VacTruth has been informed that Representative Andrea Boland of Sanford, Maine, has gained enough votes in committee to go to the state legislative floor with a bill allowing greater transparency in the disclosure of vaccine ingredients. This is the third time that Representative Boland has recommended this bill, which has the potential to empower parents.
The bill was scheduled to be presented on May 8 at 9:00 am until May 10 at 12:00 pm EDT.
If passed, this will be the first time in the history of vaccination in the United States that parents will be given a full list of the ingredients of a vaccine before their child is vaccinated. Representative Boland has not only recommended full disclosure of vaccine ingredients but also an opt-out option allowing parents the opportunity to opt out of any vaccine for religious or philosophical reasons.
Bill LD754 titled An Act To Encourage Transparency in the Disclosing of the Ingredients in Vaccinations for Children states:
“The purpose of this bill is to provide greater transparency regarding the ingredients of vaccinations and to reduce confusion related to school immunization requirements and a parent’s right to decide against immunizing that parent’s child. The bill requires a health care provider or clinic staff person to, prior to immunizing a person under 18 years of age, disclose the ingredients of the immunizing agent or agents to the parent or guardian of the child. It also requires the health care provider or clinic staff person to notify the parent or guardian of the option of refusing immunization of the child based on religious or philosophical beliefs.” [1]
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Unanswered Questions
To hear full details of the bill, please listen to an extremely enlightening radio show hosted by Sallie O. Elkordy, who on May 5 interviewed Representative Boland in depth about the full details of this exciting new development. [2]
During the show, Representative Boland explained that she first became interested on the subject of vaccination after being encouraged by the Speaker of the House to attend a ‘Women in Government’ conference in Florida. Originally the representative was led to believe that the conference was on the subject of women’s health.
However, much to her surprise, the conference turned out to be none other than the launch of the Gardasil vaccine drive.
Representative Boland explained to Ms. Elkordy that she was “pretty surprised” to see how the audience seemed overwhelmed by pharmaceutical industry representatives and lobbyists. She explained that whenever they spoke about the vaccine, they only spoke about the positive effect that this vaccine would have. When Representative Boland asked a question about the negative side effects of the vaccine, her question was immediately pushed aside, as were similar questions from other interested parties.
Ms. Boland told Ms. Elkordy that she did learn that the immune systems of most women who contracted the HPV virus naturally fought off the infection. She explained that only five percent of women actually develop cancer, a fact of which most parents are unaware.
Representative Boland asked why the pharmaceutical companies were not targeting just those five percent and why it was necessary to vaccinate all women and girls from the age of nine years old. She said that this question was also pushed aside. However, she felt that the whole experience had opened her eyes on the subject.
It is absolutely fantastic news that a person as important as Representative Boland has made this very courageous political stand and I am sure that parents everywhere will be interested to know the outcome.
Top Secret Ingredients
The majority of food has the ingredients listed to enable parents to know what they are feeding their children, as do most drugs. So, why are the ingredients of vaccinations are not routinely disclosed?
The answer is simple: if parents knew exactly what substances vaccines contained, they would be less likely to have their children vaccinated, and this is why the contents are never disclosed to parents. To see exactly what is in vaccinations, it is worth reading this article by Dr. Harold Buttram, in which he gives a full list of ingredients and says:
“It is universally recognized among toxicologists that combinations of toxic chemicals may bring exponential increases in toxicity; that is, two toxic chemicals in combination will bring a ten-fold or even a hundred-fold increase in toxicity.
A classical example of this principle was the Schubert study in which it was found that the amount of lead and the amount of mercury, when each was given separately, would be lethal for one percent of rats tested, would become lethal for one hundred percent of rats tested when combined.
In vaccines this principle would apply at least to mercury and aluminum, both of which are potent neurotoxins.” [3]
We at VacTruth applaud the efforts of Representative Boland and wish her every success in this important legislative endeavor.
Ms. Sallie O. Elkordy encourages supporters of this bill to contact the Maine House of Representatives in support of LD754: An Act To Encourage Transparency in the Disclosing of the Ingredients in Vaccinations for Children.
Additionally, you may write letters in support of this historic bill to The Portland Press Herald, The Bangor Daily News, The Kennebec Journal, The Lewiston Sun Journal, and The Biddeford Journal, or contact your own local newspaper and legislators.
[contentbox headline=”How to Contact Your State Representative in Maine” type=”info”]
Copy and paste the appropriate email address from the list below.
Contact the Maine legislature in support of LD754: An Act To Encourage Transparency in the Disclosing of the Ingredients in Vaccinations for Children. You may view the bill by clicking here: http://www.mainelegislature.org/legis/bills/bills_126th/billtexts/HP050501.asp.
Send your own letters to the Maine House of Representatives in support of LD754:
RepBernard.Ayotte@legislature.maine.gov; bearlaw2@yahoo.com; mike@mikeformaine.org; rbbeavers@comcast.net; henry.beck@gmail.com; bennettco2000@hotmail.com; RepSeth.Berry@legislature.maine.gov; russellblack@juno.com; sixwings@metrocast.net; bolduc74@yahoo.com; sheryljbriggs@gmail.com; joeandmary@myfairpoint.net; scampbell1936@yahoo.com; dickcampbellllc@gmail.com; RepMichael.Carey@legislature.maine.gov; acasavant@maine.rr.com; kcaugusta@gmail.com; chapmanHD37@gmail.com; kathydhchase@hotmail.com; justinchenette@gmail.com; Ben.Chipman@legislature.maine.gov; tyleraclark@msn.com; cooperjanice0@gmail.com; cotta@fairpoint.net; dalecrafts@reagan.com; dacray@msn.com; jarrodscrockett@gmail.com; mattie@mattiedaughtry.com; RepDavis@midmaine.com; dechantforbath@gmail.com; mick@mickdevin.org; RepElizabeth.Dickerson@legislature.maine.gov; jdill@umext.maine.edu; mndion@msn.com; RepPeter.Doak@legislature.maine.gov; anndorney@gmail.com; skime2@roadrunner.com; repduprey@me.com; espling2@securespeed.us; caa04@roadrunner.com; markweves@yahoo.com; omc@maine.rr.com; RepJoyce.Fitzpatrick@legislature.maine.gov; lorifowlehouse58@gmail.com; RepKenneth.Fredette@legislature.maine.gov; RepAaron.Frey@legislature.maine.gov; dgattine@aol.com; RepSara.Gideon@legislature.maine.gov; jeffery.gifford@gmail.com; pegilbert@hotmail.com; RepJames.Gillway@legislature.maine.gov; RepAdam.Goode@legislature.maine.gov; apg1@maine.rr.com; RepGay.Grant@legislature.maine.gov; repguerin@gmail.com; scott@scotthamann.com; deniseharlow@hotmail.com; lanceharvell@hotmail.com; terry@megalink.net; erinherbig@gmail.com; craighickman@rocketmail.com; bhobbins@hobbinslaw.com; RepBrian.Hubbell@legislature.maine.gov; reproger.jackson@legislature.maine.gov; djhouse20@gmail.com; rumridge27@gmail.com; representativebrianjones@gmail.com; ejorgensen@maine.rr.com; kaenrath@gmail.com; pskentz5@hotmail.com; keschl@yahoo.com; repkinney@gmail.com; LGary.Knight@usa.net; RepTori.Kornfield@legislature.maine.gov; cbkruger@myfairpoint.net; wkumiega36@gmail.com; karen.kusiak@colby.edu; lajoie1@midmaine.com; RepAaron.Libby@legislature.maine.gov; RepNathan.Libby@legislature.maine.gov; RepLawrence.Lockman@legislature.maine.gov; rdl_chief@yahoo.com; thomas.longstaff@gmail.com; louieluchini@gmail.com; smacdonald@maine.rr.com; bmacdon@roadrunner.com; gjmaker@gmail.com; rsmalaby@gmail.com; lindonfarm@sacoriver.net; andrew@andrewmason.pro; annemariemastraccio@icloud.com; jeffmccabe4me@gmail.com; mmcclell@maine.rr.com; cmcelwee@maine.rr.com; psmcgow@aol.com; mcleanforgorham@gmail.com; waymitch10@hotmail.com; kmderrig@maine.rr.com; matt.moonen@gmail.com; smoriarty108@aol.com; tmorrison16@msn.com; wtpfordist1@yahoo.com; nadeau1@roadrunner.com; mpn3@maine.rr.com; mln@fairpoint.net; NoonforMaine@gmail.com; bob@bobnutting.com; RepWayne.Parry@legislature.maine.gov; RepJethro.Pease@legislature.maine.gov; RepAnita.Peaveyhaskell@legislature.maine.gov; annpeoples116@msn.com; petersonhouse08@gmail.com; RepJoshua.Plante@legislature.maine.gov; mpouliot57@gmail.com; cbpowers@me.com; cpriest1@comcast.net; jane.p.pringle@gmail.com; rankin8076@roadrunner.com; rogerreed60@gmail.com; megan.rochelo@gmail.com; mrotundo@bates.edu; RepDiane.Russell@legislature.maine.gov; rykersonforkittery@gmail.com; lindafsanborn@gmail.com; deb.sanderson2010@gmail.com; saucierforpi@gmail.com; RepJeremy.Saxton@legislature.maine.gov; RepJohn.Schneck@legislature.maine.gov; utumike@aol.com; RepStanley.Short@legislature.maine.gov; RepHeather.Sirocki@legislature.maine.gov; Sipayik@midmaine.com; stanleyss@pioneercable.net; pstuckey114@yahoo.com; kent23@myfairpoint.net; jtimberlake_us@yahoo.com; oronoryan@gmail.com; RepSharon.Treat@legislature.maine.gov; repbethturner@gmail.com; RepTom.Tyler@legislature.maine.gov; arthurverow@hotmail.com; Villa98staterep@gmail.com; avolk@volkboxes.com; wallace8540@roadrunner.com; wcw63@aol.com; joanwelsh08@gmail.com; rw556@aol.com, alexander.willette@gmail.com, RepCorey.Wilson@legislature.maine.gov, ellenaw12@yahoo.com; twinsor@megalink.net; woodysnavy@aol.com
Addresses can also be found at http://www.mainelegislature.org/legis/bills/bills_126th/billtexts/HP050501.asp.
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1. http://www.mainelegislature.org/legis/bills/bills_126th/billtexts/HP050501.asp
2. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/themaryandsallieshow/2013/05/05/legislator…
3. http://vactruth.com/2012/03/13/vaccines-human-animal-dna/