This article may cause you to ask more questions about vaccines.
“The public must ask the right questions. No longer should vaccines be considered a ‘one-size-fits-all’ program.” [1]
There certainly is no shortage of information on the Internet when it comes to vaccines. While I was doing research for my book, Unlocking Jake: The Story of a Rabies Vaccine, Autism & Recovery, I literally read hundreds of articles about vaccines. I ran across many excellent quotes that I’d like to share with you.
For the purpose of this article, I’ll group the quotes into two categories. The first contains statements about side effects of vaccines. The second focuses on concerns over vaccine safety and offers suggestions for improving the vaccine program.
Adverse Reactions
“Vaccines … are making them ill.” “…conditions including autism and epilepsy after a raft of injections.” “… dramatic changes in behaviour … within months of the injections.” [2]
“Side effects of this appalling over-vaccination which has been going on for years can be significant and severe.” [3]
“…vaccinations do more harm than they provide benefits.” [4]
“I say without reservation that many chronic diseases are caused by vaccinations. I often find that a health problem began shortly after vaccination. I am certain this is no coincidence.” [5]
“‘Routine’ vaccination, as it is practiced today, is not always effective…. With the use of multivalent (combination: 4 in 1, 6 in 1, etc.) vaccines that are repeated year after year, the frequency and severity of these side-effects … has increased dramatically.” [6]
“… there is growing professional and public awareness that vaccine products are not as benign as first believed …” [7]
Concerns and Advice
“We are not anti-vaccination. What we are saying is that [they’re] receiving far too many.” Fear is being generated by “profit-hungry drug companies” to inoculate “more often than necessary.” [2]
“Make sure you ask … next time a vaccination has been recommended … is this really necessary? And if you’re not satisfied with the answer, consider getting a second opinion.” [3]
“… there is no single ‘perfect’ vaccine program …Although there is a tendency to want to treat [them all] the same, the program should be designed for the individual, not the masses. The … health, age, … and whether he has previously had any adverse vaccine reactions all need to figure in to the equation.” “It is never wise to vaccinate” … when the “immune system is preoccupied with something else” such as an infection. [8]
“The research has been done to support reduced vaccination recommendations. More importantly research shows that unnecessarily repeating vaccines has no effect. … Taking blood for an annual titer test, to check a … level of immune defenses, should replace the habit of vaccinating … annually whether or not they need it.” [5]
“There is a critical need for more fully developed, scientifically based, and statistically valid evaluation of vaccine products to provide practitioners with a basis for developing vaccination programs that maximize benefits and minimize associated risks for the patients under their care.” [9]
The Dichotomy
Most of you probably aren’t used to hearing your doctors make statements like these. Maybe a few here and there. Kinda sounds like the advice of Jenny McCarthy and others: “Too many too soon” and “One size doesn’t fit all.”
My mother always liked the saying, “If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.” Well, I have to be honest and tell you that I can’t attribute any of the quotes above to the AAP or CDC or FDA. I can’t even attribute them to a pediatrician or any other doctor who treats children. I’m quoting veterinarians—doctors who treat animals. And the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). And studies. Yes, actual studies of adverse vaccine reactions in animals. Of vaccinated versus unvaccinated animals.
Think about this. I mean, really think about it. Vets are concerned about the safety of vaccines for cats and dogs. They say they have seen adverse reactions in certain animals. They admit that vaccines aren’t always effective. They worry about giving multiple vaccines at the same time. They question whether one size fits all. One calls it “appalling over-vaccination” and states pretty emphatically that it may be a way to make money. They recommend titer testing to avoid giving unnecessary vaccines. They recognize a need for scientific studies on vaccine safety. For dogs. And for cats. Animals.
In my last article, “Vaccines and Autism?” I mentioned that our cat’s vet said she didn’t vaccinate “sick or stressed” animals. “Stressed,” by the way, includes an animal that has recently moved. As in, you have a pet and move to a new residence. That kind of stress. In the case of Jake’s cat, he was not only stressed by being with a new owner in a new house, he had been thrown out of a moving car in a bag. And sick includes an animal with an eye infection. Yes, that’s right. An eye infection. And a very minor one at that. So, even though Garfield was past due for a couple of shots, the vet was adamant about not giving them until he was well. No discussion. No wavering. No, “Since he has this infection, would you rather wait until it goes away before we give him any shots?” Plain and simple: “We don’t vaccinate sick or stressed animals.” As in, office policy.
The Studies
Have you seen a study conducted by the Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine? [10] I won’t go into great detail—you should really read it—but several statements stand out:
“The study has produced some dramatic results, with concrete and clear evidence that there are adverse events elicited as a result of the use of vaccines following manufacturer’s recommendations.”
“If indeed, many breeders are correct, then is the dog a canary sentinel, and are humans similarly being affected, and if so can we identify the dog or human who is genetically susceptible to these reactions?”
“The next step is to study the development of safer vaccines, or possibly modify the recommended dosages, and the timing of vaccinations.”
Basically, according to the study, the dogs who were vaccinated developed autoantibodies to many of their own biochemicals, including DNA. The health problems that ensued included autoimmune diseases, brain and neurological damage, heart conditions, arthritis, and various types of cancer.
In a survey conducted by Canine Health Concern (CHC), almost three-quarters of dog owners reported that their pets developed “short attention spans,” epilepsy, and/or anxiety within three months of being vaccinated. In the epilepsy cases, it was usually within three days. [11] In another CHC survey of 4,000 dogs, 68.2% with parvovirus, 55.6% with distemper, 63.6% with hepatitis, 50% with parainfluenza, and 100% with leptospirosis contracted it within three months of vaccination. [12] Doesn’t sound like the vaccines are working, does it?
The Nitty Gritty
Tragically, all of this is way too familiar for so many of you. Your child is sick. He wasn’t sick until he had this vaccine or that vaccine. Or half a dozen. And you know that it was a vaccine or a combination of vaccines that made him sick. You know. Just as all these pet owners know—and many vets even admit—that a vaccine or combination of vaccines made their animals sick. Go ahead and say it. Vaccines can cause autism and other diseases. They aren’t safe for everyone. They can’t be. I don’t know about you, but I am so sick and tired of the ignorance. The denial. The lies. The cover-up. Big pharma. Coming out with more and more vaccines. Combining more and more into one shot (that way, your kid doesn’t have to endure multiple injections—seriously?). Completely ignoring all our kids who suffer life-threatening, life-changing, and life-long (or all three) reactions to vaccines. It’s despicable. The veterinarian community is miles ahead of the human community when it comes to vaccines.
Well Said
I’ll close with two of my favorite quotes about vaccines.
From Catherine O’Driscoll, Canine Health Concern:
“You cannot afford to subject your animals, or your children, to medical interventions that you do not understand. The belief system upon which the conventional medical model is founded is so faulty, so corrupt and so dangerous that you simply cannot afford to follow blindly. … This system ensures that professionals are taught in colleges which rely upon big business for funding, which means that their education is faulty. Research organisations also rely upon big business for funding, which means that we can rarely trust the research. The media rely upon big business for funding, so we can scarcely believe what we read. And professionals in practice rely upon big business to stay in business. More worrying, perhaps, is the fact that our governments seem … to put big business interests before life.” [13]
And Deirdre Imus, the Deirdre Imus Environmental Center:
“Why is it that veterinarians have a better appreciation of how over-vaccinating with shots containing various toxins and viruses might overload the immune system of the family pet but mainstream physicians can’t quite wrap their arms around such a logical premise when it comes to our babies and young children? If vaccinosis can cause maladies in animals, isn’t it possible that like animals, over-vaccinating our children might, not only be unnecessary, but may be contributing to the rising rates of chronic diseases and neurodevelopmental disorders affecting our children today?” [14]
Nothing left to say.
1. www.the-happy-dog-spot.com/dog-vaccinations.html
2. www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1255863/Vaccines-making-dogs-sick-vets-cash-in.html
3. www.healthyhappydogs.com/Vaccinate
4. www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/purdue-vaccination-studies/
5. www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/petvacc.htm
6. www.thewholedog.org/id63.html
7. www.healthy-holistic-living.com/vets-and-vaccines.html
8. www.whole-dog-journal.com/issues/13_8/features/Annual-Pet-Vaccinations_20036-1.html
9. www.avma.org/issues/vaccination/vaccination.asp
10. http://vonhapsburg.homestead.com/haywardstudyonvaccines.html
11. www.canine-health-concern.org.uk/PetVaccination.html
12. www.canine-health-concern.org.uk/PetVaccineMyths.html
13. http://vonhapsburg.homestead.com/petvaccineaninstitutionalisedcrime.html
14. www.huffingtonpost.com/deirdre-imus/over-medicated-and-overva_b_73300.html
Photo Credit: Qisur