As I have explained on previous occasions there are a growing number of parents who have been falsely accused of child abuse. Many of these cases only occur after parents mention that their child first became ill after they received a routine vaccination.
Over the years as a journalist exposing these issues, I have been asked to help dozens of families worldwide who have lost their children or are losing their children as a result of false accusations. I spend many hours sifting through paperwork and engaging with a small number of brave professionals who are willing to give up their time and experience to help in these difficult and complex cases.
At various conferences throughout the year as part of my presentation I show a film describing an assortment of cases that I have been involved in or am currently involved in. With the families full permission I show photographs of their children and give a brief outline of their case to highlight the issues and to demonstrate the reality of what can happen to innocent families when they are falsely accused of child abuse after a vaccine injury has occurred.
At the beginning of August I spoke at the ‘Evidence Based Medicine and Social Investigation,’ yearly conference in Canada. This conference was set up with the soul intention of offering parents and professionals an arena in which they can discuss false accusations of child abuse in huge detail. The conference offers parents the unique opportunity to meet an array of professionals from many different professions, to hear what they have to say and to discuss their cases. http://evidencebasedmedicineandsocialinvestigation.wordpress.com/home/
The audio recordings for this years conference are available now on USB drives for the entire conference for $20 and the DVD’s can be ordered for $100.
Mail a check to:
18217 56 A Ave.
Surrey, BC V3S 7Z2 Canada.
You’ll need extra postage maybe because this is going to Canada,
This is the film that I showed at this years EBMSI conference.