At first glance, vaccination appears to be a life-saving benefit of modern medicine. We are told vaccines eradicated polio, the measles and a host of other communicable diseases. However, as the health of America’s children declines, we must take a critical look at causal factors and commonalities in this population.
About half of the children in the U.S. suffer from a developmental disability or chronic health condition. The health of our children is in peril and good sense dictates there must be a cause. How could fifty percent of a nation’s children be sick? Logically speaking, there must be a sound and reasonable explanation. [1]
The Truth About Vaccines
The explanation is multifaceted: in the mid-90s, the U.S. introduced genetically modified foods, which can alter DNA and RNA; we have failed to study the correlation between acetaminophen and the reduction of glutathione (glutathione is a necessary component in detoxification); and we have increased the vaccination schedule from twenty (in the 1980s) to 72 (2017 CDC recommended schedule).
If fifty percent of any population is chronically ill, there will be commonalities among that population and identifiable causal factors. Yes, the U.S. has introduced genetically modified foods to our food supply and acetaminophen decreases the body’s ability to excrete toxins. However, what is most notable about the U.S. is that we have one of the most aggressive vaccine schedules in the world. Could this be a causal factor in the rise of childhood illnesses?
The increase in the vaccine schedule equates to an increase in neurotoxic ingredients found in vaccines. Childhood vaccines contain ingredients such as aluminum phosphate, formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, 2-phenoxyethanol, aluminum hydroxide, sodium chloride, polysorbate 80 (Tween 80), MRC-5 cells and normal human diploid cells, to name a few. [2]
Health organizations argue that while these ingredients may be toxic to the body, they are administered in miniscule amounts and, therefore, will not cause cellular damage. While this argument sounds reasonable, it is not based in fact. The fact of the matter is, adequate studies on the use of polysorbate 80 (also known as Tween 80) in vaccines have not been conducted.
The Truth About Polysorbate 80
The following vaccines contain a form of polysorbate 80:
- DTaP (Infanrix)
- DTaP—IPV (Kinrix)
- DTap-HepB-IPV (Pediarix)
- DTaP-IPV-Hib (Pentacel)
- Gardasil
- Influenza (Agriflu)
- Influenza (Fluarix)
- Meningococcal (MenB-Trumenba)
- Pneumococcal (PCV13—Prevnar13)
- Rotavirus (RotaTeq)
- Tdap (Boostrix)
The issue with polysorbate 80 is that “Polysorbate 80 is used as an emulsifier by the pharmaceutical industry to enhance the delivery of chemicals/drugs from the blood into the brain across the blood brain barrier (BBB). Being that the BBB is impermeable to many things in the bloodstream, researchers needed to find a way to deliver chemicals/drugs into the brain from the bloodstream in order to treat hard-to-reach brain infections/lesions/tumors, etc. Polysorbate 80 is one such chemical that helps in this delivery.” [3]
These following questions are precisely the questions we must be asking. If polysorbate 80 can open up the blood brain barrier (BBB), what is to stop harmful vaccine ingredients such as formaldehyde, acetone, aluminum (a known neurotoxin), etc., from causing cellular damage?
If the function of polysorbate 80 is to enhance the delivery of chemicals and drugs from the blood and across the BBB, is this ingredient a contributing causal factor in the rise of childhood illnesses in the U.S.? If vaccine ingredients include known neurotoxins such as, aluminum, is it safe to assume that polysorbate 80 administered in vaccines is facilitating neurological damage?
Unanswered Questions About Vaccines
I pose these questions as they are yet to be answered. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has never done a study of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children to compare health outcomes of each group. They do not study synergistic toxicity (studying the combination of two or more toxins) and therefore, do not know how these ingredients impact neurological development.
The CDC is believed to be an independent regulatory agency; however, many CDC employees leave the CDC and take high-paying positions for pharmaceutical companies that manufacture vaccines. Julie Gerberding was a director of the CDC and is now president of Merck’s Vaccine Division. Paul Offit sat on the CDC advisory boards and voted to add new vaccines to the vaccination schedule. While at the CDC, Offit worked for Merck, developing a Rotavirus vaccine. This vaccine was added to the schedule and Offit sold the patent to Merck for $182 million dollars; Offit stated it was “like winning the lottery.” [4]
The issue here is not one of conspiracies or even theories. We know that polysorbate 80 opens the BBB and allows for the delivery of chemicals and drugs to the brain. In addition to this harmful ingredient, there are food proteins found in vaccines. These proteins can cause food allergies — notice the increase in peanut and food allergies? — and yet, health agencies like the CDC will not study the causal link between the increase in food allergies and proteins used in vaccines. [5]
The Sad Truth About Fetal Cells
Vaccines also contain fetal cells. The MMR vaccine, for example, contains aborted fetal cells from 1966. The cells were extracted from an aborted fetus whose mother was a psychiatric patient. If we introduce fetal cells and, therefore, human DNA to a child, does this foreign DNA trigger autoimmune responses? [6]
The increase in childhood illness must have a cause or trigger. There must be common factors when half of America’s children are chronically ill. Could vaccine ingredients be the causal factor of the increase in childhood illnesses? This question remains unanswered by the CDC.
As stated above, many CDC employees have a vested financial interest in continuing to sell and market vaccines. As childhood illnesses continue to increase, logic and reason must be applied to the debate and we must identify common factors. What do American children have in common? The large majority receive vaccines per the CDC schedule, 72 vaccines by age eighteen.
Until synergy, the exposure of food proteins and human DNA in vaccines are properly studied, it is reasonable and logical to assume that vaccines are deteriorating the health of our children. The regulatory agencies designed to oversee vaccine safety are profiting from the sale of vaccines; with that knowledge, parents must remain vigilant. Because CDC employees profit from vaccine sales, there is not an unbiased regulatory agency monitoring vaccine ingredients.
Could these ingredients be the cause of the rise of childhood illnesses? As of today, this appears to be the most logical answer. Vaccine ingredients are a synergistic nightmare and just may be America’s best kept dirty little secret.
- http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive…
- https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/downloads…pdf
- http://www.drpalevsky.com/articles_pages/81_Polysorbate_80…
- https://worldmercuryproject.org/mercury-facts/mercury-in-vaccines/
- http://vaccinesafetycommission.org…Food-Allergies.pdf
- https://healthimpactnews.com…increase-in-autism/
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