaccines.
Despite Zaire still not feeling well and having difficulty breathing, she signed off for two nurses to vaccinate him further with seven vaccine doses. Around 3:00 PM this day, Zaire let out a blood-curdling high-pitched scream like he had never screamed before as the two nurses administered the diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, Hib, pneumococcal, polio and oral rotavirus vaccines. Fifteen minutes later, Zaire was sent home.
Zaire calmed down and on the way home, he fell asleep and slept for an hour. After they arrived home, Felica ran errands to Wal-Mart and to the grocery store while her older daughter watched Zaire. When Felica returned, her daughter said Zaire was cranky and that he drank the bottle of breastmilk left for him.
Around 4:30 PM, his mother noticed he had a low grade fever and gave him the recommended dose of Children’s MOTRIN®. Felica gave Zaire a second dose of Motrin around 9:45 PM. After that, she lied down next to him and he went to sleep. Zaire had a bassinet but co-slept best and breastfed.
When Zaire’s dad Lavell got home around 1:00 AM after working the night shift, he noticed Zaire was unusually fussy. Both Lavell and Felica witnessed Zaire having a shaking episode and watched as he stared off into space, but soon returned to normal. Both were unaware Zaire may have had a seizure, which is a common vaccine reaction.
Lavell asked Felica what happened. Felica told him he had received his immunizations the previous day. Lavell said to give Zaire more Motrin, but Felica didn’t want to give him any more doses, so she didn’t.
In the morning, Zaire was acting strangely, not like his usual self. Zaire was still having difficulty breathing. Felica was supposed to work but called in that day as her older kids were getting ready for school. She could tell Zaire wasn’t feeling good.
Then Felica’s brother knocked on the door after 9:00 AM to tell her there was a shooting at her son’s school five minutes away and that the school was on lockdown. Felica left Zaire with her cousin who lived with her while she went with her brother to the school to check on her son. About two hours later they returned.
Felica’s cousin said he was glad she returned because he was just about to feed Zaire. At this time, Zaire was smiling and watching cartoons. Felica played with Zaire. She didn’t notice a fever. She gave him some Pedialyte and laid him down to rest because she thought he was tired due to not having any nap while she was gone.
After drinking the Pedialyte, Zaire wouldn’t go to sleep after being laid down and he started crying. Felica then laid down with him on the sofa and nursed him. He dozed off. She tried to put him in the swing but he got fussy again, so she laid on the couch with him and Zaire fell asleep on her.
Felica’s four year-old daughter came up to her mom and said she was hungry, so Felica placed Zaire on the couch, on his left side, with only his back touching the back of the couch and made sure he could not roll off. There were no pillows, blankets or objects near him. Zaire loved to nap on the couch, so he was used to sleeping here.
Felica went to the kitchen and pulled out some frozen chicken and pulled out a cutting board to cut up a bell pepper. She was halfway done cutting the bell pepper when she asked her four year-old to check on Zaire in the living room.
There are two doors to the kitchen and Felica thought her daughter went through the door to the bedroom, not the living room where Zaire was. So she washed her hands and called Zaire’s name. When she got to the living room, she saw her daughter on the other side of the ottoman calling Zaire’s name, but he wasn’t responding.
Felica called her son’s name with no response, which was unusual. Zaire was always alert, even when asleep. Felica got concerned and went to the couch and touched him and noticed he didn’t move at all or make any noises.
Zaire Stopped Breathing in His Sleep
When Felica touched Zaire and he didn’t move, she knew something was wrong. She quickly picked him up and noticed Zaire was limp and lifeless and that he wasn’t breathing.
Felica screamed to her cousin and told him, “CALL 911, he’s not breathing, he’s not breathing.” She held her son in the dining room light, and noticed he hadn’t changed color yet. She ran to the bedroom and laid Zaire on the bed and started CPR. Felica noticed he had a fluid coming out of his nose. The fluid got on the blanket.
The police showed up and the first responder immediately took over doing CPR on Zaire. Thirty seconds later, the ambulance arrived. Felica wanted to ride with Zaire in the ambulance to the hospital, but was told she was not allowed.
Zaire was stabilized using machines. They were giving him oxygen. Felica was told if she hadn’t performed CPR on him, her son wouldn’t have survived. Zaire was rushed to St. Mary’s Emergency Room in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, and arrived by 1:30 PM.
He was then airlifted to UW Health American Family Children’s Hospital in Madison, Wisconsin, by 2:45 PM. Then Zaire was placed in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at American Center where his prognosis was critical.
Once Lavell and Felica arrived at the hospital in a separate vehicle, they were taken to a room and questioned. Zaire’s parents were investigated and questioned about Zaire’s condition, but not the doctor who said it was safe for Zaire to receive seven vaccine doses while still sick. Two of Felica’s other children were questioned, too.
Zaire was hooked up to a ventilator. He had a CT scan done on him. They put brain monitoring devices on his head. Less than twelve hours after Zaire arrived, the organ procurement team had already been notified, which was required for the hospital to do, in part because Zaire was on life support. [1]
To help determine the level of brain injury Zaire sustained, the hospital staff pinched Zaire’s fingers and squirted water in his ears to see if his eyes would dilate. Zaire’s parents were told there was no reaction from Zaire. They shut off the machines to see if there was any activity, to see if his brain was damaged.
Staff were coming in, saying Zaire was doing well, and then another staff member would tell his parents that he wasn’t doing well, saying just the opposite, then another person would tell them he was coming back to normal, giving them hope he would survive this ordeal. Lavell and Felica were getting upset, asking hospital staff to just tell the truth.
Then the medical staff huddled together and Zaire’s parents didn’t know what they were saying; they wanted to know what they were talking about. Soon after, staff members told Lavell and Felica that their son was brain damaged and wouldn’t recover.
On March 6, 2016, Lavell and Felica were told that Zaire’s brain activity was gradually decreasing and hospital staff removed the electrodes from his head. Zaire’s parents felt helpless and were not able to process some of what they were being told, as their baby was on life support.
Felica left the room because it was too much for her to witness. Zaire’s dad stayed in the room with him. Before Felica left, she told her son, “I want you to be here for me but if you have to go, it’s ok to go.”
The image below was taken shortly after Zaire’s parents accepted what the doctors had said and that there was nothing they could do to bring him back. They accepted that he was brain damaged beyond repair and were pushed to consent for his organs to be donated.
On March 6, 2016, Felica shared this about Zaire:
“For 4 months and 12 days God blessed us with Zaire Corvell Thomas. My baby was vivacious, he was happy; he meant the entire world to us. Our son, our baby, my lil’ dude. His heart is still beating, however he’s fought his fight. His brain can’t take anymore.”
Behind the scenes, the procurement team was already involved; the chaplain, nurses, and other staff were already discussing Zaire’s fate. Medical documents show that Zaire’s death was already imminent in the eyes of hospital staff who had already written that Zaire would be pronounced brain dead twelve hours later, after they performed a second brain blood flow scan on him, scheduled at 1:00 AM in the morning on March 7.
After doing the second brain flow scan, it was at 1:35 AM when Zaire was officially declared brain dead. Nearly right on target, as hospital staff had anticipated twelve hours earlier.
Once Zaire was clinically declared brain dead by the doctor and his parents were told there was no chance he would survive, that he was already gone, the organ procurement team made Zaire’s parents feel comfortable about making the final decision to donate his organs. Consent was given to donate Zaire’s organs because Felica believed in the good of donating one’s organs to save another life, when all hope was lost that Zaire could survive.
Lavell and Felica wanted to hold their son after the life support machine was turned off but they were told they could not do that because the life support machine must stay on until his organs were removed, to keep them viable for transplant. His heart needed to keep beating.
Felica prayed to God. She couldn’t walk or talk while Zaire remained attached to the life support machine, to keep his heart pumping until it was time to take his organs. His parents bought him a memorial suit to wear and had him baptized in the hospital.
The organ procurement team advised they would record pictures during the procedure for keepsake. On March 8, 2016, the organ team was in place to do the surgery. During the last two hours Zaire was alive, his parents were told they could hold him. They held him while the other transplant team was getting prepped to receive the organs.
Lavell got to hold his son most during these two hours while Felica met with the surgical team for an hour and a half to discuss what would happen next. Felica was upset she didn’t have more time with him.
Zaire was then put on a stretcher while still hooked up to the ventilator and his mom Felica rode on the stretcher with him from the pediatric unit on the fourth floor to the transplant unit on the third floor. She told the medical team to take care of her son and really felt they cared for them because they were in tears.
Lavell and Felica were informed by a nurse that Zaire’s heart stopped beating at 4:49 PM and 5 seconds on March 8, 2016.
After the organ removal surgery took place, during which Zaire’s heart, liver, partial spleen and partial pancreas were removed, his parents were told they could hold their baby one last time before being taken away to have the autopsy performed. They were reminded he wouldn’t be as heavy as before.
Lavell and Felica couldn’t bear holding him like this. They didn’t want to remember him this way. So they stroked his hand and kissed his forehead and prayed. Then they felt numb. They never expected to leave the hospital without their son. They didn’t know what to do from here.
Zaire’s parents were told his heart was transplanted into a five month-old baby in Ohio and that his liver would be given to a person in Utah. They were told Zaire’s lungs were too small, his kidneys had shut down and they would not use his skin or eyes, due to size.
Zaire was taken to have an autopsy done. A medical examiner affiliated with the University of Wisconsin did the exam. She was aware Zaire had been recently vaccinated.
Zaire’s hand and footprint casts, taken after he had passed away.
The Vaccines Were Not Mentioned on Zaire’s Autopsy Report
The Deputy Medical Examiner of Dane County certified the cause of Zaire’s death was anoxic brain injury due to cardiopulmonary arrest, complicating hypocalcemia and hypovitaminosis D, and his manner of death was natural.
The vaccines Zaire was given less than 24 hours before he went on life support were completely omitted on his autopsy report, even though it was documented that the medical examiner knew Zaire was recently vaccinated. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and vaccine manufacturers admit every vaccine can cause death. It took effort on the medical examiner’s part to avoid any mention of the vaccines, which is the most plausible cause of his injuries, leading to his true death on the operating table. Not once were the risks associated with these vaccines examined. [2, 3]
Hospitals like the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics partner with the CDC and receive funding from the CDC to do research on sudden infant deaths. This is a conflict of interest to parents like Felica who took her child to a UW-affiliated doctor to get vaccinated. [4]
When business is conducted for profit and the CDC helps fund research done at UW where Zaire was treated, medical examiners working for UW have an incentive not to mention the vaccines on the autopsy report, because it would make the CDC look bad for recommending all these vaccines that are harming the babies.
When a medical examiner makes no mention of the vaccine on the autopsy report, this also helps protect the vaccine program over families once again, by protecting the other doctors they work with who are vaccinating the children and getting paid for each dose administered.
Medical examiners likely have to be careful not to mention the vaccines because doing so could disrupt the status quo, which explains why so many parents coming forward say the same thing, that the vaccines were omitted on their baby’s autopsy report. There is a lot of money made from babies getting vaccinated.
The University of Wisconsin Health System also develops vaccines and works on vaccine research funded by grant money from pharmaceutical companies. Aside from avoiding mention of the vaccines so parents don’t make the connection, these obvious conflicts of interest exist and that is another reason why Zaire’s parents wanted to find a private medical examiner but were unable to, since all of them were connected to UW.
If Zaire’s brain was injured because his heart failed him due to any reason, enough to cause his brain injury, why would they harvest his heart and put it in another little five month-old boy in Ohio and give his liver to a person in Utah? Zaire’s parents learned part of his pancreas and spleen were removed during the organ removal procedure, but they have not been informed why.
It is confusing to people to know that March 7, 2016, is the date Zaire was declared brain dead and the actual date shown on his death certificate, even though he was alive the next day on March 8, 2016. This happened because the patient has to be declared brain dead first, before legally being allowed to have their organs removed.
When the vaccines are ignored, this also means the organ transplant recipient is not being made aware that their donor died from a vaccine-related injury. Considering the recipient of the organs will be put on a post-transplant vaccine schedule, this information should be required to be relayed.
The day Zaire would have been celebrating his first birthday, October 22, 2016, is within the same month in which Dane County is celebrating a newly built $10 million dollar Dane County Medical Examiner Facility, built to keep up with an estimated 45 percent increase in autopsies. This is the same county in which Zaire’s autopsy was performed. [5, 6]
How many more babies will lay on those autopsy tables after recent vaccinations? More African American and Native American Indian infants die before their first birthday and their genetics make them more susceptible to suffering a severe vaccine injury, compared to other infants born of a different race. This information is not even considered when babies are brought to the doctor’s office for recommended shots. [7]
Apnea Tests Performed Likely Harmed Zaire’s Brain Further
Apnea tests can lead to further brain damage. It appears generally accepted to do these tests, to declare patients brain dead, even though they are not dead, to harvest their organs while alive. Once the brain death ruling is made, medical teams can shift their care of the patient to the care of the recipient and proceed with the organ removal process.
Zaire’s autopsy report revealed he had a bulging fontanelle. It is unknown exactly when this bulging occurred but vaccine-related encephalitis is a plausible cause. The apnea test done on Zaire could have caused any existing swelling to be made worse.
“Complications associated with apnea testing include hypoxemia, hypotension, acidosis, hypercapnia, increased intracranial pressure, pulmonary hypertension, and cardiac arrhythmias. Cases of cardiac arrest and pneumothorax have also been reported.” [8]
“The apneic oxygenation test is unreliable in the diagnosis of brain death. It is scientifically flawed and hypothesized to cause brain death.” [9]
Dr. Paul A. Byrne understands the truth that apnea tests cause brain damage; he writes,
“The apnea test is part of every declaration of ‘brain death.’ To do the apnea test, the ventilator is stopped for as long as 10 minutes. This is suffocation of a living person. The carbon dioxide goes up; this can only cause the patient’s condition to get worse. When carbon dioxide goes up, brain swelling increases. No one should have an apnea test.” [10]
Deceptive Organ Donor Consent Tactics Were Used on Zaire’s Parents
While organ donors have saved lives only temporarily, often times, it is through deceptive practices that the organs were harvested in the first place. Parents of vaccine-injured children asked to give consent for the donation are not being told all the facts about what happens afterwards.
When organs are removed from a vaccine-injured child, the pediatric or adult transplant recipient will be put on a transplant recipient vaccine schedule. [11]
Zaire’s parents had every reason to believe the vaccines caused their son to stop breathing and were not aware of this when they gave consent to donate Zaire’s organs. It is understandable why they would not want the recipient of their son’s organs further vaccinated.
The same administration that oversaw Zaire’s organ donation and transplant will also oversee the vaccine injury claim Lavell and Felica intend to file through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVCIP). This is a conflict of interest because the recourse at this time for Zaire’s parents is to file a vaccine injury claim through the NVICP. [12]
If Zaire’s parents file a vaccine injury claim, their son is only worth $250,000, the most awarded as a death benefit related to vaccine injuries. Nearly two-thirds of vaccine injury claims are denied, meaning family members won’t receive any compensation, even if they donated their child’s organs that helped earn enormous profit for the medical community, procurement team and others involved.
Parents don’t seek the money when filing a claim; they seek acknowledgment that the vaccines harmed their child.
Families who have been harmed by vaccines are blocked from outright suing the vaccine manufacturers or doctors who decided it was safe to vaccinate their sick child, which is a contraindication. Parents have to go through the vaccine court first, which is not a normal court process.
The “HRSA oversees organ, bone marrow and cord blood donation. It compensates individuals harmed by vaccination, and maintains databases that protect against health care malpractice, waste, fraud and abuse.” [13]
Those who approached Lavell and Felica about donating Zaire’s organs were trained to not mention any conflict of interest, financial or otherwise. They were trained to start the process early because studies show the longer the team waits to get the process going, the less likely consent will be obtained from the parent. [14]
Pressure to sign consent forms is often obtained while parents are under duress and exhausted. It is shown that when visiting family members are gone, such as night time, is a better time to ask for consent.
Zaire’s parents were not told that the organ harvesting industry is a multi-billion dollar a year industry and that their child’s organs will be profitable for the hospital and medical community. The hospital Zaire was at receives awards for achieving high donor consent rates. [15]
Parents are not being told that hospital chaplains, social workers, medical staff and others collaborate with the organ procurement team, to increase consent for organ donations, and that the recipients of the organs transplanted may not live very long. [16, 17]
Staff members cried with Lavell and Felica as Felica begged them to do everything they could to save their son. Zaire’s parents didn’t know that the pressure put on them to give consent was to further profits over saving their own son’s life.
They fully trusted what medical staff had told them, only to find out the medical staff are given Golden Tickets once they attend an organ donation consent workshop, in which actors are used to help medical personnel learn how to deal with families, to pressure them to say yes to donating their loved ones’ organs. [18]
If Lavell and Felica knew the major conflicts of interest involved with their son’s organs being donated, they would not have given consent. They feel like they helped harm their son further.
Words from Zaire’s Mother
Zaire’s mother, Felica Thomas, writes,
“Since we lost Zaire, I have learned of so many mothers that lost their babies, either through having a miscarriage, stillbirth or after vaccinations. This rapid pace of infant loss scares me and I personally think they’ve perfected a way to hide the cause.
When people tell me they are praying for me, I tell them to please not just pray for me. Pray for infant loss, miscarriages, and stillbirths. Pray that we as parents don’t lose our minds. This is a battle.
People need to get a copy of their full medical records because things are being done without consent. There are some things I wouldn’t know happened to myself or Zaire if it weren’t for the records I requested.
Zaire was amazing. He was so amazing. I appreciate the pictures and videos I have of him. He had the prettiest smile. I miss him taking his hands and rubbing my face, priceless! When the wind whips my face, I often feel it’s him.
I kept everything of my son’s, even the blankets he used in the hospital and the one when I laid him on the bed to do CPR. It still has the stains on it from what was coming out of him. We kept everything of his.
After losing Zaire, Lavell is totally against vaccinations now. As a child, the reactions he experienced made him question, even when he was little. Men don’t really have an outlet. It’s hard for Lavell to talk about what happened.
He does feel that the kids shouldn’t be getting the vaccines, testing the kids like guinea pigs and hurting them, since the outcome is unknown and we don’t fully know what’s in them. He questions what all the side effects from them are and how other animals tested have reacted, other than what we are told. We didn’t give Zaire a fighting chance.
I don’t trust even the funeral home now since they collected money twice on my son. I don’t trust the coroner, doctors, nurses, chaplains or anyone that was in charge of taking care of my son in the hospital. I don’t even want to go to the doctor anymore after what they’ve done to my family.
Our baby Zaire was cremated and put in an urn after he passed. Whichever one of us goes first, we want to be put in the urn with him.
How does one cope with the loss of a baby? This I can admit is killing me, yet I keep praying for relief. Maybe when I can get to where my son is I’ll be okay.”
When Zaire’s autopsy findings came in, the vaccines were completely omitted and not even mentioned on his autopsy report. Zaire’s parents knew the vaccines were the only thing that changed that could have plausibly caused Zaire to stop breathing and they want parents to understand the reality of what happens when you lose your baby to vaccines.
Lavell and Felica do not want you to think others should get vaccinated to somehow protect the recipients of Zaire’s organs; they want you to understand it is the vaccines that are often the cause of the organ failure in the first place and would rather you take responsibility of your own health through natural means, not by having harmful vaccines injected. There is no doubt in their mind that if Zaire were unvaccinated, he would still be alive and thriving.
Lavell and Felica will not allow their family to receive any more vaccines. They are required to file a vaccine exemption if they want their other children to attend school without being subjected to the risks associated with any required future vaccinations. The state of Wisconsin offers parents the right to file a religious, medical or personal beliefs exemption and this will be a priority for them to file. [19]
Organ donors have saved lives but in the process, the life of the donor was truly ended. It would help Lavell and Felica if they were able to get in contact with the families of the recipients, to see how these people are doing and to learn if the transplants were successful. There are steps to go through for donor and recipient families to meet but more often than not, families are prevented from meeting one another.
We send so much love to Zaire for what he went through and what his short life has taught us. Let us remember him and honor all the lives lost due to vaccinations and organ donations. We hope Zaire’s heart is still beating.
In Loving Memory Of Zaire Corvell Thomas
October 22, 2015 – March 7, 2016
He went on life support within 24 hours after receiving the four-month vaccines and his organs were donated four days later.
- https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Provider-Enrollment-and-Certification…pdf
- http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vac-gen/side-effects.htm
- http://www.immunize.org/fda/
- https://www.chawisconsin.org/documents/IP5SUIDreport.pdf
- http://www.hngnews.com/sun_prairie_star/news…
- http://www.wkow.com…closer-look-at-new-dane-county-medical-examiners-facility
- http://www.publichealthmdc.com/family/documents/FIMR2012.pdf
- http://rc.rcjournal.com/content/58/3/532.full
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- http://www.truthaboutorgandonation.com/index.html
- http://cid.oxfordjournals.org/content/30/6/857.full
- http://www.hrsa.gov/vaccinecompensation/
- http://www.hrsa.gov/about/index.html
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4646954/
- http://www.washington.edu…health-system-lauded-for-transplant-organ-donation-excellence-2/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK355268/
- http://www.childrenshospital.vanderbilt.org/services.php?mid=4604
- http://www.uwhealth.org/organ-donation/consent-workshop/46464
- http://www.nvic.org/Vaccine-Laws/state-vaccine-requirements/wisconsin.aspx