The free press in America hides like Waldo when it comes to covering stories on adverse reactions to vaccines.
VacTruth readers, this is a totally different article than you have been accustomed to reading from me. After Christina England’s article about how brave men and women who serve their country are damaged by vaccines, plus all the information we’ve documented at VacTruth in our reporting and articles, perhaps it’s time to “take the bull by the horns” and make the U.S. press corps accountable, if it claims to be a free press.
Some vaccine-related stories that I’ve not seen listed in the U.S. press are chronicled below as examples of the apparently controlled ‘free press’ in the USA. You can use them as examples to others who say the U.S. press is free and reports all the news that needs to be reported. Well, what’s going on with vaccines? Why are they and the problems they apparently induce exempt from media coverage?
I ask that you read all the links and—when you get to the end—I hope you will feel encouraged to take action to start a personal and national campaign for free press and media coverage of adverse vaccine issues, plus the current lawsuit against Merck regarding its MMR vaccine in the USA. What do you say?
MMR: A mother’s victory…Landmark ruling in an Italian court…(June 15, 2012—MAIL Online, UK)
Baby dies day after vaccination (May 11, 2012—DNA Daily News and Analysis, Mumbai, INDIA)
Rise in paralysis cases after polio vaccine (April 14, 2012—Deccan Chronicle, INDIA, the largest circulated English newspaper in South India)
Flu shots with side-effects on offer again [The Australian National Affairs, Feb. 16, 2012]
The article shows a photograph of “Perth mother Kirsten Button with her toddler Saba, who suffered brain damage after a Fluvax shot in 2010. Picture: Colin Murty Source: The Australian”
8 Stories Revealing U.S. Parents Getting Savvy About Vaccine Damage [VacTruth.com, USA]
Note: USA media articles report parents refusing vaccinations, NOT vaccine damage.
H1N1 Vaccine Suspended in Australia [Independent Politicol News–online independent media news writers, April 23, 2010] This is not the regular U.S. press corps.
Sri Lankan student dies after vaccination [China View online, March 20, 2009]
The Poison Vaccine
Did U.S. citizens hear or read about Ronda Wilson being damaged by the Anthrax vaccine she received as a member of the U.S. Army? Her story was reported in November 2002 by the Times in the UK, not the USA! See http://www.whale.to/a/anthrax9.html and “The Poison Vaccine.”
Vaccine Lawyers
If there are no health problems with vaccines, why, then, are there professionals
practicing as “Vaccine Injury” lawyers. See
“Injured by a flu vaccine?’ http://www.fluvaccineinjury.com/
[Vaccine injury must be big business if a law firm can make the following statement:]
- Our firm is solely dedicated to representing those injured by vaccines.
Global Vaccine Injury Data Base
Vaccine injury info [a forum for reporting vaccine damage on a global basis]
Why isn’t the press telling us about that?
Medical Experimentation
Medical experimentation in Africa
Merck Defrauded the U.S. with its MMR vaccine
Now here’s what may amount to the pièce de résistance regarding a vaccine maker’s actions to prove its vaccine’s efficacy, as reported by Dr Suzanne Humphries, MD, “Scientists Sue Merck: allege fraud, mislabeling, and false certification of MMR vaccine.”
Will the U.S. media and press report
…the story of the MMR vaccine and two Merck scientists who filed a lawsuit in 2010 over Merck’s efforts to allegedly “defraud the United States through Merck’s ongoing scheme to sell the government a mumps vaccine that is mislabeled, misbranded, adulterated and falsely certified as having an efficacy rate that is significantly higher than it actually is.” Merck allegedly did this from 2000 onwards in order to maintain its exclusive license to sell the MMR vaccine and keep its monopoly of the US market.
Merck got the old virus to pass its new tests by doing three things.
Dr Humphries tells the story at http://www.vaccinationcouncil.org/2012/06/25/scientists-sue-merck-allege-fraud-mislabeling-and-false-certificaion-of-mmr-vaccine-suzanne-humphries-md/?utm_source=feedburner&utm.
Dr Humphries talks about skullduggery and fraud involved that the U.S. FDA apparently bought ‘hook, line, and sinker’, and for which innocent children, I think, have paid a sad price with adverse reactions and/or other problems. However, the U.S. government maintains Merck’s actions caused reduced immunity to mumps, which I will discuss in my upcoming article about the official complaint filed with the court.
June 27, 2012, Forbes online published contributor Gergana Koleva’s article “Merck Whistleblower Suit A Boon to Vaccine Foes Even As It Stresses Importance of Vaccines.” A big round of applause for Forbes, please.
Personally, I challenge the evening TV news networks to report this lawsuit against Merck. I have a copy of the official complaint filed and am in the process of ‘digesting’ it to write an entire article devoted to the qui tam action filed in United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Civil Action. No.10-4374 (CDJ), filed April 27, 2012. The complaint is 55 pages long and demands a JURY trial. Look for my next article on VacTruth.
So, where is the U.S. Congress in its oversight capacity to address the problems it apparently created when it gave vaccine makers ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ passes by enacting the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (PL 99-660), which must be repealed, I think.
The U.S. media and press probably will not cover the Merck scientists’ lawsuit in detail, if at all. We should note that the whistleblowers who worked for Merck still reported the apparent fraudulent carryings on to the U.S. FDA even when ‘the carrot’ and ‘the stick’ of big bonuses were waived in front of them, plus threats. I applaud their integrity, and may they prevail in court.
However, I sure would like to be a fly on the wall during the discovery process. Can you imagine what may be revealed? Whatever it is, it ought to discredit the pseudo science of vaccine making, especially in view of what’s stated in the official lawsuit complaint. Big Pharma’s supposed scientific studies may be nothing short of pure bunk regarding vaccine ‘efficacy’. I think it’s an outrage that the U.S. Congress, the CDC and FDA think vaccine makers are honest.
VacTruth Readers, this is where this article gets down to business. Don’t you think it’s about time the U.S. media get on the stick about reporting vaccine damage and other news regarding vaccines and vaccinations—both pro and con?
Let’s Contact the Media
Here’s what I think we ought to do: Inundate the media with requests demanding free, uncensored, non-biased, non-vested-interest vaccine coverage, especially of the current Merck lawsuit in the Eastern District Court of Pennsylvania. Here’s a website http://www.ritalindeath.com/News-Media.htm that lists all the major news media in the USA. Go for it!
Contact the U.S. Congress
However, let’s not stop there. How about contacting your members of Congress (three: 2 in the U.S. Senate and 1 in the U.S. House) in any of the 50 states at http://www.congressmerge.com/onlinedb/index.htm and let him or her know that you are not satisfied with the U.S. press not being free to report the adverse news and facts about vaccines either in the USA or globally.
Furthermore, ask him or her for a meaning of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Also, don’t forget to tell them about the Merck whistleblower lawsuit and Merck’s false certification of the MMR vaccine. They should know about that, don’t you think? After all Big Pharma’s lobbyists won’t tell them.
Contact the U.S. President
Then, last but not least, let’s tell the President we think there should be freedom of the press—transparency—regarding adverse problems with vaccines. Here’s the contact link to the White House Press Office
Let our voices be heard! We still have a free country, I trust.