Berries tainted with Hepatitis A were taken off grocery shelves.
On June 21, 2013, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reported a total of 113 people in seven different states have become ill from eating berries infected with Hepatitis A.
According to the CDC’s website, the infections started around March 31, 2013. Of those who have become ill, 48 people have been hospitalized, with no deaths reported. [1]
This is a fantastic example for you to pay attention to. Here’s why.
You can reasonably expect the FDA and the CDC to take action on products that harm people. As anticipated, the tainted berries have been removed from shelves.
But, there is one product to which the FDA and CDC completely turns a blind eye, even if that product causes death! If you want to know more, read on.
Other Examples of FDA and CDC Action
In a previous article I have covered exactly how the FDA and the CDC have taken action on other contaminated products. Here are three examples to illustrate my point:
1. Contaminated Cantaloupe (8-22-2012): The FDA and CDC investigated a multi-state outbreak of salmonella infections linked to cantaloupe originating from Chamberlain Farms Produce, Inc. Two hundred sixty-one persons were infected with three deaths reported. [2]
Result: Product Recalled
2. Contaminated Peanut Butter (9-17-2012): The FDA and CDC investigated a multi-state outbreak of salmonella infections linked to Trader Joe’s Valencia Creamy Salted Peanut Butter, made by Sunland, Inc. Forty-two people were infected. [3]
Result: Product Recalled
3. Contaminated Spinach (11-2-2012): A total of 33 persons infected with E. coli were investigated by the FDA and the CDC. It was traced back to Wegmans Organic Spinach and Spring Mix. [4]
Result: Product Recalled
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Vaccines and Total Hypocrisy
Of course, looking into Hepatitis A (and B and C) more closely, you will discover the virus is spread through sexual contact, recreational drug use, or contaminated food and water. [5]
This hardly justifies vaccinating babies, especially when they are being harmed. I’ll show you more on this in a moment, but first, we need to ask an important question.
Why are vaccines exempt from government scrutiny?
The 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was passed was to protect pharmaceutical companies from anyone claiming a vaccine injured their child. Under this law, no parent can sue a vaccine manufacturer. [6]
If you decide to vaccinate your children, you do so at your own risk. No vaccine manufacturer is liable for your child’s vaccine-related injury or death from a recommended vaccine.
435 Adverse Reactions – Including Death
If you’re not familiar with VAERS, you need to be.
The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a passive reporting system to record adverse reactions to vaccines. It’s the only tool parents have at the moment to report an adverse reaction outside of calling the pharmaceutical company – and you can guess how far down a black hole that would go now, can’t you?
After doing a search in the VAERS database for vaccines containing the HEPA component, you will discover in 2013 alone, over 435 adverse reactions – including 2 deaths – have been reported. [7]
435 adverse events were found for vaccines with a HEPA component for 2013.
Here are a few serious adverse reactions reported (including the 2 deaths):
VAERS ID: 85004 (2 year-old girl)
“Per hospital and family reports, child was talking to grandfather when she collapsed and stopped breathing. Grandfather performed CPR until EMS arrived and child was transported via AirMed to Medical Center. Child expired on 01/30/2013.” [8]
VAERS ID: 485757 (11 year-old girl)
“2/19/13 23:24 Pt brought in by ambulance in cardiac arrest, mother states pt has been having cough & URI symptoms since 5 days – seen by doctor 2/19/13 & given 4 vaccines. Pt sleeping & crying – suddenly pt turned white & was not breathing – 911 called & intubated. Doctor states he was not aware of any illness & child’s DILANTIN level was 1.0. No lab found in medical record child revived & transfer to another hospital where child died on 2/20/13.” [9]
VAERS ID: 483365 (1 year-old boy)
“1 hr post vaccination became listless. On 2/3/2013 ran temp of 100 degrees in AM per father. In PM had a seizure was taken by ambulance to hospital and subsequently airlifted to another hospital. Spiked temp of 106 degrees.” [10]
VAERS ID: 489781 (1 year-old boy)
“Stopped using right leg and right arm – found to have a stroke.” [11]
Can you imagine the public outcry if children started to have strokes, seizures, or died shortly after eating berries infected with Hepatitis A, while the CDC or FDA did nothing?
Yet, insanity in this form takes place every day when adverse reactions to toxic chemicals (aluminum hydroxide, polysorbate, formalin, antibiotics, and viruses cultured on aborted fetal tissue) are injected into your child.
Download the vaccine ingredients right now and see for yourself.
The beginning of this article shows the FDA and CDC removing a product, like berries, from the shelf when they determined it was infecting people and making them sick.
You can also see that vaccines for the same virus – which are considered to be a pharmaceutical drug – harm many more children than berries and still these vaccines remain untouched.
It’s my personal conviction the reason these organizations ignore adverse reactions is because pharmaceutical companies have firmly entrenched themselves within the US government, protecting their profits with laws.
Is the risk of vaccinating your child worth the “price of admission” to participate in society?
[contentbox headline=”References” type=”normal”]1. http://www.cdc.gov/hepatitis/Outbreaks/2013/A1b-03-31/
2. www.cdc.gov/salmonella/typhimurium-cantaloupe-08-12/index.html
3. www.fda.gov/Food/FoodSafety/CORENetwork/ucm320413.htm
4. www.cdc.gov/ecoli/2012/O157H7-11-12/index.html
5. http://www.cdc.gov/hepatitis/A/PDFs/HepAGeneralFactSheet.pdf
6. http://www.hrsa.gov/vaccinecompensation/index.html
7. http://www.medalerts.org/vaersdb/index.php
8. http://www.medalerts.org/vaersdb/findfield.php?IDNUMBER=485004
9. http://www.medalerts.org/vaersdb/findfield.php?IDNUMBER=485757
10. http://www.medalerts.org/vaersdb/findfield.php?IDNUMBER=483365
11. http://www.medalerts.org/vaersdb/findfield.php?IDNUMBER=489781