In 2014, a report published by UNICEF revealed that, due to an outbreak of polio in Kenya, the charity had decided it was time to step up their efforts to contain the disease. According to their reports, the most effective way to increase the children’s immunity was to vaccinate them with a combination of both the oral (OPV) and the injectable polio vaccine (IPV) simultaneously. [1]
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “There are two types of vaccines that protect against polio: inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) and oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV). IPV is given as an injection in the leg or arm, depending on the patient’s age. Polio vaccine may be given at the same time as other vaccines.” [2]
At first, it appeared that two groups of children were to be vaccinated. The first group would receive the OPV and the second group would receive the IPV. However, it soon became apparent that this was not the case and that, in fact, UNICEF had intended to vaccinate the children with a combination of both of the vaccines.
UNICEF wrote that:
“This time we are including injectable polio vaccine,” says Dr. Samuel Oumo Okiror, Medical Officer at the World Health Organization. “When IPV is combined with OPV, or polio drops, the immunity of the target group improves a lot. We want to make sure that there is better immunity gained among the children.”
Used together, the vaccines accelerate the interruption of poliovirus transmission during outbreaks and also provide greater overall protection from the virus. This approach has not been used previously in any outbreak response.” (emphasis added)
Knowing that this combination could be potentially life-threatening, I decided to watch the video that was published along with the report to see whether or not I had read their paperwork correctly. It wasn’t long before the shocking truth began to sink in. UNICEF was indeed vaccinating the under-fives with not one vaccine, but two polio vaccinations at the same time.
UNICEF stated:
“For the first time ever, in December, the inactivated polio vaccine was administered along with the oral polio vaccine and vitamin A in the Dadaab refugee camps and the neighboring host communities.” (emphasis added) [3]
At the beginning of their report, UNICEF had written, “UNICEF and partners supported the Kenyan Ministry of Health in immunizing children under 5 in Dadaab and in neighboring host communities,” however, at no point during the report did UNICEF actually clarify who their partners were.
UNICEF’s Secret Partnership Revealed
In 2014, a report published by CTV News, explained that the Global Polio Eradication Initiative was the organization behind the combination vaccination program. As expected, the organization was made up of a partnership among the CDC, Rotary International, the World Health Organization, UNICEF and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. [4]
In her report, author Helen Branswell wrote that:
“Oral polio vaccine has been the workhorse of the eradication effort since its start in 1988. Cheap and easy to administer, OPV has protected billions of children from paralysis. But the vaccine has a couple of unwelcome features.
On rare occasions a child who gets the vaccine will develop polio; that happens at a rate of about one case per every 2.7 million first doses of OPV given. As well, OPV-vaccinated children shed viruses in their stools. In settings where hygiene is poor those viruses can spread to other children, immunizing them too. But if the vaccine viruses continue to circulate, they can regain the virulence that was engineered out of them in the vaccine manufacturing process. And those viruses can cause paralysis too.” (emphasis added)
Reading through her report, it soon became apparent that it was because of these so-called “unwelcome features” that Bill Gates and his colleagues had collectively come up with the bright idea that these vulnerable children should be vaccinated with both the OPV and the IPV vaccine, at the same time, in a bid to eradicate polio.
In reality, however, his continual obsession with the eradication of polio had backfired and instead of eradicating the disease as planned, Gates had actually made sure that the disease was here to stay.
Was that the plan all along?
Study Proves Polio is Here to Stay, Thanks to Vaccines
In 2012, Neetu Vashisht and Jacob Puliyel published a paper titled Polio programme: let us declare victory and move on. Throughout their paper, they made it abundantly clear that polio was here to stay and reported that cases of vaccine-induced polio had reached an all-time high. They wrote:
“It was hoped that following polio eradication, immunization could be stopped. However, the synthesis of polio virus in 2002 made eradication impossible. It is argued that getting poor countries to expend their scarce resources on an impossible dream over the last 10 years was unethical.
Furthermore, while India has been polio-free for a year, there has been a huge increase in non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP). In 2011, there were an extra 47,500 new cases of NPAFP. Clinically indistinguishable from polio paralysis but twice as deadly, the incidence of NPAFP was directly proportional to doses of oral polio received. Though this data was collected within the polio surveillance system, it was not investigated. The principle of primum-non-nocere was violated.” (emphasis added) [5]
In other words, the researchers believed that the oral polio vaccination was directly responsible for the increase in the number of NPAFP’s that were being reported and for that reason, eradicating polio was impossible.
Children Left Crippled in What Gates Calls God’s Work
However, according to Bill Gates, it appears that leaving vulnerable children crippled from vaccine-induced polio is all part of God’s master plan because in January 2013, Gates told the world in an interview that he had no need for money and that he believed the global vaccination program was God’s work.
Gates told reporters:
“We’re focused on the help of the poorest in the world, which really drives you into vaccination. You can actually take a disease and get rid of it altogether, like we are doing with polio.”
He said:
“It’s not going to stop us succeeding.”
And continued:
“It does force us to sit down with the Pakistan government to renew their commitments, see what they’re going to do in security and make changes to protect the women who are doing God’s work and getting out to these children and delivering the vaccine.”
His words came after several vaccine workers administering the polio vaccination in Pakistan were shot dead in January 2013. [6]
Clinical Trials Identified by the CDC
Even more shocking, in 2014, the CDC had indicated in their report, that the whole exercise of giving these vulnerable children two dangerous vaccines, instead of one, was little more than a “vaccination experiment.”
In their paper, titled Combined Use of Inactivated and Oral Poliovirus Vaccines in Refugee Camps and Surrounding Communities — Kenya, December 2013, during their discussion, the CDC wrote:
“Clinical trials have demonstrated that administration of IPV to children who had received OPV increases humoral and mucosal immunity to the three poliovirus serotypes more effectively than a supplementary dose of OPV. In December 2013, after a WPV1 outbreak, the Kenya Ministry of Health implemented a mass campaign with combined IPV/OPV administration in Somali refugee camps and surrounding communities in Kenya to boost population immunity levels to ensure interruption of any residual WPV transmission and prevent spread from potential new importations.
This population was considered at greater risk because of the high number of cases reported in the outbreak, prior importations of WPV and vaccine-derived polioviruses, and frequent population movement between Somalia and major Kenya cities in the area.” [7] (emphasis added)
If this was not bad enough, the World Health Organization appeared to agree, because they stated that:
“Kenya has been free of polio since 2006. But it experienced several importations of wild poliovirus (WPV) causing outbreaks in 2009, 2011 and 2013. The latest reintroduction was the 2013 Horn of Africa WPV1 outbreak, which started in neighboring Somalia in April 2013. A total of 217 children were paralyzed in that outbreak; of which, 14 were in Dadaab, northeast Kenya …”
WHO continued:
“In response to the 2013 WPV1 outbreak in Dadaab, inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) was co-administered with oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV) in Dadaab refugee camps and adjacent host communities via a campaign in December 2013. The IPV co-administration was in line with the recommendations from the Strategic Advisory Groups of Experts (SAGE) and Independent Monitoring Board (IMB) for polio eradication.” (emphasis added) [8]
Like the CDC, their report leaves readers in little doubt that this was a clinical trial. What makes each and every one of these reports even more shocking is the fact that until these barbaric vaccination programs were put in place, there had never even been an outbreak of polio in Kenya.
No Polio in Kenya Until the Vaccines, Says Chief of the Maasai Tribe
In a recent interview, Dr. Cass Ingram shared with me a piece of rare footage that he and his team had taken while working in Kenya. The footage included an interview that he had conducted with the chief of the Maasai tribe, which was filmed in the chief’s hut.
Throughout the footage, the chief made it perfectly clear that before the polio vaccine program was implemented, no cases of polio had ever been witnessed. In fact, before the vaccinations, the Maasai had never had any of the diseases that they now have. The first time the chief came across a case of polio was when he met a paralyzed child with her mother six years ago.
After further discussions, he agreed to introduce Dr. Ingram to the mother and her daughter, who he believes was injured as a direct result of the vaccine.
Outraged by his experiences in Kenya and the fact that children were being paralyzed by vaccines forced onto them by their government, Dr. Ingram has offered VacTruth the opportunity to publish this interview for the first time. Sadly, the quality of the previously unseen footage from inside the chief’s hut is poor; however, the chief’s chilling words more than make up for the quality of the film.
In a second film, taken by Dr. Ingram and his team, we can witness firsthand the moment the chief of the village introduces him to the six year-old vaccine-injured child and her mother for the first time. [9]
As the mother held her paralyzed daughter in her arms, the chief translated as she explained to Dr. Ingram that her daughter was perfectly healthy until she received the polio vaccine at the age of three months.
She told Dr. Ingram that her daughter was vaccinated with the IPV at the age of three months and that she herself had received three polio vaccinations while she was pregnant. She explained that immediately after her daughter received the vaccine, she was unable to hold up her head.
During the interview, Dr. Ingram turned to the chief and said:
“There is no polio in the Maasai … unheard of, correct? I mean, 50 years ago, 30 years ago … Does Mama know if the child was given anything by the medical, did they give this child the vaccines?”
The chief replied:
“They gave the vaccines to the child.”
Dr. Ingram continued in the video clip:
“You see, in the medicine, they are supposed to take a history, if the child is normal. Every child has to be normal; if the child is normal and at three months, disaster happens, we have to know what happened at one month, two months and three months. This means, if the vaccine is given and then the sickness, it means that the medical vaccine has caused the problem.”
Dr. Ingram’s shocking footage gives us all the rare opportunity to witness the reality of the situation.
During his interview, Dr. Ingram explained to me that the Maasai tribe consisted of approximately 15 families. He stated:
“They are ready to rebel against the vaccines. They don’t know, right now around 98% of them are getting inoculated but they are strong enough still and capable of saying, you know, the elders are capable of saying, “You know, we think we are going to fight this.” So they are up against it, but I think there is potential there.”
Like many others, he worried about the true contents of the vaccinations and the effects that they could have on the children of Africa. He said:
“There must be someone able to test these vaccines. If we were able to test the vaccines the data would invaluable.”
He is, of course, correct, however, only Dr. Ngare from the Kenyan Catholic Doctors Association has been brave enough to have the contents of the polio vaccinations tested. Their testing revealed that the vaccines contained hormones that could render the people of Africa infertile. [10]
One has to wonder whether these vaccines are more of the same. If so, then these vaccinations have the potential to wipe out entire villages. Is this a further attempt at population control? After all, Gates once stated during a conference that “the world today has 6.8 billion people and that’s headed up to about 9 billion, now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health-care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps ten to fifteen percent.” (emphasis added) [11]
This statement speaks volumes about the Global Polio Eradication Initiative’s real agenda.
Our thanks goes to Dr. C. Ingram for alerting us to this atrocity.
- https://www.unicef.org/infobycountry/kenya_72732.html
- https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd/polio/index.html
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OoFd0Ymf7vQ
- http://www.ctvnews.ca/health/combination-of-oral-injectable-polio-vaccine…
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22591873
- http://www.telegraph.co.uk…This-is-Gods-work.html
- https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm6311a4.htm
- https://www.aho.afro.who.i…poliovirus-vaccine-campaign-kenya-lessons-learned
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0-DD1E_Nz0
- http://www.thelibertybeacon.com/polio-vaccines-laced-with-sterilizing-hormone…
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gc16H3uHKOA