Sanitary practices, like washing your hands, helps prevent the spread of influenza.
OSHA, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, a division of the United States Department of Labor, [1] usually is regarded as one of the agencies trying to help Americans, especially the American worker. As such, OSHA puts out press releases and information regarding various health aspects, including, OSHA FactSheet Seasonal Influenza Vaccination – Important Protection for Healthcare Workers http://www.osha.gov/Publications/seasonal-flu-factsheet.pdf wherein it gives the standard spin about how influenza spreads, the reasons for healthcare workers to be vaccinated, dispelling influenza vaccine myths, plus other information, including if you decide not to be vaccinated.
However, what I find amazingly interesting is recently OSHA released a statement [listed below] wherein there seems to be what I would interpret as some backpedaling, especially
“Furthermore, the current influenza vaccine is no magic bullet. …The limits of current influenza vaccine technology are especially problematic in the context of a mandatory influenza vaccination program that results in job loss.”
May I suggest that anyone who is having problems about being vaccinated to keep his or her job, print out this statement by OSHA and present it to either your employer’s Human Resources Department, company nurse, or other proper corporate authority along with the proper vaccination exemption form to be filed, which I recommend be a religious exemption that will pass First Amendment Constitutional muster and be valid just about anywhere in the USA, except Mississippi and West Virginia.
Dr. Mayer Eisenstein, who has medical, legal, and public health degrees (MD, JD, MPH), spoke with Alex Jones about that very subject of exemptions that may help you understand what you ought to do. Please see this five minute most informative video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Yt2yJfdT4w&list=FL8AYV0dqrG0j_MFXBlkPrJA&feature=mh_lolz.
But here’s the real kicker and possibly a ‘stroke of brilliance’ on someone’s part at OSHA, I think, that applies everywhere.
“Lastly, reliance on a mandatory influenza vaccination policy may provide healthcare workers, health care facility management and patients with an unwarranted sense of security and result in poor adherence to other infection control practices that prevent all types of infections, not just influenza.”
Brilliant observation, I’d say, and thank you for acknowledging what vaccine safety advocates have been saying for years. Nevertheless, can you go just a little bit further in stretching your minds about vaccinations and conclude that vaccinations just may be the cause of extraneous and other-than-wild strains of diseases that are now manifesting? Clue: Take a real hard, honest look at pertussis (whooping cough). Most of those who contract the whoop have been vaccinated against it. Documented CDC statistics state just that for Ohio in 1993. The same is happening with measles, mumps, and chickenpox [varicella vaccine]. Isn’t that interesting? [2]
Have vaccine antigens and microorganisms become ‘sophisticated’—similar to infectious microorganisms that resist antibiotics, e.g., MRSA, etc.—and now take on new ‘generations’ of diseases from disease DNA tinkering in research laboratories like the current horrendous strain of Super-Influenza Virus that can kill millions developed by a Dutch researcher? [3]
In reading this OSHA statement the folks at National Vaccine Information Center posted on their website [4], one can’t help but come to the conclusion that maybe—just maybe—someone is beginning to listen. Read OSHA’s statement and see what you think.
“While we are supportive of the Healthy People 2020 goal of a 90% vaccination rate, we have seen no evidence that demonstrates that such a high rate is in fact necessary. Furthermore, the current influenza vaccine is no magic bullet. The current state of influenza vaccine technology requires annual reformulation and revaccination and the efficacy is quite variable. Every year there are numerous circulating strains of influenza that are not included in the vaccine. In years where the antigenic match is good, the vaccine only provides protection against the 3 strains in the formulation. In years when the antigenic match is poor, the vaccine may provide no protection at all. The limits of current influenza vaccine technology are especially problematic in the context of a mandatory influenza vaccination program that results in job loss. Lastly, reliance on a mandatory influenza vaccination policy may provide healthcare workers, health care facility management and patients with an unwarranted sense of security and result in poor adherence to other infection control practices that prevent all types of infections, not just influenza. Influenza vaccination has always been just one part of a comprehensive multi-layered infection control program.”
[1] http://www.osha.gov/ accessed Jan. 27, 2012 [2] Vaccines & Vaccinations: The Need for Congressional Investigation, pp.69-70
[3] http://www.doctortipster.com/6952-dutch-researcher-created-a-super-influenza-virus-with-the-potential-to-kill-millions.html accessed Jan. 27, 2012 [4] http://www.nvic.org/NVIC-Vaccine-News/January-2012/NVIC-Defends-Vaccine-Exemptions.aspx#OSHA accessed Jan. 27, 2012
Photo Credit: Hoya’s Meg