
Proof Armed Forces are Given Untested and Experimental Vaccines

By Christina England, BA Hons / June 25, 2012

In October 2000 a letter was written to the editor of The Journal of the American Medical Association discussing the introduction of the MMR vaccination containing the Schwarz measles, Urabe Am9 mumps and Wistar RA27/3 rubella strains, as mandatory in 1998 to examine the vaccine’s efficiency. One month of the soldiers receiving the vaccine the incidence of mumps had increased significantly.

7 Trivia Facts About Polio

By Jeffry John Aufderheide / June 3, 2012

When talking about vaccines, have you ever heard the knee-jerk question, “What about polio?” Here I discuss 7 trivia facts for readers to investigate further about polio and question the motives of those who would profit from vaccines and disease.