Parents often have to dig for the truth to protect their child.
When I first started writing for Vactruth in February, I wondered how I would be able to continue coming up with new topics. Now I can’t believe that was ever a concern. Every time I start one article, my research leads me in another direction and another and another. Now my problem is choosing what to write about. I have literally dozens of ideas on my laptop. And by the time one article is published, there’s something else to cover.
My “dilemma” of picking a topic this week led me to a topic.
We are inundated with autism and vaccines by the mainstream media. Something new almost every day.
New possible causes of autism, such as proximity to a freeway, the age of the father, the mom’s weight gain while she was pregnant, flame retardant in the child’s pajamas, fever mom had during pregnancy, and the latest—which actually makes sense—drugs in our water supply (yet another article). Doctors not storing vaccines properly. The autism brain freezer failure. A study of the 5 S’s for reducing the pain of vaccines. An air leak in a CDC lab that studies diseases like TB, bird flu, monkeypox, and rabies. Doctors using expired vaccines. States trying to take away vaccine exemptions. Yet another study “proving” vaccines don’t cause autism. Whooping cough outbreaks caused by unvaccinated kids or, more recently, doctors reusing contaminated syringes. A new five-in-one vaccine.
And so on.
The truth is:
What’s being crammed down our throats is BS. Plain and simple. Blatant lies, lies, and more lies. Incompetence, negligence, junk science, fraud, a violation of rights, red herrings, cover-ups, and a waste of time and money.
What would it be like to get up in the morning and see headlines like these on the Internet or television?
- NIH Funds Study of Vaccinated Versus Unvaccinated Children
- Federal Government Mandates Vaccine Exemptions in Every State
- Dr. Wakefield Exonerated of All Charges
- Congress Convenes Hearing on Vaccines and Autism
- Insurance Companies Required to Cover Non-Pharmaceutical Treatments for Autism
- AAP Bribery of Doctors to Increase Vaccination Rates Exposed
- Federal Vaccine Court Concedes Vaccines Caused Autism in All Pending Cases
- States to Fund Holistic Autism Treatment Centers
- Dr. Paul Offit’s Conflict of Interest Subject of Investigation
- AAP Publishes Significantly Modified Vaccine Schedule
- Congress Calls for Study of Vaccine Safety
- Majority of Whooping Cough Cases Found in Vaccinated Children
- Dr. Offit to Receive 100,000 Vaccines Live on World News Tonight
- Merck Scientists Expose Massive Vaccine Fraud (this one is actually true!)
If you could wake up tomorrow and see one headline about vaccines and autism, what would it be? Please share with our readers.
The truth is:
Drug commercials focus on the benefits of the drugs and downplay the side effects. When the announcer gets to side effects, he speaks more quietly and much faster. If you ask me, the side effects often sound worse than the condition the drug is prescribed for. However, doctors and drug commercials rarely, if ever, go over the side effects of vaccines.
But what if they did? What would it be like to hear a vaccine commercial that told the truth? Here’s my take on a TV commercial for the five-in-one Pentacel vaccine (diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, inactivated polio virus, and Haemophilus influenza type b):
As with any medicine, Pentacel is not for everyone. Tell your doctor if your child has ever been treated for a seizure disorder. Children with any type of infection should not get Pentacel. Your child should not get the Pentacel vaccine if he is allergic to aluminum phosphate, polysorbate 80, formaldehyde, gutaraldehyde, bovine serum albumin, 2-phenoxethanol, neomycin, polymyxin B sulfate, Mueller’s Growth Medium, Mueller-Miller casamino acid medium (without beef heart infusion), Stainer-Scholte medium (modified by the addition of casamino acids and dimethyl-beta-cyclodextrin), MRC-5 (human diploid) cells, CMRL or 1969 medium (supplemented with calf serum). [1]
Tell your doctor what medications your child is taking, including prescription and nonprescription.
Before your child gets Pentacel, your doctor should test him for a mitochondrial disorder.
Side effects can be serious and may include sudden, severe changes in mood or behavior (anxiety, agitation, irritability, hostility, aggressive, impulsivity, inability to sleep, confusion, tics), loss of speech, gastrointestinal symptoms (profuse and frequent diarrhea and/or constipation with abdominal pain), seizures, high fever, loss of consciousness, and high-pitched screaming. There have also been cases of serious and sometimes fatal allergic reactions and side effects, including encephalitis (which can lead to permanent brain damage). These are not all the side effects. For a complete list, ask your doctor or pharmacist.
Contact your doctor immediately if your child develops any of these side effects. He may suggest that your child stop getting Pentacel.
The safety of combining vaccines for five diseases into one vaccine has not been tested. It is not known if Pentacel reduces the risk of contracting diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, inactivated polio virus, or Haemophilus influenzae type b.
Although it hasn’t been scientifically proven, there are thousands of reports of children who developed autism or another disorder after receiving Pentacel. Talk to your doctor or healthcare professional to see if Pentacel is right for your child.
Note: Nutritionists have said for a long time that if a food contains more than five ingredients or any ingredients you don’t recognize, don’t buy it—it’s probably filled with preservatives, which makes the food unnatural and unhealthy. Keeping the food “rule of five” in mind, check out the CDC Web site cited above to find out what’s in the vaccines your child is given.
I’m in line at the grocery store. The cashier, a woman who’s probably in her twenties, says, “I like your necklace.” It’s one of my autism necklaces—the plain silver puzzle piece, my favorite. As I start to explain that it stands for autism, she tells me her brother has autism. Since I’m getting my checkbook out of my purse, I grab one of my book cards and hand it to her. “That’s what happened to my brother,” she says. “He was two years old. He got a vaccine—I don’t remember which one it was—and then he got autism. Twenty years later, he’s still two years old.” She just stands there, looking at me, her eyes wet. Without saying another word, she reaches toward me, and I take her in my arms, unable to stop my own tears.
While checking my email, I run across one from a father saying his baby died after receiving her routine vaccines when she was four months old. I don’t respond right away—I don’t know what to say. I leave the house to meet a friend for dinner. Because I’m running a little early, I decide to run to the bank, something I’d been trying to do all week but hadn’t gotten around to. There’s a man at the ATM, so I stand back until he’s finished. As we pass in the parking lot, we say hello. After I deposit my check, I see him standing by my car. Walking toward him, I notice that he is looking at my Unlocking Autism license plate and magnetic autism ribbon. “I couldn’t help but notice your car,” he says. “Autism.” I tell him I have a grandson who’s recovering from autism, and he replies with, “My kids have autism.” Five-year-old twin boys. One severely affected, the other slightly less. They’ve tried everything. “Nothing gets better. It’s always the same.” His voice breaks as he tells me there’s more. A seven-year-old niece with autism who was found dead in a pool a few days ago. By now, tears are streaming down his face—and mine—and we embrace in silence.
Perfect strangers connected by a tragedy. A tragedy called autism that should not exist. I was angry. And, although the pain I’ve experienced because of autism couldn’t compare to theirs, I felt grief. I asked myself how these parents ever get past the anger and the agony. It has to be overwhelming and excruciating. I could barely breathe trying to imagine their pain. How do they do it?
This is why I keep writing and keep talking and won’t stop. Because what happened to these parents and their children should never have happened. I believe that if I and everyone else involved in this fight keep trying, the truth will finally come out. It is already coming out.
It’s a week later. I’m in Panera writing an article for Vactruth. A young woman, curious about my papers scattered all over the table and half a dozen windows open on my laptop, asks me what I’m working on. I briefly (well, maybe not) tell her what I’m doing and why. Obviously interested, she says her one-year-old baby just had his vaccines. I’ve gotten pretty good at discerning who will listen to what I have to say and who won’t, and I could just tell that this mother would be open, so I keep talking. I tell her what happened to my grandson Jake after the rabies vaccine, and I share numerous other vaccine-autism stories with her. I had been researching Big Pharma’s role in vaccine education and research, so I tell her a little about what I learned. Then, I suggest that she do her own research so she can make an educated decision, and I give her several sources. By this point, she’s quiet. “I feel sick,” she says. “Sounds like a case of follow the money.” Promising to find out more and talk to her husband, she thanks me and, within a few minutes, emails me to say she’s thinking twice about letting her baby get more vaccines.
Another reason I won’t give up. If I can keep one child from being a vaccine-injured autism statistic, it’s worth it. One child at a time. For as long as it takes.
1. www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/downloads/appendices/B/excipient-table-2.pdf