Mercury in vaccines is toxic to the brain
Recently while doing research in another area, I came across information that struck me as something one would never have imagined someone keeping statistics about: Mercury amounts released into the atmosphere during cremation of dead bodies—cadavers.
Statistics have been generated for several years now and the findings are remarkable, to say the least and should be important enough to stop the use of ‘medical’ mercury in dental fillings (amalgam fillings) and vaccines, which contain mercury in the form of Thimerosal. Another mercury source probably is from pacemaker batteries. There’s even been talk, as I understand, of having filled teeth removed from dead bodies before cremation, as the amount of mercury going out the crematorium stack is mounting.
Since mercury is now becoming a serious environmental hazard—so why the CFL light bulbs that contain mercury—especially in food grown in California due to mercury used in the 1840s gold rush mining days leaching into water supplies now used in agriculture, environmentalists are taking serious note of mercury pollution sources.
Interestingly, a draft fact sheet produced by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency stated that an average emission of 5 grams of mercury is assumed. Furthermore, that same draft indicated that cremations account for “just under 32% of mercury emissions to the atmosphere.”
In February 2001, a British newspaper article reported that an average of 2.95 grams of mercury per cremation was emitted into the atmosphere. In Norway a researcher reported that an estimated 2 to 4 grams of mercury per cremation were emitted into the atmosphere. Those figures are based upon adult body cremations.
A statistic was generated that one would not have thought meaningful, i.e., Mercury in Crematoria Workers as per The Lancet, 1998. The measurement was taken from mercury found in hair in parts per million. That type of tissue testing/sampling has been around for years—the U.S. Army used it—and it’s known as a spectrographic hair analysis. See this link for more information about that http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ac60281a040.
Now, if the mercury hair test results information was accepted and published in The Lancet, why not start taking hair sample studies of infants, toddlers, and teens who have neurological health anomalies such as autism spectrum disorder, ADD, ADHD, narcolepsy, epilepsy, and learning disabilities to find the heavy metals that are hanging up on enzyme systems and pathways that are causing damage, which a detox program could relieve? Doesn’t that make sense, since no one seems to be getting to the bottom of why our kids are getting neurologically impaired by the droves—how about pandemic, and which seems to coincide with the more vaccines they get, the more neurological problems occur.
Heavy metals and neurotoxins like aluminum and mercury store in soft body tissue in kiddies similar to the way lead stores in bones in adults. However, both aluminum and mercury store in soft body tissue and bones in growing children. Hair would be the most logical body tissue to sample since it grows about one-quarter to half an inch a month; is not traumatic to obtain; and is a reliable tissue sample comparable to blood, urine, fecal matter, etc., since the body naturally grows it.
That would be a most logical starting point to finding out what’s most likely storing in kids’ brains and bodies that is making them neurologically disabled. It’s not rocket science but it is ‘damning’ because it does tell what heavy metals are stored in the hair.
From where I come in my studies and research—by the way I wrote the book Understanding Body Chemistry and Hair Mineral Analysis in the early 1980s, so I think I know something about what I speak, assaying neurologically-compromised children’s hair for heavy metals could be the defining factor of what’s making them sick. It could be that simple, if the feds get out of the way and let researchers and medical doctors who know what to do, do the work.
Now here’s what I’m thinking from an analytical and scientific standpoint: What would be the amount of mercury and/or aluminum in an infant, toddler, and teenager—especially those who had no silver fillings in their teeth. My contention is that not only should mercury be measured but aluminum since both neurotoxic metals are injected into children in vaccines/vaccinations at very vulnerable ages, i.e., 2, 4, 6 months and onward for a total of 68 up to college age.
Personally and from a scientific mindset, I would like to see this kind of assay work done as part of the investigation into why so many young children in the USA and globally now are seriously impaired neurologically. I think it’s time to bite the bullet on the real science of why kids are so sick, and it’s as easy as this to start the process when accurate assays, record keeping, and statistical data reporting are not impeded by those who have special axes to grind or financial interests to preserve.
In my opinion, instead of mandating more vaccines/vaccinations, health agencies should be mandating and implementing hair testing of every child should begin as soon as enough hair can be taken for a viable spectrographic analysis. Hair tells what the body has stored in tissue, and can be the clue science is looking for.
Photo Credit: Patrick Denker