Documents show adverse reactions to vaccines were covered up.
Sometimes the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act provides us with a little gem. Thanks to Wendy Stephen the mother of MMR victim Katie Stephen. [1] sending in a FOI request on an unrelated topic, I am now able to prove that Munchausen by Proxy expert Prof Roy Meadow was involved in government meetings discussing vaccinations and adverse reactions for a total of 5 years, from 1987 – 1991 inclusive. These meetings were held during the most crucial period in vaccination history when the MMR vaccine Pluserix was being used. The meetings were with the ARVI (Adverse Reactions to Vaccinations and Immunizations), CSM (Committee for the Safety of Medicine), the ARVI and the JCVI (Joint Committee for Vaccination and Immunization) and finally the CSM and the ARVI. Shortly after this time accusations of MSBP soared especially after parents complained that their child had been injured by a vaccine.
(Pluserix was introduced in 1988 and banned in 1992)
A Little History
Before I provide the details of exactly what we have discovered and what this discovery means, I will give a brief history.
Psychologist and autism expert Lisa Blakemore-Brown was and still is one of the most influential professionals the world has ever seen when it comes to vaccines being linked to falsely labeling parents with Munchausen by Proxy; the problem is few really recognized her true genius and of those who did, some, sought to destroy her career and reputation.
As early as 1995/1996 Blakemore-Brown suspected two powerful and influential men, Dr David Southall and Professor Roy Meadow were involved in researching adverse reactions to vaccines. She believed that they then used their knowledge and influence to falsely accuse parents of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (MSBP) after a vaccine injury had occurred.
(Munchausen by Proxy is a diagnosis given to a mother or care giver who appears to be presenting a healthy child to the medical profession saying that their child is ill.)
Due to paperwork that I now have and my own research I have been left in little doubt that Blakemore-Brown was right on all counts.
Unveiling of the Truth
A short while back I exposed what Southall had been up to.[2] I proved with evidence that Southall had been writing papers on children dying after vaccines as early as 1987 and between 1993 and 1995 Southall was consultant health advisor to UNICEF in the former Yugoslavia. This was just after Pluserix was banned in the UK whilst keeping the UK license. UNICEF was one of the vaccines takers after the ban.
Meadow rose to fame in 1977 when he wrote a controversial paper on Munchausen by Proxy for the Lancet. The paper entitled ‘The Hinterland of Child Abuse’ [3] gives two highly suspect case studies as “evidence” of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy existence. The paper was deemed problematic by many because the second case study describes a child presenting with excessive sodium in the blood. During Meadow’s discussion he discloses that this child was force-fed 20 g of sodium, with difficulty, by himself and his colleagues. Sadly the child died!
In 2005 Blakemore-Brown revealed papers that she had received through FOI (Freedom of Information) which proved that Prof Meadow had been involved in meetings with ARVI, a sub group of the JCVI devised to specifically look at adverse reactions to vaccines.[4] This was in 1987, 1988 and 1989.
The papers I now have prove that he was involved in many more.
Wendy Stephen’s emailed me several documents on an unrelated topic including documents entitled ‘Annual Reports 1989, 1990 and 1991’[5] when I searched through them I noticed that Meadow’s name cropped up again and again. Intrigued I delved deeper and was surprised to discover just how many meetings this man had attended. I was particularly interested because up until this time I had only seen Meadow’s name in meetings held during 1987, 1988 and 1989.
The Crucial Years
The years 1989, 1990 and 1991 were crucial years in UK’s vaccination history because the MMR vaccine, Pluserix, was being used. The Pluserix vaccine containing the Urabe mumps strain manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline had been banned in Canada under the name Trivirix in 1988. Suddenly that same year with the new name Pluserix it was introduced into the UK by the JCVI. Four years later however, in 1992 it was banned in the UK after it was revealed that children developed many life threatening adverse reactions after receiving this vaccine. [6]
During the meetings that Meadow attended the committee’s discussed the wide range of adverse reactions that children were suffering after being given this vaccine. These included mumps, deafness, seizures meningitis, encephalitis and death. Despite life threatening adverse reactions the committee members decided the vaccine would keep its UK license even though they were banning its use in the UK.
A UK license attached to a drug or vaccine is very prestigious and is a recommendation that the drug or vaccine is safe. This gives a green light to other countries and organizations wishing to buy the product. The various committees felt that taking away the Pluserix license would cause mass panic around the world and for this reason the license was kept in place. This dangerous vaccine was then shipped for use in the third world where it remains today. Among its buyers was and still is UNICEF.
Meadow’s Secrets Revealed
It had been clear from the paperwork that I had already seen that Meadow had been involved in meetings with the ARVI [7] but then it had seemed that he had disappeared, or so I thought. It now materializes that he definitely did not because this new paperwork reveals exactly what he was up to right until Pluserix was banned in the UK.
- In 1987 Meadow was involved in ARVI meetings and a joint CSM and JCVI meeting. [7]
- In 1988, 1989 he appears in ARVI meetings and also in CSM meetings.[8]
- In 1990 he appears in a joint meeting between CSM and ARVI [9]
- In 1991 he is found in a joint meeting involving the JCVI and ARVI [10]
After that it appears that he disappeared completely from the vaccine committees.
Another interesting fact is that leading up to Meadow’s involvement he wrote a large number of papers on the topic of MSBP and again immediately after.[11]
To demonstrate just how sinister the nature of these meetings was, it is best that you understand exactly what was being said at this time. I suggest that you read the paper by Lucija Tomljenovic, PhD entitled ‘The vaccination policy and the Code of Practice of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization (JCVI): are they at odds?’ because she reveals the true extent of what was being discussed. [12]
Was Meadow Used as ‘Misdirection’ by the UK Government?
So why was an expert in MSBP involved in meetings on the adverse reactions to vaccines, unless, of course, he was brought in to be used as ‘misdirection,’ by the UK government? Misdirection is a tool often used in magic to take the audiences attention away from one area and focus it on another for split seconds however, ‘Common Purpose’ [13] uses misdirection as a tool to misdirect their subject’s minds. ‘Common Purpose’ for those who do not know is where powerful organizations like governments and pharmaceutical industries use Neuro-Linguistic Programming NLP a form of brainwashing, to get the majority of people to think, act and behave in a certain way, the example in this case to get the general population to believe that vaccinations and drugs are good and will benefit their health. I feel I should add that NLP used in the correct way is good and has helped people to get over fears and phobias.
Meadow’s Conflicts of Interest with Beecham, Boots and Ferring
Another fact revealed in the documents that I found particularly interesting is that the Annual Reports list all the conflicts of interest of each committee member involved in regulating the safety of vaccines and medications. Listed is every committee except the JCVI in the UK in 1990. The documents do include members of the CSM and the ARVI. [5]
It is interesting to see in black and white just who has conflicts of interest with which drug company. I found the chairman of many of the meetings Professor A.W. Asscher exceptionally interesting because he had 25 conflicts of interest including links to Glaxo the manufactures of Pluserix. Mind you he wasn’t alone with conflicts of interest linking with Glaxo.
Listed among members with conflicts of interest is Meadow. The Annual Reports prove that not only was Meadow involved at this crucial time in vaccine history but that Meadow declared various conflicts of interest.
In 1989 Meadow declares a personal interest of shareholding with Beecham and Boots and a non personal declaration of departmental grant from Ferring. In 1990 he declared that he owned shares in Boots and a consultancy in Ferring. In 1990’s declaration there’s no mention of Beecham. By 1991 he had lost the Ferring conflict but still had Boots.
I believe that the real reason that Meadow wanted to keep the shares in Boots above all else was that it was around this time that Glaxo was desperate to merge with Boots. [14]
It is interesting to note here that in 1989 SmithKline Beckham merged with Beecham to form SmithKline Beecham plc. Glaxo Wellcome and SmithKline Beecham later merged to form GlaxoSmithKline. The headquarters of the Company were then moved to England. To expand research & development in the US, SmithKline Beecham bought a new research center in 1995. Another new research centre at New Frontiers Science Park in Harlow was opened in 1997.
In 2000, Glaxo Wellcome and SmithKline Beecham merged to form GlaxoSmithKline. [15]
Figures of MSBP Rise Immediately After These Meetings Occur
Unsurprisingly, after the mid 1990’s MSBP rates soar [16] in the UK and around the world. Amazingly in 1998 Meadow was knighted for his services to children.
Lisa Blakemore-Brown complained again and again about what she could see unfolding but her words fell on deaf ears.
In September 1998 an article in ‘The Scotsman’ written by Stephen Breen he reveals that Lisa Blakemore-Brown had been convinced that mothers had been wrongly accused of having MSBP in at least 3 cases. Breen explained that she had complained to the General Medical Council and the Department of Health and asked for a public inquiry. The only evidence of this article ever existing is in COSA Newsletter November-December 1998 – MENZ Issues. [17]
Breen wrote-
“British psychologist Lisa Blakemore-Brown is convinced mothers have been wrongly accused of having MSBP in at least three cases. She has complained to the General Medical Council and asked the Department of Health for a public inquiry.”
(The Scotsman (29 Sep 1998). ‘Witch hunt’ warning in abuse scandal, by Stephen Breen)”
This was written in 1998 and at a time when MSBP accusations were at their peak. Behind a great many of the cases going through the courts again and again were two professionals, Dr David Southall and Prof Roy Meadow. In fact it was cases involving MSBP that got both of these professionals struck off the medical register. Neither stayed struck off for long though because both were reinstated just a short time after. The question on many peoples lips is just who protects these two men?
In 2009 Meadow’s finally did the decent thing and resigned. Please read what Blakemore-Brown had to say. [18]
These latest revelations further prove without doubt that Lisa Blakemore-Brown was right all along to suspect that Meadow and Southall were heavily involved in vaccination adverse reactions and then used their power and influence to lock up innocent parents accusing them of abusing their children.
I hope that in writing this it may help Lisa Blakemore-Brown may get justice for the atrocities that she has suffered and that it may help any cases that she is still involved with involving Dr David Southall and Prof Roy Meadow.
Sadly we no longer see Ms Blakemore-Brown in such a prominent role because she had her career and her reputation almost totally ruined by those in authority as part of this major cover up. I personally believe that she carries on beavering away behind the scenes but only time will tell.
The loss of such a brilliant and talented professional has affected so many families with children with Autism and ADHD. Not only do we not have funding or support from our local authorities but we have also lost the support and understanding of a professional who had dedicated her entire life to helping support the many families who suffer.
Before I get hundreds of emails saying that this is all one great big conspiracy theory, I urge readers to look up the original definition of conspiracy. The meaning of the word conspiracy is:
1. An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act.
2. A group of conspirators.
3. Law An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action.[19]
1. MMR Victim Refused Compensation For Not Being Disabled Enough http://vactruth.com/2011/09/02/mmr-victim-refused-compensation-for-not-being-disabled-enough/
2. The truth of what lay behind the attempted assassination of Lisa Blakemore-Brown’s career http://medicalmisdiagnosisresearch.wordpress.com/2011/11/03/the-truth-of-what-lay-behind-the-attempted-assassination-of-lisa-blakemore-brown%E2%80%99s-career/
3. Meadow Roy – Lancet ‘The Hinterland of Child Abuse’ http://www.msbp.com/hinterlands.htm
4. Meadow’s meetings with ARVI http://www.profitableharm.com/sir_roy_medows_meetings_1.html
5. Annual Reports 1989, 1990, 1991 http://www.profitableharm.com/sir_roy_medows_meetings_1.html
6. The Urabe Atrocity http://www.whale.to/vaccine/mmr15.html
7. CSM and JCVI 1987 http://www.profitableharm.com/sir_roy_medows_meetings_1.html
8. CSM in 1988 and 1989 http://www.profitableharm.com/sir_roy_medows_meetings_1.html
9. CSM and ARVI 1990 http://www.profitableharm.com/sir_roy_medows_meetings_1.html
10. JCVI and ARVI 1991 http://www.profitableharm.com/sir_roy_medows_meetings_1.html
11. What is, and what is not, ‘Munchausen syndrome by proxy ? http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1511135/pdf/archdisch00624-0074.pdf
12. Lucija Tomljenovic, PhD entitled ‘The vaccination policy and the Code of Practice of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization (JCVI): are they at odds?’11 http://www.ecomed.org.uk/wp-
13. Common Purpose http://thelastoutpost.com/video-2/new-world-order/commonpurposeexplained.html
14. THE MONOPOLIES COMMISSION Beecham Group Limited And Glaxo Group Limited (Now a wholly owned subsidiary of Glaxo Holdings Limited) 1972 http://www.competition-commission.org.uk/rep_pub/reports/1970_1975/fulltext/063c01.pdf
15. GlaxoSmithKline History Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GlaxoSmithKline#History
16. Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy/Factitious Disorder By Proxy William R. Long, M. Div., Ph. D., J. D.; July 12, 2008 http://www.autism.com/pdf/families/MBSP_unabridged.pdf
17. Breen Cosa Newsletter Nov – Dec 1998 Vol 5 No 8 – ‘Accusations of Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy is the new witch hunt’ http://menz.org.nz/cosa/newsletters/november-december-1998/
18. SIR ROY MEADOW REMOVES HIMSELF FROM THE GENERAL MEDICAL COUNCIL REGISTER By Lisa Blakemore Brown Psychologist http://www.whale.to/vaccine/Sir%20Roy%20Meadow%20Removes%20Himself%20From%20GMC%20Register,%20Blakemore%20Brown.pdf
19. The Free Dictionary – Conspiracy http://www.thefreedictionary.com/conspiracy
Photo Credit: DaftLikeLex