GMOs are also used in the production of some vaccines.
Even though this web site is devoted to vaccine safety information, an issue that may have equal or unknown impacts on vaccines is nanotechnology, which affects every aspect of modern day life.
Nanotechnology may be used in vaccines that we are not aware of. Consumers need to know, and maintain the right of informed consent, about what is in products we eat, drink, breathe, and use as medication in OTC and Rx drugs, including vaccines. Nanotechnology is part of the genetically modified organism world of science.
The U.S. FDA has not been forthcoming with U.S. consumers insofar as it mandates that GMO foods MUST NOT be labeled and, therefore, you are deprived of your right to know and/or informed consent, like food product labels inform shoppers in the European Union. When GMOs were labeled in the EU, GMOs disappeared from the marketplace, since consumers did not want to purchase them.
In the U.S. GMOs are being forced down consumers throats since about 85 percent of all processed foods contain them. We don’t know what harm GMOs can do to our bodies since no studies have been done on humans, as far as I’ve been able to ascertain. We do know what has happened to some lab rats—not a pretty story.
Flack has been flying around about GMOs in the U.S. food supply for several years now but not many in Congress have yet to take a serious ‘bite’ on the issue until recently [February 8, 2012]. That’s what I want to tell you about, so that you can get grassroots support pouring into every member of Congress’s email for Senator Barbara Boxer [California] and Congressman Peter DeFazio’s [Oregon] Bicameral Congressional Letter Asking FDA to Label Genetically Engineered Foods. You can read their letter here http://www.centerforfoodsafety.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/GE-Food-Labeling-Dear-Colleague.pdf.
I’m certain if you value vaccine safety, you probably will want to contact your members of Congress about GMO labeling. You should contact 2 Senators and 1 Member of the House from your state, asking them to sign on to the Boxer-DeFazio Letter to FDA about labeling GE or GMO food. You may contact your respective members of Congress directly by using this web site http://www.congressmerge.com/onlinedb/index.htm.
In addition to the above Bicameral Congressional Letter, Congressman Dennis Kucinich
(D-OH) introduced the Genetically Engineered Food Right to Know Act (H.R. 3553) on December 2, 2011. Among its provisions, this measure would require companies to indicate if food products have been genetically modified on their product labels. H.R. 3533 is currently pending before the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. [energycommerce.house.gov]
Congressman Kucinich introduced a bill that could become law, whereas the Bicameral Congressional Letter acts as a recommendation or request to the FDA. Personally, I think both need support, but the Kucinich bill H.R. 3553 needs to get co-sponsors who will work to get the bill moved through committee and voted on in House of Representatives, which if passed, then moves on to the Senate.
The committee to which H.R. 3553 has been assigned has 31 Republican members with Congressman Fred Upton of Michigan as Chairman. The committee’s office is located at 2125 Rayburn House Office Building on Capitol Hill, Washington, DC.
Democratic members of the Energy and Commerce Committee number 23 with the Ranking Member being Henry A. Waxman of California. The committee’s minority staff is located at 2322A Rayburn House Office Building.
Please use this link http://www.congressmerge.com/onlinedb/index.htm that will put you in contact with your members of Congress on Capitol Hill to get support for what’s needed regarding our right to know what we are eating regarding GMO labeling. Please get support for both Representative Kucinich’s bill and the Boxer-DeFazio Bicameral Letter.
Photo Credit: Decorat