If you haven’t read the new book by the Thinking Moms’ Revolution (TMR), buy it now. As in today.
I got my long-awaited copy last week. I couldn’t put it down. I cried as I relived so many memories of my grandson Jake’s regression into autism after the rabies vaccine almost seven years ago. Wow. Seven years. I can’t believe it’s been that long. It felt like it was happening all over again while I was reading the stories of other families who went through the same pain. The same heartache. The same panic. The same sense of hopelessness. The same … everything.
Like thousands of other stories about vaccine-injured children who have autism and a myriad of other disorders, many of the kids in TMR’s new book had a lot in common. They were developing normally. Then, everything changed—usually after a vaccine. Their lives came to a screeching halt as they became sick and lost skills they once had. They suffered with painful, sometimes debilitating GI problems and sensory issues. They couldn’t communicate their basic needs. They couldn’t sleep. They couldn’t understand what was happening to them. Why they had to go through so many medical tests and treatments. Why their families were falling apart.
The parents also shared much in common. They suffered too, right along with their kids. They cried for them. For all the things most kids took for granted that their kids couldn’t do. For the complete loss of an even remotely normal life. Like watching their children have play dates. Going to a restaurant—or anywhere—without a meltdown. Or dropping their kids off at school and not being in agony all day wondering if they were going to have a seizure or wander off or be thrown out of school because nobody could deal with their behavior. They watched their spouses and other children suffer as they gave everything they had, including their time, energy, and money, to the sick child. They also suffered guilt. They wished they had not succumbed to their doctors’ pressure to get the vaccines. They wished they had not ignored the nagging doubts, that little voice that told them the vaccines couldn’t be safe.
But they didn’t stay there for long. They did everything possible to bring their kids back. To recover them. They tried therapy after therapy. They found support among other families going through the same thing. They pulled themselves up out of the blackest despair a family could go through and looked forward to the future. To healing their children. To tell others what vaccines did to them. To talk and write about their experiences so they could save other families from their pain. And they never gave up. Because giving up was not an option.
Every time their kids went through a regression, a piece of them died. Every time they took a step forward, no matter how small, they celebrated. They learned to focus on the positive and not dwell on the negative. They found comfort and strength and empowerment through others who were living their lives. They united in the strongest cause in the world. Saving their children.
They started a revolution. No amount of money or power that the pharmaceutical companies or doctors or government agencies or anyone else profiting from vaccines think they have can begin to compete with their cause. Ever.
They are not going away. They are not going to stop until the truth about vaccines comes out and is no longer up for debate. They will never quit.
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Think About It — What Happened to These Children?
Think about it. There’s that word again. Think.
It’s simple. They were injured by the toxins in the vaccines.
Every single drug that is currently on the market or has ever been on the market can have side effects. How can this not also be true for vaccines? You can’t tell me that what is safe for one kid is safe for all kids. Everyone can’t take the same medicines. There are allergies, sensitivities, already-compromised immune systems to consider. How is it possible for vaccines, which are injected into our children’s bodies, to not have any serious side effects? Think about what’s in vaccines. Mercury, a known toxin. Along with aborted fetal cells (which means DNA), cow and monkey cells, yeast, sorbitol, gelatin, sodium chloride, egg protein, antibiotics like neomycin and gentamicin, etc., etc., etc.
Here are a few problems these children suffered:
- “the most miserable baby, always crying and throwing temper tantrums”
- “ear infections, random skin rashes, diarrhea, constipation, vomiting”
- “withdrew into his own world”
- “lost most of his forty words, stopped making eye contact, stopped playing and laughing, … developed a fascination with spinning objects, lost interest in the world around him”
- “constant fevers, … yeast and bacterial infections”
- “would run endlessly back and forth in a line”
- “her beautiful babble descended into silence and morphed into a low guttural hum”
- “at the doctor’s constantly for colds, coughs, or sores”
- “a fever of 102, sometimes 104”
- “stopped babbling, stopped saying mama and dada, lost all eye contact, and stopped smiling”
- “wouldn’t respond to his name at all”
- “would scream loudly and throw himself on the floor, slamming his head so hard that he bruised it”
- “just spinning the wheels on the toy cars he used to play with”
- “body was covered from head to toe, front to back, in a rash, and he was crying inconsolably”
- “He was slow to talk, very late to walk, ended up losing what little speech he had, and struggled to make cognitive, social, and emotional gains.”
- “morphed from a fat, happy baby to a detached and hyperactive preschooler”
- “He started walking on his toes, flapping his hands, shaking his head from side to side, looking at things out of the corner of his eyes, spinning nonstop … and not talking.”
- “He was sinking into his own world.”
- “She had auditory and visual processing disorders, causing her to cry out in agony over certain noises and lights. She slept badly. She was hyperactive and frequently mouthed and licked things.”
- “bit everyone in sight”
- “He was easily overwhelmed and couldn’t handle chaos well. Transitioning from place to place might or might not bring a complete meltdown.”
- “He wouldn’t do the same preschool ‘work’ that his peers were doing. There was little interaction with other children. He didn’t answer questions appropriately or look you in the eye.”
- “He cried all day long and projectile-vomited every ounce of formula we gave him.”
- “He stopped gaining weight, and he stopped growing at the rate he should have been. … He had very small appetite.”
- “would walk around repeating pages out of the book”
- “He would transition for a few seconds into maniacal laughter, but then, seamlessly and without a breath, he would go back to crying, as if in pain.”
- “I had to sit on him to brush his teeth, to cut his nails, and to get him into his car seat.”
I think these kids sound sick. Very sick.
Think About It — What Made Them Better?
That’s simple too. In many instances, they were detoxed. They were treated medically, and they improved. That’s because autism is a medical disorder. It affects the whole body. When you treat the whole body, amazing things can happen. It can vary from child to child—not only do all kids not react the same way to a vaccine or any other drug, they don’t all react the same way to treatments and therapies. These children are proof of that. And they are proof that vaccines can make some children very sick. Vaccines can give some children autism. Simple.
Their parents tried the following:
- homeopathy
- hyperbaric chamber therapy
- Son-Rise
- gluten free/casein free diet
- speech, physical, and occupational therapy
- chelation
- Floortime
- vitamins, supplements, enzymes
- chiropractic adjustments
- glutathione
- MB12 shots
- antivirals, antifungals, antibiotics
- vision therapy
- acupressure
And now, here are the same kids I described earlier.
- “… she was feeding her baby dolls and lovingly putting them to bed; she was putting her ‘little people’ down the slide while gleefully exclaiming, ‘Weee!’”
- “My two beautiful, sweet, funny boys love to play together, love their family and friends, and are getting healthier day by day.”
- “Potty training. Handwriting. Math. Learning letter sounds over and over again until a few words started to emerge. Playing catch. Taking shoes off. Putting clothes on. Brushing teeth.”
- “We had a play date at our house recently with four children he’d never met before, all around his age and all playing with his toys.”
- “a great storyteller with a wicked command of idiomatic expressions and is astoundingly good at putting difficult concepts into words”
- “… made huge strides. He discovered his baby sister. He’s insatiably curious about the world he lives in. He asks questions about everyone and everything, as if all this time he’d been locked behind doors.”
- “Now, I am more likely to sit with Nick face to face, trying to teach him how to put the shoes on himself, and we might share a giggle.”
- “Mei loves her new school and teachers and has already made many friends in class. She is enjoying all of her new lessons and is more than capable of keeping up with her schoolwork and her classmates.”
- “My son is on a soccer team with his brother and neurotypical kids. He is in cub scouts.”
- “… we haven’t experienced one tantrum. … He will now hold our hand and allow us to take him from room to room. … Last week, he started pointing to things and verbablizing more.”
- “He is a sweet little boy who loves toys, his siblings, and learning. He is no longer in pain and is no longer constipated. He can sit in restaurants, behaves properly in stores, and is great on an airplane. … Every day Harry is more ‘with it’ and more ‘in it’ than he was the day before.”
- “He is sweet as pie, and when he gets in trouble, he is truly worried about it. He’s constantly creating things … He is great at math and well liked in his class.”
- “My oldest son will be nine this month and is very close to recovery.”
I think these kids are recovering.
But wait. If you have a child who has recovered or is still recovering from autism—because recovery is a process—your doctor will tell you he never had autism to begin with. After all, he couldn’t have had autism. Because nobody recovers from autism. Right? WRONG!!!
Think about it. When your child was diagnosed after a vaccine, the same doctor probably told you the vaccine didn’t cause autism, that it was there all along, and you just didn’t notice it. Nobody did. You, your child’s teachers, your family. Nobody. But now that your child is on the road to recovery, he no longer had it to begin with. Think about it. They can’t have it both ways. They keep trying, and they have convinced a lot of people so far. But that is changing. Their days of basking in their money and power are coming to an end.
Think About It — How Can You Help?
Join the revolution.
Don’t shut up. Tell your story.
Ask questions. Read, read, read. Talk with other parents.
Go with your gut. A mother’s instinct is powerful. Follow it. When a nagging voice tells you something doesn’t sound right, something is wrong, listen to it.
What happened to these and so many other children didn’t have to happen. They should never have endured what they have endured. Don’t let it happen to anyone you know. Just … THINK.
[contentbox headline=”References” type=”normal”]The Thinking Moms’ Revolution: Autism Beyond the Spectrum. Collected by Helen Conroy and Lisa Joyce Goes. Foreword by Robert W. Sears, MD. New York: Skyhorse Publishing, 2013.