All posts in "Writers"

7 Trivia Facts About Polio

By Jeffry John Aufderheide / June 3, 2012

When talking about vaccines, have you ever heard the knee-jerk question, “What about polio?” Here I discuss 7 trivia facts for readers to investigate further about polio and question the motives of those who would profit from vaccines and disease.

Pet Vaccinations Induce Cancerous Growths

By Catherine J. Frompovich / May 23, 2012

Vaccines are becoming really big business in the world of veterinary medicine, just as with humans. It’s interesting that animal vaccines can be “released without large controlled challenge studies that are necessary prior to the release of human vaccines.”

Gardasil May Cause Cancer

By Sandy Lunoe / May 13, 2012

When we see the term “cancer vaccine” in connection with the HPV (human papilloma virus) vaccine Gardasil we may naturally assume that it prevents cervical cancer, yet there is no evidence whatsoever that this is the case.

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