Vaccine promoters want to inject you with more toxic chemicals
The CDC in its December 23, 2011 edition of MMWR Weekly discusses the Use of Hepatitis B Vaccination for Adults with Diabetes Mellitus: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) wherein the advisory committee
recommended that all previously unvaccinated adults aged 19 through 59 years with diabetes mellitus (type 1 and type 2) be vaccinated against hepatitis B as soon as possible after a diagnosis of diabetes is made…
Folks, this probably is the most blatant ploy for more of the population getting additional aluminum-containing vaccines that probably will impede their mental capacities, in my most sincere and honest opinion, sorry to say.
Recently the FDA revised its stand on aluminum (report in press) and I can betcha that the new ‘safe’ standards are higher than before. I have to wait to read the report, but I think the CDC and FDA may be pulling another Simpsonwood Report-like deal that covered their derriers on mercury, and now are doing a similar ‘end run’ on aluminum. Both metals are neurotoxins, which can be a most surreptitious way to control the population, if there is such an agenda afoot, as many attest there is with documentation all over the Internet and probably the paramount reason for their wanting to control and/or shut down the Internet for national security reasons. (http://unofficialnetworks.com/internet-censorship-bill…)
Now to the nitty-gritty of getting millions of U.S. citizens vaccinated with neurotoxins and other horrendous chemicals that I will list later in this article. But first the demographics for the USA only, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services:
Diagnosed and Undiagnosed Diabetes among People Ages 20 Years and Older,
United States, 2010……………………………………………. 25.6 Million
(or 8.3 percent of the U.S. population)
Ages 65 Years or older………………………………………… 10.9 Million
In the above government data, under the subheading of Hepatitis B Vaccines, this appears
Two single-antigen recombinant hepatitis B vaccines, Recombivax HB (Merck & Co., Inc.) and Engerix-B (GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals), and one combination hepatitis A and hepatitis B vaccine, Twinrix (GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals), are available in the United States. Hepatitis B vaccines have been used in the United States since 1982.
Personally, I think healthcare consumers ought to question what’s really in recombinant vaccines, whose definition is this:
Engineered viruses or bacteria into which harmless genetic material and other disease-causing organisms are inserted. Employing delivery agents called vectors, recombinant vaccines aim to create a strong antibody and T-cell immune response leading to protection against the targeted disease. While no recombinant vaccines are currently licensed for general use in the United States, promising results in diverse animal models have been obtained to counter viruses such as HIV, Ebola, and the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciuanum. http://www.crucell.com/glossary/item/recombinant+vaccines
With so much information surfacing about how vaccines are fast-tracked into production and FDA approval, plus the recent problems found with recombinant DNA in the HPV vaccines that are harming young girls (http://sanevax.org/sane-vax-to-fda-recombinant-hpv-dna-found-in-multiple-samples-of-gardasil/), healthcare consumers have to be very careful and weary of the fed’s push to ‘mob’ vaccinate, in my opinion.
Now that the feds and Big Pharma seem to have kids vaccinated right out of the birth canal with the Hepatitis B vaccine to college age (for a total of 68 vaccinations) and under their control via federal and state health agencies mandates, the push is on—seemingly with impunity—to get adults herded into the vaccination fiasco.
First it was the flu vaccine for seniors in the late 1980s, then vaccination against pneumonia—with over four million seniors now having Alzheimer’s disease and dementias that we never had before—and now the push is on to ‘shanghai’ diabetics, which probably is the largest segment of the population they can get to submit without waking up too many intelligent people as to what’s really going on, since they have about 300 vaccines in the development pipeline.
Consider this: The more children are vaccinated, the more children have health problems, and diabetes is one of the diseases listed as an adverse reaction, either short or long-term, attributed to childhood vaccinations and documented by research. That is information the media will not publish and is controlled to keep out of the public domain, I sincerely believe. If others and I know about such research, why don’t you? Aren’t you entitled to know what’s going on? If you doubt that vaccines cause diabetes, please check out the following links:
Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B vaccines are manufactured with some pretty scary ‘ingredients’, some of which include:
Aluminum hydroxide, Aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate, Aluminum phosphate, Amino acids, DNA, Formaldehyde, Formalin, Glutaraldehyde, MRC-5 cellular protein [diploid cells from aborted human fetuses], Neomycin, 2-Phenoxyethanol, Phosphate buffers (several), Polysorbate 20, Polysorbate 80, Sodium borate, and Yeast protein.
Instead of my telling you what the above ingredients are capable of doing in the human body, I’d like to give my readers some homework, please google each of the above ‘ingredients’ and learn what you don’t know about them.
These ‘ingredients’ are listed in the CDC’s PinkBook, pages E-1 thru E-7. However, this author is under the impression there are other ingredients that are not listed there and that’s very disturbing because of the unknowns. I have a sneaky suspicion that recombinant DNA, as found in the HPV vaccine, is known in the vaccines they manufacture, but is not divulged publicly either for scientific reasons or liability reasons, since they would have to give the FDA known adverse reactions to it before approval and they either don’t want to do those studies, or know what those studies produce and that they may be problematic. But that’s my sordid opinion, since recombinant DNA appears in many batches of the HPV vaccine from SANE Vax’s research and analysis of some HPV vaccines. This is the very reason I—and others—contend that any pharmaceutical pre-marketing testing should be done by independent, third party, non-affiliated Big Pharma laboratories, and not by Big Pharma who manufacture the vaccines and publish the results, often in sham peer review journals they own.
Here’s the kicker, as I connect the dots: When diabetics are vaccinated in the USA for Hepatitis B, the World Health Organization (WHO) undoubtedly will declare that universally it is a necessary vaccination and mandate that every diabetic on the face of the globe gets vaccinated. That’s the way it seems to work. Either the WHO or UN start a vaccine initiative—remember the H1N1 pandemic from WHO that the USA wanted to follow only to see the pandemic not pan out—or the U.S. CDC/FDA gets a vaccine issue going, as with the one discussed in this article—and then it’s planetary law, or something like that. Folks, can’t you see what’s going on?
Photo Credit: MiiiSH