All posts in "Top Stories"

Hepatitis B Vaccine & Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

By Catherine J. Frompovich / May 11, 2011

If there is anything such as ‘breaking news’ and ‘stop the presses’, it ought to be this: Hepatitis B vaccine can cause Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). That’s what the U.S. National Vaccine Injury Compensation (NVIC) Program agreed, accepted, and settled in the lawsuit brought on behalf of Tambra Harris, who contracted SLE after receiving the […]

Big Pharma’s Sugar Daddy: The U.S. Congress

By Catherine J. Frompovich / May 11, 2011

Tuesday, May 10, 2011, I had the distinct pleasure of viewing a live feed of the press conference held on the steps of the U.S. Vaccine Court in Washington, DC, where attorneys representing clients and families damaged by vaccines, particularly autism disorder spectrum disabilities, challenged the U.S. Congress to investigate what’s really going on with […]

We Must Study the Health of Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated

By Laraine C. Abbey / May 10, 2011

Every time I read one of Paul Offit’s books, or listen to one of his interviews, I am struck by the illness and death statistics he throws out with not so much as a single source reference. It is impossible to determine the veracity of Offit’s statistics when no source is cited. Interestingly, Offit’s interviewers […]

Cow Fetuses Contaminated Vaccines, FDA Did Nothing

By Jeffry John Aufderheide / May 9, 2011

Media and public relation campaigns literally portray the U.S. FDA as superheroes. For example, the FDA came to the rescue about E. coli tainted spinach, Chinese-made baby formula containing melamine, and even removing salmonella-laced peanut butter from grocery store shelves. Those aforementioned events ought to be the measuring stick for parents to conceptualize one specific […]

Vaccines: What To Accept As Science

By Catherine J. Frompovich / May 5, 2011

There seems to be an ‘Information War’ about vaccines going on that needs some investigating by Congress, the media, and parents.  Why? Well, there is a tremendous wealth of factual information by the very scientists who invented vaccines that proponents of vaccine ‘safety’ definitely ignore in favor of ‘scientific spin’. Here’s a case in point […]

Infant Mortality Rates Increase With Vaccines

By Catherine J. Frompovich / May 5, 2011

In the just published (May 4, 2011) online journal article, “Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses routinely given: Is there a biochemical or synergistic toxicity?” in Human and Experimental Toxicology, authors Neil Z Miller and Gary S Goldman state: “Nations that require more vaccine doses tend to have higher infant mortality rates.” […]

What Is The Pseudo-Science in Vaccines?

By Catherine J. Frompovich / May 4, 2011

A one-word answer is: Ingredients, otherwise known as adjuvants, excipients and growth mediums. The science spun around them is so outrageously counter to human biochemistry, one has to wonder what’s wrong with oversight agencies such as U.S. CDC, FDA, Congress, plus medical doctors, nurses, and gung-ho health advocates who spout vaccines and vaccinations are ‘safe’. […]

Belgian Court Rules AGAINST Compulsory Vaccination

By Catherine J. Frompovich / April 28, 2011

The Belgium court at Tournai recently ruled in favor of individual human rights when it rescinded Belgium’s long-time mandatory polio vaccination law. That is a rather bold concession to and enforcement of individual human rights especially since the World Health Organization (WHO) in May 1974 initiated its Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) to vaccinate all […]

Top 5 Vaccine Stories for April

By Bunny St. Marie / April 22, 2011

We have scoured the web to bring you the top news headlines from around the world. Stay current in the latest affairs surrounding vaccines, Pharma, and the authorities who support them. My picks: 1. Vaccine-Autism Researcher Indicted for Fraud News from Maryland, USA. Danish scientist Dr. Poul Thorsen, is alleged to have embezzled $1 […]

U.S. Taxpayers ‘Screwed’ in Vaccine Research

By Laraine C. Abbey / April 19, 2011

Not much hullabaloo was made in the U.S. media and press about the April 13, 2011 indictment whereby Danish vaccine researcher Poul Thorsen was indicted on 13 counts of fraud and 9 counts of money laundering that, incidentally, included your tax dollars. How were your tax dollars involved? Very simply: the U.S. Centers for Disease […]

The ‘Unknown’ About Polio Vaccine: SV40 and Cancer

By Catherine J. Frompovich / April 9, 2011

On September 10, 2003, the 108th U.S. Congress House of Representatives Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness finally held a hearing on the simian virus (SV40) that was included in the original polio vaccine produced and administered to children in the 1950s and 1960s. More than 60 laboratories world wide have documented the presence of SV40 in human tumors.

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