If you are pregnant, your doctor may be the greatest threat to your child’s developing brain.
Let me explain.
During pregnancy, your immune response is more prone to systemic inflammation than when you are not pregnant. This type of response may be harmful to the developing fetus and an unintended consequence of your body protecting itself throughout pregnancy.
For example, scientists know that women infected with the flu early in their pregnancy are considerably more likely to give birth to a child with schizophrenia, cerebral palsy, or autism. It was once thought that the mother passed the virus to the baby.
However, it is now known that the mother’s inflammatory immune response to a bacterial or viral infection can injure the baby’s brain. But here’s the catch often ignored by doctors and health agencies.
Data from Caltech researcher Paul Patterson shows that stimulation of the immune system without an infective agent in mice can produce similar results. [1]
Does this mean doctors can continue to pretend the 25 micrograms of mercury in every flu vaccine is safe?
Regardless, many doctors, professional organizations, and government agencies use a shotgun approach and recommend flu vaccines to all pregnant women in any trimester. [2]
Instead of a few pregnant women being at risk for excessive immune stimulation, I’m going to show you powerful information that shows the government’s foolish vaccine policy is putting all pregnant women at risk.
Before I show you how vaccines are causing inflammation in pregnant women, though, I think it is wise to consider the counsel of economist Milton Friedman. He once said, “One of the great mistakes is to judge policies and programs by their intentions rather than their results.”
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Important Recent Study Finds Autism Linked with Inflammation
A recent study in January 2013 funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) found that maternal inflammation during early pregnancy increased a child’s risk of developing autism. [3]
Researchers from the study were able to review a central archive known as the Finnish Maternity Cohort (FMC) serum bank – a collection of prenatal serum samples gathered since 1983. Serum is drawn during the first and early second trimesters from more than 98% of pregnant women in Finland. [3]
Out of 1.6 million+ samples, scientists analyzed 677 cases of autism, looking for a well-established low-grade inflammation marker called C-reactive protein (CRP). High levels of CRP can be an indication that the body is responding to a bacterial or viral infection. [3]
The results of the study were clear: A potential 80% increased risk of childhood autism followed exposure to elevated maternal CRP. The data shows the higher the level of CRP in the mother, the greater the risk of autism in the child.
What can vaccines do while you are pregnant?
Vaccines Cause Inflammation in Pregnant Women
Given in context with the information provided above, what you read next may anger you.
In 2011 a study measured the levels of inflammatory responses in pregnant women who were injected with the flu vaccine. Samples were taken at one day, two days, and one week following injection. [4]
Here is how the researchers explained what they found.
Significant increases in CRP (C-reactive protein) were seen at one and two days post-vaccination (ps<05). A similar effect was seen for TNF-α, for which an increase at two days post-vaccination approached statistical significance (p=.06). There was considerable variability in magnitude of response; coefficients of variation for change at two days post-vaccination ranged from 122% to 728%, with the greatest variability in IL-6 responses at this timepoint.(emphasis mine)
They concluded:
As adverse perinatal health outcomes including preeclampsia and preterm birth have an inflammatory component, a tendency toward greater inflammatory responding to immune triggers may predict risk of adverse outcomes, providing insight into biological mechanisms underlying risk… further research is needed to confirm that the mild inflammatory response elicited by vaccination is benign in pregnancy.
This last paragraph is an admission that vaccines are interfering with the maternal immune system and likely changing the outcome of the pregnancy! The simple fact is the “experts” don’t know if vaccines are harming the baby’s brain.
The children in this study are now two to three years old. How about following up and seeing how many of them have autism or are delayed in reaching their developmental milestones?
If I were a mother in this vaccine trial, I would want to know if vaccine-induced inflammation could have had an effect on my child’s brain. The tragedy is even if there was evidence a vaccine harmed my child, current laws completely protect vaccine manufacturers and doctors from any liability.
This should be a huge red flag for you.
The message here isn’t necessarily that viruses and bacteria damage the fetus; it is the mother’s inflammatory response. It is well established that vaccines cause systemic inflammation, which could be harming your child’s brain.
Think about this. 1 in 50 children now have autism!
Doctors and nurses will give you a lot of lip service telling you vaccines are safe. They have a nasty habit of assuming everyone is of the exact same health status and genetic makeup.
The fact is, they have no way of knowing if injecting you with toxic vaccines will injure your child’s brain in the long term.
As a concerned parent, investigate the vaccine schedule right now. See how many vaccines your doctor plans to inject into your child. Check out what is in the vaccines. Lastly, make your decision based on information and not your doctor fearing you.
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