Mercury is OK in Fish and Vaccines but not in Tea

Christina England
August 30, 2009

On the 28th August 2009, in the UK a man narrowly escaped a jail sentence when he poisoned his wife’s tea with mercury in a bid ‘TO SAVE THEIR MARRIAGE’. His wife had decided to leave him so he decided to put mercury in her tea and poison her, to make her ill so he could nurse her back to health and she would love him again. Suspended term for tea poison man the BBC News reports:-

“A man who poisoned his estranged wife’s tea with mercury has been given a 350-day suspended sentence. William Dowling, 69, from Colne, Lancashire, poisoned 64-year-old Maureen Dowling’s drink so she would become ill and dependent on him.”

Mercury left Mrs Dowling feeling frail after her ordeal.

“She suffered symptoms including forgetfulness, indigestion and headaches, but experts said the mercury had no serious adverse effect on her health.

But police later said she had been left feeling “very fragile, both physically and mentally” by her ordeal.”

Reading the above it appears that mercury in small doses in tea made this woman very sick. She was ‘forgetful’ this indicates a possible interference with her memory. So it stands to reason if mercury has this effect on a grown women, it will harm tiny babies with developing brains.

It appears however that in the UK it is illegal to put mercury in someones tea but not in a vaccine!

Drug companies have for years now been putting mercury or ‘Thimerosal’ in vaccines as a preservative to stop contamination. It was said to be phased out of vaccines in 1999, however this was misleading as it never left them entirely and can still be found in some childhood vaccines including the seasonal flu vaccine and the H1N1 Swine flu vaccination.

Many say it causes Autism, epilepsy and other neurological conditions. The National Autistic Association agree. On their site they state:-

Taken directly from the National Autistic Association website


Thimerosal is an inorganic mercury compound that is metabolized to ethylmercury and thiosalicylate and has been present since the 1930´s as a preservative in some vaccines and pharmaceutical products to prevent bacterial and fungal contamination

1.Mercury is hazardous to humans. The use of a toxic poison as a preservative is undesirable, unnecessary and should be eliminated entirely.

2.For decades, ethylmercury was used extensively in medical products ranging from vaccines to topical ointments as preservative and an anti-bacteriological agent.

3.Manufacturers of vaccines and thimerosal, (an ethylmercury compound used in vaccines), have never conducted adequate testing on the safety of thimerosal. The FDA has never required manufacturers to conduct adequate safety testing on thimerosal and ethylmercury compounds. Current evidence suggests thimerosal is neither “safe nor effective” when used as a preservative in vaccines.

4.There are over 1500 studies and papers documenting the hypoallergenicity and toxicity of thimerosal (ethylmercury) have existed for decades.

5.The United States is in the midst of a tragic epidemic of autism. An analysis of the US Department of Education data from 1992-1993 in comparison to 2000-2001 indicates that there has been an average increase of 644% among all US children.  In addition, 13 states have reported an almost infinite or infinite increase in autism from 1992-1993 in comparison to 2000-2001. A review of children in US schools indicates that approximately 1 in 9 children in the US is currently disabled by the US Department of Education Statistics (see attachment).Recent studies in the Journal of the American Medical Association and Pediatrics have confirmed the autism epidemic is real and not due to changes in diagnosis, populational changes nor is it explained by other factors.

6.At the same time that the incidence of autism was growing, the number of childhood vaccines containing thimerosal was growing, increasing the amount of ethylmercury to which infants were exposed threefold.

7.A growing number of scientists and researchers believe that a relationship between the increase in neurodevelopmental disorders of autism, attention deficit hyperactive disorder, and speech or language delay, and the increased use of thimerosal in vaccines is plausible and deserves more scrutiny. In 2001, the Institute of Medicine determined that such a relationship is biologically plausible, but that not enough evidence exists to support or reject this hypothesis. Recent studies have confirmed the association between the use of thimerosal and autism has moved from “biologically plausible” to a “biological certainty” (Boyd Haley).Recent work by Dr. Mark Geier and David Geier in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons and Experimental Biology and Medicine have shown strong epidemiological evidence for a causal relationship between thimerosal and neurodevelopmental disorders in children.

8.The FDA acted too slowly to remove ethylmercury from over-the-counter products like topical ointments and skin creams. Although an advisory committee determined that ethylmercury was unsafe in these products in 1980, a rule requiring its removal was not finalized until 1998.

9.The FDA and the CDC failed in their duty to be vigilant as new vaccines containing thimerosal were approved and added to the immunization schedule. When the Hepatitis B and Haemophilus Influenzae Type b vaccines were added to the recommended schedule of childhood immunizations, the cumulative amount of ethylmercury to which children were exposed nearly tripled.

10.The amount of ethylmercury to which children were exposed through vaccines prior to the 1999 announcement exceeded two safety thresholds established by the Federal Government for a closely related substance – methylmercury. While the Federal Government has established no safety threshold for ethylmercury, experts agree that the methylmercury guidelines are a good substitute. Federal health officials have conceded that the amount of thimerosal in vaccines exceeded the EPA threshold of 0.1 micrograms per kilogram of bodyweight. In fact, the amount of mercury in one dose of DTaP or Hepatitis B vaccines (25 micrograms each) exceeded this threshold many times over. Federal health officials have not conceded that this amount of thimerosal in vaccines exceeded the FDA’s more relaxed threshold of 0.4 micrograms per kilogram of body weight. In most cases, however, it clearly did. As evidence of the growing concern of the adverse effects of mercury, the FDA has recently changed its permissible dose of oral methylmercury from 0.4 microgram to 0.1 micrograms per kilogram of body weight per day.

11.The actions taken by the HHS to remove thimerosal from vaccines in 1999 were not sufficiently aggressive. As a result, thimerosal remained in some vaccines for an additional two years. Thimerosal remains in several vaccines and with the addition of the influenza vaccine now being recommended for infants, children are exposed to more thimerosal today than ever before.

12.The CDC’s failure to state a preference for thimerosal-free vaccines in 2000 and again in 2001 was an abdication of their responsibility. As a result, many children received vaccines containing thimerosal when thimerosal-free alternatives were available.

13.Thimerosal should be removed from all of these vaccines. No amount of mercury is appropriate in any childhood vaccine.

14.The CDC in general and the National Immunization Program in particular are conflicted in their duties to monitor the safety of vaccines, while also charged with the responsibility of purchasing vaccines for resale as well as promoting increased immunization rates.

15.There is inadequate research regarding ethylmercury neurotoxicity and

16.There is inadequate research regarding the relationship between autism and the use of mercury-containing vaccines.

17.To date, studies conducted or funded by the CDC that purportedly dispute any correlation between autism and vaccine injury have been of poor design, under-powered, and fatally flawed. The CDC’s rush to support and promote such research is reflective of a philosophical conflict in looking fairly at emerging theories and clinical data related to adverse reactions from vaccinations.

FDA U.S Food and Drug Administration

Thimerosal as a Preservative

“Thimerosal, which is approximately 50% mercury by weight, has been one of the most widely used preservatives in vaccines. It is metabolized or degraded to ethylmercury and thiosalicylate. Ethylmercury is an organomercurial that should be distinguished from methylmercury, a related substance that has been the focus of considerable study
At concentrations found in vaccines, thimerosal meets the requirements for a preservative as set forth by the United States Pharmacopeia; that is, it kills the specified challenge organisms and is able to prevent the growth of the challenge fungi (U.S. Pharmacopeia 2004). Thimerosal in concentrations of 0.001% (1 part in 100,000) to 0.01% (1 part in 10,000) has been shown to be effective in clearing a broad spectrum of pathogens. A vaccine containing 0.01% thimerosal as a preservative contains 50 micrograms of thimerosal per 0.5 mL dose or approximately 25 micrograms of mercury per 0.5 mL dose”

Many have spoken out for many years against the use of Thimerosal in vaccines.

In a post on the BMJ,Lisa Blakemore-Brown Psychologist, Expert on Autism and Author of the book Reweaving the Autistic Tapestry said:-

Dish of the Day: Red Herrings stuffed with Thiomersal – guaranteed 49.5% Mercury

“Thimerosal/Thimerosal, a preservative developed in the late 1920’s was manufactured by Eli Lilly and has been routinely used in vaccines and many other products since that time.
Thiomersal/Thimerosal contains 49.5% ethyl mercury. Methyl mercury is known to accumulate in fish and for this reason there is a safe daily limit for the amount of mercury adults are advised to not exceed. This is 0.1 mcg of Methyl Mercury per kilogram of weight. Babies have been given 25 microgrammes in each of the following vaccines: whole cell DTP and Hib, and the Hep B in the US. During this same period many very small premature babies have survived whereas in the past they would not have done so.

Over the course of the last century, individuals were given single vaccines with single amounts of mercury, but with the introduction of triple vaccines the amount of mercury contained within the preservative was multiplied and the cumulative effects are only just now being discovered by the public. Early papers on autism and battered baby syndrome appeared following the introduction of vaccines containing this preservative in the 30’s and 40’s and following the introduction of triple vaccines there has been an epidemic of autism – and genetic epidemics do not occur without some outside influence. It is also interesting that the Shaken Baby Syndrome and parent blame theories for odd medical presentations, have also vastly increased since these triple vaccines were brought in.

Thiomersal is still used in flu vaccines and other products but has been phased out in many childhood vaccines, but only very recently. For the UK it was August 2004 when the announcement was made.

Public Health agencies around the world have known about concerns with this neurotoxin for some years, and certainly since 1997 when the US Congress passed the FDA Modernization Act requiring the FDA to review all drugs that contained Mercury and determine their effect on humans. (3)

In 2000, recognising the cumulative amount of mercury in the triple vaccines, the FDA stated that children were receiving levels of mercury via this preservative far in excess of the ‘safe’ guidelines. Rough estimates suggested a child could be injected with 40 times the amount of mercury considered safe

Despite the expected red herring arguments of the defensive and the collaborative effortd of manny
countries to handle worrying data, many lab studies have explored the toxic effects of Thimerosal in humans and animals.

Evidence that Thiomersal can create changes at cellular level is rife in the literature (6,7,14,17,18.)A recent study concluded ‘thimerosal is genotoxic in the cytochalasin B block micronucleus test with human lymphocytes. These data raise some concern on the widespread use of thimerosal.”

Clearly her work is evidence of not only what a truely remarkable, talented and exceptionally knowledgable this professional is but that merury does clearly cause neurological damage. Her post is one of the most well researched pieces of evidence on the Thimerosal I have ever read and well worth reading.

She is just one of many professionals speaking about the dangers of Thimerosal in vaccines.

In 2000 a secret meeting was held without public scrutiny between the vaccine manufacturers,´ representatives, 51 US scientists, and a representative of the World Health Organization. This was to discuss a study by US Centers for Disease Control expert Dr Thomas Verstraeten of increasing doses of Thimerosal and neurodevelopmental disorders in children. Verstraeten used US Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) data, an official US governmental data bank on the children from US health maintenance organizations (HMOs).

Verstraeten´s study showed a dose-response relationship between Thimerosal in vaccines and neurodevelopmental disorders in children that held up to rigorous statistical analyses. This means Verstraeten´s study showed a causal association between the amount of Thimerosal in vaccines a child received and the extent to which the child developed the symptoms of impaired brain development . These ranged from tics, speech impairment to symptoms of and full autism. The discussions can be read in the Transcript of the Simpsonwood Conference obtained by US organisaton SafeMinds under Freedom of Information.
Robert F Kennedy Jnr has spoken often on Thimerosal in vaccines. This is what he says about the Simpsonwood meeting on a video:-
Robert Kennedy on the Vaccine Autism Cover up

He begins by saying we have been vaccinating our children with 400 times the legal amount of mercury that the FDA considers safe. He explains the Governments have worked with Pharmaceutical Industries to cover up known neurological damage that has been caused by the use of Thimerosal in vaccines. This says Kennedy can be proven by reading the Simpsonwood Transcripts.

We now know that Thimerosal is an ingredient of the new Swine Flu Vaccine along with squalene, diseased Green Monkey kidney cells, ethylene glycol (antifreeze), formaldehyde, phenol (carbolic acid) and even antibiotics like Neomycin and streptomycin, after reading Squalene: The Swine Flu Vaccine´s Dirty Little Secret Exposed by Dr Mercola where he reveals the list of ingredients. You have to wonder what the consequences would have been if that had been put in Mrs Dowling’s tea,sadly we could soon find out.

About the author


Jeffry John Aufderheide is the father of a child injured as a result of vaccination. As editor of the website he promotes well-educated pediatricians, informed consent, and full disclosure and accountability of adverse reactions to vaccines.

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