Like millions of parents before her, Natalie Steffen was faced with her children receiving pediatric vaccines starting after birth and during subsequent well child visits. This story is one mother’s journey to exempt her children from further vaccinations.
Natalie gave birth to her firstborn daughter Skylar in October 2004. Skylar received all the shots on the schedule, starting with the hepatitis B vaccine, given within the first 12 hours of life. Skylar reacted to the vaccines, but her parents didn’t know their daughter was suffering side effects and adverse reactions to them.
This is How the Nightmare Began
After her first hep B shot, Skylar immediately began to suffer from colic. Up until age one, she would cry every night at the same time for about an hour and a half before she went to sleep. She had horrible night terrors from age 2-4 years before these finally ceased.
When Natalie had Skylar, she had no idea vaccine injuries were prevalent and never thought to question this link. Skylar’s pediatrician said this behavior was normal and led her to believe this is what normal babies go through.
Natalie gave birth to her second child, Landen, in 2009, four years later. He was also given the hepatitis B vaccine within 12 hours of life and started receiving the vaccines on schedule. Landen was born perfectly healthy. Once he started receiving the vaccinations on schedule, he suffered from the toxins. His reactions were much more severe. He was reaching the typical milestones until he was given the MMR, Varicella and flu shots at his 14 month pediatric visit, and by 18 months old, he lost everything and was later diagnosed with autism.
In Natalie’s words, this is what happened to her son after he received those shots at 14 months old:
- “Landen lost all his speech (he can parrot now here and there)
- He stems by running back-and-forth
- He flaps, raising his arms and screaming
- He chews on everything including wood and walls
- He is still not potty trained and is now 5 years old
- He went through a stage where he would smear his feces all over himself and the walls
- He is relearning to eat with utensils
- He is constantly plugging his ears
- He had horrific tantrums for 2 years, but now instead of tantrum meltdowns, when his surroundings are too loud, he goes into a laughing state in which he drops onto the ground and laughs uncontrollably
- He hums when he is eating
- He has an extremely high level of pain tolerance
- 50 percent of the time, he walks on his tippy toes
- He is constantly jumping or moving very quickly
- He can walk through the house repeatedly without looking while touching the same objects
- He breaks and eats his toys instead of playing with them
- He flips all his toys and furniture upside down (we had to move all the furniture out of his bedroom except his bed)
- He always wants to eat and can eat as much as my husband
- He has no sense of fear or what is dangerous
- He will take off running without looking at any moment”
All of these symptoms hit Landen at 18 months of age after receiving the MMR, Varicella, and flu shots. He had received a total of 32 shots before he was diagnosed with autism by age three, and that was when Natalie finally figured out that the vaccines were the source of her children’s ill health.
What Did This Brave Mother Do Next?
Natalie was never told a thing about vaccines except that they protect against diseases, until her son was diagnosed with autism and she started researching. That was when the blinding veil was lifted and she learned the truth behind the injections and their ingredients.
Once Natalie learned the truth about these man-made drugs, she stopped vaccinating her children. By this time, her oldest daughter, Skylar, was seven years old and had received all her routine vaccinations up to the recommended kindergarten round.
During the break in the vaccine schedule for her daughter, it became clear to Natalie that Landen’s autism was vaccine-induced. At that time, all vaccines were stopped on both children; Skylar at age seven and Landen at age three. Natalie had to re-focus to heal her children through detoxing them and learned how to manipulate their gut by healing them from the inside with a good, healthy, organic and non-genetically modified food diet.
At age nine, Skylar is a highly intelligent, straight-A student. Landen, at age five, still suffers from autism but is healing slowly through the help of his parents. Notice, those responsible are not being held responsible. It is the parents who deal with the burden of feeling guilty for trusting the lies and now they have to pay for them while their child suffers.
Natalie later gave birth to another beautiful and healthy daughter, Haven, in 2013. Because of what her older brother and sister had endured, her parents felt the best route to protect Haven was NOT to vaccinate. Natalie stopped all vaccines and Haven never received one shot. Haven is now one year old and is completely unvaccinated. She has never had any unusual behavior.
Natalie has informed us:
“Haven goes to the chiropractor every other week to get adjusted (she started going when she was two days old). She has never been sick or had a temperature, just a runny nose here and there. She eats all organic food and drinks such as coconut milk or organic juice. She is healthy and happy, hitting all her milestones, naps on schedule, says ‘momma’ and ‘dada’ and interacts with her brother and sister every day. She has never been taken to a pediatrician, just our primary care chiropractor doctor.”
Where Do Parents Go From Here?
Natalie and her husband were not informed on the subject of vaccines, vaccine ingredients and vaccine injuries. Nor were they aware a reporting system is set in place named the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) to which they or their child’s pediatrician or their health care provider’s staff should’ve reported all of these events. [1]. This is something their pediatrician should have been forth coming about and recognized.
They were also not aware that a vaccine compensation fund has been set up to receive compensation to help cover the financial burden of treating a vaccine-injured loved one. There is also compensation given to those who lost their child or loved one after vaccination. One down side to this program is that two-thirds of these cases are denied. Parents are left without much-needed help.
Different countries have different laws. In the United States, if your child is harmed by a vaccine, there is little action you can take legally. The 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was passed to protect pharmaceutical companies from anyone claiming a vaccine injured their child. Under this law, no parent can sue a vaccine manufacturer, regardless if the FDA or CDC helped get an untested vaccine approved. [2]
Doctors, nurses, vaccine manufacturers and those mandating and forcing these vaccines, sometimes through illegal threats, are not held responsible when you or your child suffers from a vaccine injury. If you decide to vaccinate yourself or your children, you do so at your own risk.
Parents can still have their children enrolled in school or daycare by filing a vaccine exemption allowed in the state they live in. Schools rarely advise parents about their rights to opt out of vaccinating. The National Vaccine Information Center has a portal to which you can sign in to retrieve important information on the current laws being set forth to restrict or expand your states vaccine exemption rights. [3]
VAERS Did Not Help This Family
Like the majority of parents before her, Natalie didn’t question vaccines. She trusted her child’s doctor to make these decisions for her family. Natalie filed a case with VAERS as soon as she learned Landen was vaccine-injured back in early 2012, only after doing her own research. She was informed VAERS would send a case number in the mail, which she has still not received, even after requesting this information again three weeks ago in 2014. When she filed a case with VAERS, Natalie also requested the forms to fill out a claim for the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) and never received anything. [4]
It’s been more than two years since she requested this paperwork and the three-year limit to file a vaccine injury claim has now passed. So, Landen will never be compensated for the drugs his doctor was taught to give him. Imagine if Landen’s pediatrician had informed these parents that these were vaccine injuries instead of telling the parents vaccines weren’t the cause; they could’ve moved faster to file their claim before the short statute ended and prevented further harm from future shots. Sadly, this is the norm. Doctors rarely admit vaccines cause their patients ill health or death.
After reading reports and seeing how claims were denied when the parents had so much documentation, Natalie gave up hope her family would receive anything and figured it wasn’t worth taking the time away from her family to follow up and go through the horrendous and inconvenient, time-consuming process of dealing with the vaccine court while dealing with their vaccine-injured children. Watch this short video to understand how the law does not protect your family but rather is set in place to protect the vaccine program. [5]
Natalie can no longer file a vaccine injury claim due to the statute of limitations having passed for her son Landen. It is noted on the HRSA website, “You must file your claim within 3 years after the first symptom of the vaccine injury or within 2 years of a death and 4 years after the start of the first symptom of the vaccine injury that resulted in the death.” [6]
The Ugly Truth About VICP
One major problem with this statute is that vaccine ingredients contain untold carcinogens and pathogens that can cause cancer, mutations, infertility and diseases worse than the disease the vaccines were supposed to protect against. These severe adverse health conditions would not likely show up till years later. If parents were informed of this, people would be in an uproar due to high cancer and infertility rates in the vaccinated population. Vaccine manufacturers avoid testing for these things and by not doing these causation studies, they can say we never tested for it, so we didn’t know. Then they are not held liable.
The ruling in the late ’80s that made vaccine manufacturers exempt from any kind of lawsuit resulted in more dangerous vaccines being made and more vaccines being fast-tracked without proper safety tests done. This also led to a dramatic increase on the children’s vaccine schedule.
The package inserts state vaccines are not tested for cancer, mutations, and infertility. For confirmation, you can view the vaccine package inserts on VacTruth.com. [7] This severely limits people from filing a vaccine injury claim before the deadlines set forth. Skylar and Landen won’t be taken care of by those who are responsible for what future health problems arise due to being vaccinated.
This is what autism looks like, in a video of Landen who is now autistic because he was vaccinated.
From now on, Natalie will be filing for a vaccine exemption for all of her children.
Conclusion: Leaving You with Words from Natalie
“As a woman of faith I must speak the truth in love, and sometimes it can come across harsh. Not everyone who sees Autism really understands what Autism is. Yes, our children look normal on the outside and occasionally we can get a great picture of them making eye contact and smiling into the camera, but that is not easily done. When someone says that their child is blessed with Autism, and that God made him/her that way… maybe your child really doesn’t have Autism, just enough symptoms for them to be placed on the spectrum?
Autism is not a curse; it is a damaged brain and gut/immune system disorder that our child got from something ingested, not genetically. You may have an autoimmune disorder that passes down in your family making you believe that your child was made this way for a reason, when really it was our decision to place toxins into their small developing bodies through vaccines, food, etc.; anything consumed.
The side that parents and teachers deal with in the cases of Autism that isn’t seen by others may include: chewing and eating anything, screaming, crying, humming, flapping, walking on their tippy toes, groaning, cannot sleep, holding their gut in pain, laying on furniture to put pressure on their gut, unable to speak, behave in lashing out tantrums, smearing their feces everywhere and eating it, cannot understand simple vocabulary words, no instinct of danger, bang their heads on walls repeatedly, biting themselves to the point they bleed and are severely hurt, and have extremely high pain tolerance. There is so much more that I can list, but you should now have a better idea of what is behind the label Autism.
When parents warn you in love to please protect your child, it’s because they know what the truth is and care about you. My son was vaccine injured and I will stand by him every step we take with tremendous love, and heal what I have injured. My son was not born Autistic, he was injured by my poor decisions. One day he will be able to tell you his story because this Mom is never stopping, and my son Landen Von Steffen will be healed.”
- https://vaers.hhs.gov/esub/index
- http://www.hrsa.gov/vaccinecompensation/index.html
- https://nvicadvocacy.org/members/Home.aspx
- http://www.hrsa.gov/vaccinecompensation/fileclaim.html
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xv_IaLHwgAQ
- http://www.hrsa.gov/vaccinecompensation/deadlines.html
- http://vactruth.com/vaccine-inserts