Many children have become paralyzed after receiving the polio vaccine.
PHARMABIZ.com, “India’s most comprehensive pharma portal,” published the article “National Vaccine Policy comes in for severe criticism from experts” [1] early in May 2012, and may have exposed aspects of the method of madness regarding vaccines in India.
Interestingly, the article claims the Indian government may have fallen into a trap apparently set by the World Bank, which allegedly is propelling a world recession and also aids the politics of such organizations as the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations (GAVI) that probably is bankrolled by the Gates Foundation, and the World Health Organization (WHO).
Indian Doctors Raghuram and Mahavi authored an article in Current Science wherein they stated:
“Clearly, this vaccine policy is not designed to enhance national public capacities for public immunization programmes, but to justify spending public money on privately produced vaccines in the name of protection from diseases, whose incidence figures and public health statistics are dubious and industry-manufactured. In its eagerness to push vaccines, this policy completely missed the very idea of selective immunization and implies that all immunization is universal.”
One of my networkers emailed this link about polio vaccines published on Experimental Vaccines http://www.youtube.com/watch?&v=1rJBib-3q6A. You will notice that the title of the video is “Bill Gates Oral Polio Vaccine Cripples 47,500 Children.” Why such a title? The oral polio vaccine that is being administered in foreign countries such as India is causing vaccine-derived polioviruses. The problem with that vaccine is that the poliovirus can remain live and ‘active’ within the vaccinated person’s throat for as long as two weeks and, furthermore, it can be passed on to others via the virus in the vaccinated child’s feces.
August 14, 2009, CBSNews Healthwatch online reported
Polio, the dreaded paralyzing disease stamped out in the industrialized world, is spreading in Nigeria. And health officials say in some cases, it’s caused by the vaccine used to fight it. [2]
According to the Journal of Humanitarian Affairs April 18, 2012,
In Pakistan too, the threat of polio vaccine is not going entirely unreported.
… Children can die or become disabled from natural polio virus, but they re also equally or more at risk from the polio vaccine given to them orally around the world. [3]
Shockingly, in Pakistan 80 percent of those who contracted polio were vaccinated against the disease. Sounds very similar to what’s happening with pertussis (whooping cough) in the USA, doesn’t it?
Afghanistan also has a polio problem that needs to be addressed, but not by administering oral polio vaccines, I’d say. Upgrading nutrition and sanitation along with implementing vitamin A and other nutritional supplementation would be a better approach to solving polio—and other health problems—plus a superior utilization of financial resources, instead of administering oral polio vaccines that induce vaccine-derived polio, in my opinion.
According to UNICEF, the African countries of Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Gambia, Ghana, and Togo have achieved the required 90 percent vaccination coverage. However, there have been recent outbreaks of polio in Chad [Africa] and China. The question that must be asked and answered honestly is, “What role does vaccinating with the oral polio vaccine play in the spread of the disease?” That’s something health authorities apparently want to hide under the carpet. It’s just another one of the problems with vaccines.
[1] http://pharmabiz.com/NewsDetails.aspx?aid=68851&sid=1 [2] http://www.cbsnews.com/2100-204_162-5242168.html [3] http://greenheritagenews.com/whos-polio-vaccine-causing-polio-in-children/