We bring you this current update on one of the most shocking, ongoing, vaccine-related damage cases ever to exist in history. Twenty-four years ago, Jodie Marchant was medically assaulted after the doctor broke the vaccine consent law and signed for the nurse to inject Jodie with an experimental 8-in-1 vaccine, without consent.
This combination vaccine was never approved or tested for safety. It was illegally mixed and injected, leaving Jodie permanently brain damaged and disabled for life. Jodie has not spoken since.
This doctor and nurse have never been held accountable and have been free to endanger the lives of other helpless children by injecting babies with unapproved experimental vaccines, because every attempt to charge this doctor has been halted by the UK government, allowing these crimes to continue.
Jodie’s father, William Marchant, asks for your help.
“Jodie said two words to me when going in that room to be destroyed. They were ‘love you’ and ‘THAT IS WHY I FIGHT ON.’ The doctor took her future away. We owe it to Jodie to get justice.
As her father, I am the voice asking for your help. If they get away with this, it will keep happening.”
Three times, government approved legal aid funding has been given and then taken away. This taxpayer money was never used to help Jodie’s case progress. It was wasted to help steer this case in the wrong direction.
The Marchants received a letter from the National Health Service (NHS) encouraging them to take action against the doctor, to stop this kind of action from happening again. Even the NHS representatives are misleading the Marchants, because the NHS is vicariously responsible for the negligent acts of the doctor involved, because the NHS employed the doctor when she did this. The NHS reps are therefore deliberately misleading the Marchants as to who should be pursued in litigation.
The Marchants would like to submit a letter of claim to the NHS to give them a chance to settle this case. Jodie’s parents and new legal counsel are very confident the NHS will settle because of all the evidential proof they hold.
Please Help by Supporting The Justice For Jodie Campaign
By some miracle, a person who read an update on Jodie Marchant last year knew of a great barrister (legal counsel) who was courageous enough to come on board to help the Marchants finally submit a letter of claim to the NHS for a settlement to be reached out of court.
This is the first time in 24 years the Marchants have a solid chance at getting some justice for what was done and to help make sure this action committed never happens again.
This new barrister, not attached to legal aid funding, is willing to work at a greatly reduced figure over the next several months. Funds raised thus far have paid for the first three months but we need help to cover the remaining time needed. Without this community support, the Marchants wouldn’t have made it this far.
Anna Watson, founder of Arnica, is leading the Justice for Jodie Campaign. She has worked hard to help raise funds for this family. She is a friend to the Marchants and has seen how Jodie was left severely disabled and without help.
Anna can be contacted here for further information.
Your donation will be completely used to fund the barrister working at a reduced fee to see the Marchants through with their case. The Marchants have fought this battle for a very long time. They are getting older and can no longer do this alone. They need our help to continue.
Jodie is now 25 years old and has shown no noted improvements in her health. Jodie toe-walks and the heels of her shoes never show wear. She is nonverbal, doubly incontinent, has severe brain damage, suffers from unpredictable seizures, has digestive and bowel problems and needs constant daily care to survive. She has suffered tremendously and risks losing her life each day. Jodie was not born this way. These disabilities only arose after she was injected with the concoction of vaccines.
This new legal case is vital to highlight the severe errors made by medical and legal professionals. Cocktails of vaccines can never be given in one syringe and parental consent must always be obtained. Please click the link below to make a donation of whatever you can afford. Thank you.
Jodie Marchant’s Nightmare Began When She Was Assaulted by a Doctor and Nurse
Twenty-four years ago, when Jodie Marchant was a 14 month-old baby, her parents received a notice in the mail about getting Jodie the MMR vaccine.
Her parents, William and Patricia Marchant, decided to make an appointment with the local doctor. Up to this point, Jodie had never been vaccinated and she was perfectly healthy.
On the day of Jodie’s appointment at the Aldermoor Surgery health clinic in Southampton, United Kingdom, on May 17, 1993, written consent was given for Dr. Alison Hill, the general practitioner and head of the clinic at the time, to administer to Jodie the MMR vaccine only. Jodie’s father physically signed to refuse the DPT vaccine and all others.
Dr. Hill had other plans and signed for the nurse, Eve Wheen, to inject Jodie with 8 vaccines dangerously mixed into 1 syringe, which is against manufacturers’ guidelines, without her parents’ knowledge. This was already mixed before Jodie entered the room. This cocktail vaccine about to be injected into Jodie included a measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, oral polio and Hib vaccine, all combined.
Once injected, Jodie immediately screamed out like she had never screamed before, in a high-pitched sound. Jodie’s mother was holding her as she began to shiver and shake inside the clinic. The nurse watched this immediate reaction.
Jodie went into a state of shock and the nurse did nothing but send her home. Jodie’s parents were shocked at what just happened to their baby and knew they would never vaccinate again. After returning home, Jodie became really sick. Her parents were told Jodie must have a virus and to give her Calpol, which is similar to Tylenol. They were told the vaccine given had nothing to do with her change in health that would follow.
Over a short period of time, Jodie lost control of her bladder and bowel movements. She stopped walking and eating, had seizures, lost speech, lost eye contact, stopped recognizing familiar adults and she had a horrible case of acid reflux.
Jodie was diagnosed with epilepsy and her brain was severely damaged beyond repair. Multiple painful brain and gastric surgeries could not correct her problems. This and numerous lifelong health problems were triggered from that one illegal injection. Jodie would require round the clock care for the rest of her life. Her parents could no longer work so they could take care of her, losing their home and business in the process.
In 1998, five years after the injection, Jodie’s health never returned and continued to slip away. Dr. Andrew Wakefield and his team working at the Royal Free Hospital in London helped reveal Jodie carried the measles vaccine strain in her gut; she suffered from inflammatory bowel disease and infective colitis.
Jodie was also diagnosed with having a mitochondrial disorder, making Jodie’s parents aware of the need to test children before vaccination, to highlight children who would be susceptible to vaccine injury.
Around this time, Jodie’s urine test showed a very unique pattern, indicating more than the MMR vaccine was given to her. Jodie’s parents had never vaccinated Jodie prior to the assault so these results provided evidence that Jodie was given more than the MMR vaccine that day. This was the first time her parents learned Jodie was given more vaccines than they gave consent for.
A persistent search for Jodie’s medical records to find out what really happened and to seek assistance from the UK Vaccine Damage Payment Unit took place.
During their search, many attempts were made to cover up what was done. The Marchants were met with much resistance and put through many hurdles to get the medical records proving what happened.
Jodie’s parents were told Dr. Alison Hill no longer worked at Aldermoor and that their daughter’s records could not be found. Even the records from numerous visits to get help for Jodie after the incident went missing.
Through sheer persistence and help from another doctor, records surfaced with Dr. Alison Hill’s signature on them, for seven of the eight vaccines given to Jodie. This doctor was later dismissed from her job for helping the Marchant’s obtain Jodie’s records.
Jodie’s parents made a complaint to the General Medical Council (GMC) about Dr. Hill. Nothing happened because none of these records named the nurse, which hindered their case when they brought an assault charge against the doctor.
The GMC did agree that what had occurred in Jodie’s case was “unprofessional,” but advised the doctor could not be blamed if the nurse who administered the vaccines acted incorrectly. In the meantime, because of bringing this complaint, the Marchants were sent death threats, told to remain silent, and drop any actions against the doctor and the General Medical Council.
Jodie’s parents pursued help from the Legal Services Commission (LSC) again. After funding was in place the second time, the LSC required scientific proof on the probability that the vaccines were responsible for Jodie’s health problems, in order to justify the Marchants to continue receiving funding for Jodie, but this was a setup and the wrong way to handle this case. In essence, the LSC set the bar too high for anyone to prove this.
The Marchants never should have been asked to prove anything since this vaccine cocktail was never licensed or tested and consent was not given for the doctor to do what she did. All along, the doctor was to blame for this occurrence, not any particular vaccine, although Jodie’s medical records prove she was a healthy developing child up until she was vaccinated with such a concoction.
In 2007, legal aid funding was discharged for the second time. The Marchants were shocked at how their case was being treated as a High Cost Special Units Case instead of a case against the doctor for breaking the consent law. The LSC wasted the Marchants time and taxpayer money.
In 2012, nineteen years after the injury, the eighth vaccine record surfaced and this record identified the nurse, Eve Wheen, and was signed by Dr. Alison Hill herself, and contained proof of limited consent.
It was then that William and Patricia learned their daughter was injected with a total of 8 vaccines at once. This experimental vaccine contained an MMR II (measles, mumps, rubella), DPT (diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus), OPV (oral polio) and Hib (Hib titer) vaccine, illegally combined. These records have been accepted by all throughout this case and are not disputed.
From this point forward, this was all the proof the Marchants would need to hold the doctor accountable for breaking the UK vaccine consent law and allowing Jodie to be injected in such a negligent way, but the games to prevent justice continued.
Jodie Continued to Suffer While the UK Government Helped Halt Her Case
An appeal was launched to obtain legal aid funding a third time. During the appeal, Jodie’s father took over the case and used his own files on Jodie, because their legal aid funded solicitor/lawyer Swain turned up without them.
In 2013, funding was reinstated a third time, despite their own solicitor trying to prevent this. Swain was let go after this incident.
In January 2014, James Braund became the Marchants’ new solicitor from the Trethowans LLP firm, to help pursue a medical negligence claim on Jodie Marchants behalf, to supposedly hold the doctor accountable.
The Marchants knew the correct way forward was to file a suit against the doctor who signed off on the vaccines and the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK. The NHS is responsible because they employed Dr. Alison Hill at the time she helped harm Jodie. They are going for Assault, as five vaccines were given despite refusal, and for Medical Negligence to inject them that way.
Once legal aid funding was in place, the Marchants expected their new solicitor James to help them submit a letter of claim to the NHS, required for them to move forward, but he refused to do so. The Marchants didn’t realize the next two years fighting their case using would be another waste of time.
Jodie’s case continued to be treated as a High Cost Special Units Case instead of a case against the doctor for breaking the consent law. Legal aid funding was being used to pay for a doctor, barrister and solicitor to halt this case, instead of help it progress in any way. Many excuses were made and measures were put in place to prevent the Marchants from succeeding.
In 2016, legal aid funding was discharged again, for the third time, after the LSC used this taxpayer funded money to pay for their own men to act once again. William filed a complaint to the Ombudsman about how their solicitor James had handled their case. After the investigation on the complaint concluded, William was notified that the firm’s service was of reasonable standard and no remedy would be required.
As easy as this case should have progressed with all of the proof held, the Legal Services Commission has prevented Jodie from receiving any justice for what was done to her. This constant dishonest representation is what the Marchants have dealt with for the past two decades.
The NHS Has Encouraged the Marchants to Take Action Against the Doctor
Lawyers for the NHS agree that the Marchants have a straightforward case involving the doctor and her insurance, and have asked the Marchant’s to issue a letter of claim, to give them an opportunity to settle out of court.
The goal is to make it clear that vaccine consent and administration laws need to be abided by when vaccine administrators inject their patients. If these laws are broken and doctors and nurses are allowed get away with this, more people will lose complete trust in the vaccine program and medical professionals.
Jodie Marchant and Her Family Have Risked Their Lives Coming Forward
On September 2, 2016, Jodie was attending a Day Centre for a few hours. She had only been going to this place for a few months and would visit twice a week. When it was time for her to be returned home, no car turned up with Jodie. Her mother Patricia phoned the Day Centre and was told that Jodie had been taken to the hospital and was in the Emergency Unit.
Jodie’s parents rushed to the hospital but were refused entry to see her. Three security guards were there to make sure they couldn’t get in the door. They kept William and Patricia waiting for two-and-a-half hours, while tests were carried out on Jodie, without their presence or consent. They had no idea what was going on and if Jodie was all right.
An occupational therapist and social worker from the Day Centre were trying to put a false sexual abuse charge on them, which allowed them access to experiment on Jodie. Finally, they were told that Jodie was okay and well looked after and there were no signs of abuse in any form and sent her home.
During the time Jodie was at that Day Centre, William and Patricia felt it was strange that Jodie was totally isolated from everyone and had an occupational therapist and two other caregivers to look after her. She was taken for rides by all three together and her every move was recorded.
The occupational therapist almost stalked Jodie regularly, offering to take her swimming and for drives outside of hours. The Marchants thought this ongoing treatment was strange. One can’t imagine what it would cost if every disabled person had this amount of help.
Jodie’s parents always questioned the therapist’s actions. They stopped Jodie from attending for a little while, in hopes things would improve. Shortly after they had Jodie return to the Day Centre, this incident happened when her caregivers took Jodie to the hospital and kept her parents from seeing her.
After this event, Jodie’s parents received a massive apology and a huge complaint was made to this hospital. The Marchants were later asked to attend a meeting there, as they felt much could be learned from their experience. A social service worker came to their house and asked if they would agree to lodge a major complaint, to apparently help make sure this never happens again.
The Marchants fully believe what the caregivers did to Jodie that day was for their own benefit and not their daughter. They will not allow Jodie to attend that Day Centre again and can no longer trust workers to care for Jodie.
William and Patricia have still been denied access to Jodie’s medical records from that day she was abducted. They still do not know and may never know what the other adults did to Jodie.
Since this incident happened, Jodie doesn’t want to leave her parents’ sight. She also had a worse seizure following that abduction and her breathing had to be restored.
Jodie’s parents believe Jodie was an experiment that went wrong and she survived. We can only imagine why Jodie is continuously being sought after for further testing. Jodie is the only one to have survived this untested 8-in-1 vaccine. Her body would hold the results of the damage this type of vaccine would cause.
This incident shows how far the opposition will go to stop the Marchants from pursuing their case. And those responsible for this incident have gotten away with this, too.
Jodie’s Parents Want to Face the Doctor and Find Out Why She Did This
Jodie’s father, William Marchant, shares,
“Our issue was never meant to be made public and it seems we upset the apple-cart when Jodie survived and we started asking questions. I think we are causing them worry. I am being told we are getting too close for their liking.
We were told by the NHS that Dr. Hill was the one who should be charged for giving vaccines without consent and her insurance should pay out. If our legal reps acted properly, we could have progressed years ago. Our UK legal system is breaking every rule in the book with us.
Experts that have helped us are convinced that the evidence we hold is more than enough once a Letter of Claim is submitted, this would allow us to sit around the table.
Our case would not reach court. For the NHS to fight our case, it would cost them a bomb and they would lose, as they would not be able to prove the cocktail was safe to give. They would also have to agree that our refusal was in place.
Experts have told us that our case is totally unique and could never be researched as the subjects would not survive. We do not need to prove scientific causation as consent was not given and the criteria is possibilities. I am very confident I can blow the opposition away.”
We don’t know how many other children were given this experimental vaccine, but Jodie Marchant is the only one known to have survived this and her family is the only family in the world to hold the records proving this vaccine corruption has gone on.
In recent times, due to immense pressure regarding informed consent not being provided often enough to parents by doctors, the Supreme Court Montgomery ruling was passed.
This ruling will help change the way doctors provide informed consent and should help families receive compensation for their child’s vaccine injury. This ruling might also help the Marchants with their case, even retroactively, because the vaccine consent law was broken by the doctor who harmed Jodie after signing for the nurse to inject her with eight vaccines mixed together.
Jodie’s parents feel the public must be made aware of how they have been illegally prevented from seeking justice for their daughter. In the UK, permission must be given by the parents to allow any vaccines to be given to their children. William and Patricia Marchant are aware of how serious this vaccine consent law is. They know that ignoring this law can cause huge problems, yet this law is being ignored on a government level.
It is believed the suppression of this unique case is taking place to stop vaccine damage claims from being paid and to prevent damaging evidence involving routine vaccines from being made public.
Jodie continues to have frequent seizures and is too damaged to ever say thank you, but she fights on, too, just like her parents, who have never given up hope. Let’s do what we can to make sure this doctor and nurse who teamed up to inject Jodie when she was a baby, with a vaccine they didn’t give themselves first, are held accountable.
With your support, we can help see this effort through. Please click on the link and make a donation. Thank you
A more in depth look at Jodie Marchant’s case can be found in:
- Jodie’s Story: A Little Girl Lost After Illegally Given an Untested 8-in-1 Vaccine
- Government Preventing Family From Seeking Damages for 23 Years for Illegally Injecting Their Child.
These stories were previously published through VacTruth.