In a shocking report, the Global Times reported that an expert from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Dr. Wang Yu, has openly admitted that vaccines can cause severe adverse reactions, including swollen organs, epilepsy, and in some instances, the diseases that they were supposed to prevent!
His startling revelations came when newspapers revealed that two small children had become paralyzed after they had received childhood vaccinations. Dr. Wang Yu stated:
“Some recipients experience sudden swelling of the organs, which can be cured with timely treatment. Some, however, develop epilepsy. Others suffer irreversible damage to their bodies, an effect referred to as vaccine sequelae.” [1]
In other words, vaccines can cause irreversible damage to a child’s body and brain as a secondary consequence of the vaccination. Despite this amazing turn of events, it appears that this story has been passed by, largely unnoticed.
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The Heartbreaking Story Unfolds
On October 9, 2013, the Global Times highlighted that two children had been left paralyzed after receiving childhood vaccinations in China.
Fourteen days after receiving a polio vaccination, four month-old Young Hu was left fighting for his life after he suffered heart failure and slipped into a coma. After three days of treatment, he slowly recovered, but was left paralyzed in his left leg.
According to the report, staff at the hospital in Jinan, in the eastern Chinese province of Shandong, reported the baby to be suffering from polio.
Young Hu was not the only child who was affected. Six year-old Zhang Liyang had suffered similar problems after she received vaccinations for polio and chicken pox.
According to reporters, Zhang Liyang received the polio vaccine in December 2012. Nine days later, the six year-old had also been hospitalized.
After receiving routine vaccinations, the youngster complained about a pain in her back. At first, her mother thought her daughter just did not want to go to school, but she kept complaining, so her father Zhang Gongxian took her to their local hospital. Her mother said:
“The doctor asked me if she had received any vaccinations. I told him ‘Yes, she had a varicella vaccination.’ The doctor told me that the vaccine can possibly lead to illness, but we didn’t think it would become so bad.”
From the report, it is unclear if Zhang received the polio vaccine and the chicken pox vaccination separately or both at the same time.
The Global Times stated:
”Little Zhang then lost feeling below the waist.
Desperate for answers, her father took her to a major hospital, also in Jinan, where doctors diagnosed her with myelitis, or inflammation of the bone marrow in her spinal cord.”
The little girl, who was reported to have loved singing and dancing, has been left incontinent and confined to a wheelchair. Although she receives therapy, doctors have told her parents that she is unlikely to recover.
Dr .Wang Yu, an expert from the Chinese CDC, explained the magnitude of these adverse effects, saying:
“If a person’s immune system doesn’t work properly, it is unable to stimulate antibodies. Therefore, rather than being destroyed in the body, the pathogens attack the nervous system and actually cause the disease that they are supposed to prevent.”
He warned that it could take several days or months for a patient to present the symptoms of an adverse reaction, making it even more difficult to identify sequelae.
In other words, although adverse reactions to vaccines do not always appear immediately, they can paralyze children and, in some cases, actually cause the disease that child was vaccinated against!
Vaccine Pushers Admit The Truth About Vaccines
It is about time that the CDC admitted the truth about vaccines, as they have probably been aware of the dangers of the polio vaccine for some time. Especially, as the developer of the polio vaccination, Dr. Jonas Salk, admitted this exact same thing during a meeting in 1977, when he was reported to have said:
“Live virus vaccines against influenza and paralytic polio, for example, may in each instance cause the disease it is intended to prevent …” [2]
In April of this year, the World Health Organization also admitted that the polio vaccination could cause polio. They stated on their website:
“Oral polio vaccine (OPV) contains an attenuated (weakened) vaccine-virus, activating an immune response in the body. When a child is immunized with OPV, the weakened vaccine-virus replicates in the intestine for a limited period, thereby developing immunity by building up antibodies. During this time, the vaccine-virus is also excreted. In areas of inadequate sanitation, this excreted vaccine-virus can spread in the immediate community (and this can offer protection to other children through ‘passive’ immunization), before eventually dying out.
On rare occasions, if a population is seriously under-immunized, an excreted vaccine-virus can continue to circulate for an extended period of time. The longer it is allowed to survive, the more genetic changes it undergoes. In very rare instances, the vaccine-virus can genetically change into a form that can paralyze – this is what is known as a circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus (cVDPV).” [3]
Although the OPV polio vaccine drops are no longer used in the US, they are still used in abundance in developing countries.
So, why have vaccinations been allowed to continue for so long and what exactly is being done about it?
Activist Sallie O. Elkordy Speaks Out
One person who is trying to end this ‘child abuse by the state’ and who is not afraid to speak out is Ms. Sallie O. Elkordy.
Last week at a public hearing in New York, she made a stand for the rights of children, not only in New York but throughout the United States of America, when she tried to stop the governor from mandating two more unnecessary vaccinations for the under-fives as a condition of day care. [4]
At the hearing, held at the Department of Health & Mental Hygiene on October 23, 2013, she gave a speech lasting just over eight minutes. She made her thoughts and opinions very clear and, quite frankly, she should be congratulated for her bravery. She said:
“We are being given the choice, if we are being given a choice at all, of a life-stealing vaccine, but it is not being said to us this way. It is being said ‘Would you like a life saving vaccine.’ So my new legislation, which is ‘ban vaccines’, has, ban vaccines 2013, this year. (sic) There is no reason to put it off, as the ingredients are one hundred percent toxic and the diseases which result, which are all diseases in internal medicine, are deadly and are life-shortening or diminishing your child or yourself.” [5]
This is an extremely strong message, but one that rings true for many parents. Sallie did not stop there, though, because a few days later, she followed her speech by submitting this letter:
“Dear Robin Winholz,
I left you with 4 items at the hearing on October 23, 2013 at the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Hearing regarding Vaccine Mandates for day-care, preschool and kindergarten children. They were:
1) Proposed Legislation to “BAN VACCINES 2013!” (for three reasons: the Toxic ingredients, the Diseases that result and the Intent to cause those diseases)
2) The movie “Silent Epidemic: The Untold Story of Vaccines” by Gary Null, PhD, which I also asked you to hold a screening of at the Department. I told you I would help you promote attendance if you were to do this.
3) A card that read, “Investigate Before You Vaccinate” which had links to websites which take you directly to the inserts for vaccines and list the known adverse reactions to each.
4) The CDC’s own literature indicating a low incidence of flu this year.
Please share this information with everyone on the panel that will be evaluating vaccine mandates for infants and toddlers.
I leave you with a quote from Dr. Boyd Haley, Professor and Chair, Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky (2001), “A single vaccine given to a six-pound newborn is the equivalent of giving a 180-pound adult 30 vaccinations on the same day.”
It is important to note that Dr. Sherri Tenpenny has recently stated that 30,000 nurses have quit their jobs to avoid being vaccinated with the flu shot. These too were mandated, either by the hospitals they worked at or other authority. I guess the question is, who should possess such authority?
Let me know if you will be screening the movie I gave you and if so, when.
I look forward to receiving a transcript of the hearing from October 23rd. You are welcome to e-mail it to me at this e-mail address or mail it to me at the address below.
Please also inform me when the Committee that will be evaluating our statements and information will be meeting so that I can attend.
To your health!
Sallie O. Elkordy”
Even though vaccines have been known to cause brain damage and have done very little to prevent disease, governments continue to add more and more vaccines to the children’s vaccination schedule. This is despite the fact that the developer of the polio vaccine has openly admitted in 1977 that live virus vaccines such as influenza and paralytic polio can cause the diseases that they are intended to prevent.
As the cracks are beginning to show, it appears that the CDC and the WHO are beginning to crumble under the weight of complaining parents and professionals. This is not before its time.
Armed with these facts, isn’t it about time that we thought of our children and stopped vaccinating them until vaccinations have been proven to be safe and the CDC can openly admit that they are safe and effective, instead of the reverse? After all, as parents, we have a duty to protect our children and keep them safe.
[contentbox headline=”References” type=”normal”]
1. http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/816593.shtml#.Umn7LVMwmSo
2. www.desireerover.nl/wp-content/uploads/…/Vaccination-Quotes2.pdf
3. http://www.who.int/features/qa/64/en/
4. http://vactruth.com/2013/10/21/nyc-vaccine-mandate/
5. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php…