Reports are indicating a bird flu strain has been engineered.
The cat is out of the bag on bird flu—a strain has been laboratory engineered, and the U.S. government did everything it could to keep the lid on that research!
Thanks to the report published in Nature by a team out of the University of Wisconsin,
…a mutated version of H5N1 passes from one ferret to another without trouble, the Los Angeles Times reported. Spread in the air, the hybrid strain of bird flu included an H5 hemagglutinin, which plays a role in binding the virus to airway cells, and genes from the swine flu behind the 2009 pandemic. [1]
Did you note “ binding the virus to airway cells?” What are they spraying in chemtrails?
Interestingly, the research at University of Wisconsin led by virologist Yoshihiro Kawaoka indicates, “how malleable flu strains can be in spreading from one mammalian host to another.” Kawaoka admits that a mutation which emerged in his study at U of W already has appeared in the Middle East and Asia.
However, there’s a second study whose ‘shoe will drop’ when it is published in the journal Science sometime in the future.
May 3rd, 2012, The Los Angeles Times published Eryn Brown’s article “Bird flu can spread in mammals, study finds,” which can be read here http://www.latimes.com/health/la-he-bird-flu-20120503,0,6267062.story
The Washington Post published on May 2nd the article “One of two controversial ‘bird flu’ papers is published” by David Brown at http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/one-of-two-controversial-bird-flu-papers-is-published/2012/05/02/gIQA51egxT_story.html
The genetic engineering of microorganisms indicates just how determined science is, in my opinion, to mess around with reprogramming disease patterns that can impact human health—and animal health—and may be ‘just what the doctor ordered’ for Big Pharma to come up with new vaccines and other pharmaceuticals to keep humans in fear, over-vaccinated, and ‘medication poor’.
Perhaps it’s time that healthcare consumers on a global basis take back their health from science and tell science to get out of Frankenstein mode. We don’t need man-made pandemics that are supported by the World Health Organization, Big Pharma, the U.S. CDC and FDA, or anyone for that matter. Humans deserve better, especially children—the future of the human race.
Something YOU Should Do About Vaccines Today
SafeMinds and the Vaccine Injured Petitioners Bar Association are hosting a
Congressional Briefing on Autism
Friday, May 18, 2012 at 10 am
in The Rayburn Gold Room
2168 Rayburn House Office Building
It is critical that you contact your legislators directly to ask them and their staff to attend this briefing. Here’s how to contact YOUR members of Congress: http://www.congressmerge.com/onlinedb/index.htm
Call and/or fax and/or e-mail your Representatives directly and request that they attend the briefing. This is important for everyone, but critical for those members who sit on the House Oversight Committee. They need to hear from their constituents!
House Oversight Committee Majority Fax (202) 225-3974
House Oversight Committee Minority Fax (202) 225-4784
[1] http://www.fiercebiotechresearch.com/story/controversial-bird-flu-study-details-revealed/2012-05-07?utm_medium=nl&utm_source=internal