About the author

Michelle Goldstein

Michelle Goldstein is a mental health therapist who is passionate about holistic health, natural healing, nutrient-dense foods and the politics that impact them. She has published articles for Natural News, VacTruth, and other health websites. All of her published articles to date can be found at her health website, Holistic Health to Go. She can also be followed on her Facebook Page.

Aggressive Hospital Vaccine Policies: Get Vaccinated or Lose Your Job!

By Michelle Goldstein / August 13, 2016

Over the past several years, hospitals have steadily increased their aggression towards employees who choose not to vaccinate. What began as a recommendation for employees to be updated in their vaccinations is now commonly presented as a requirement for consideration of employment. Obtaining an annual flu vaccine is also forced upon employees. [1] Employees who […]

The Insanity of the Hepatitis B Vaccination

By Michelle Goldstein / July 8, 2016

The hepatitis B vaccination is one that even pro-vaccinators should question from a common sense perspective. The vaccination is now routinely given at birth for newborns, with follow-up vaccines scheduled during infancy. This disease is one that is fairly rare, and more common in adults in high risk groups, including those who are sexually promiscuous, […]

How to Find a Physician to Support Your Vaccine Choice

By Michelle Goldstein / June 21, 2016

Working with a physician who supports your vaccine choice is essential for developing a cooperative, supportive relationship. Unfortunately, many doctors in private practice refuse to see patients who do not follow the aggressive Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) vaccination schedule. These physicians may be willing to make some allowances, but will push for […]

How Does Vaccinated Children’s Health Compare to Unvaccinated Children?

By Michelle Goldstein / June 3, 2016

While there have been no official US government-sponsored studies comparing the health of vaccinated to unvaccinated children, several independently funded studies have been done in the US and overseas. The majority of these studies have been conducted abroad, but many involve American children. What do these studies show? The research demonstrates conclusively that unvaccinated children […]

Why the Chicken Pox Vaccine Makes NO Sense

By Michelle Goldstein / May 26, 2016

The chicken pox vaccine, formally known as the varicella vaccination, was added to the recommended childhood vaccination schedule in 1995. Prior to this vaccine’s creation, it was a common practice for families to expose children to others who had the chicken pox. The disease was considered a normal part of childhood and it was widely […]

Does the MMR Vaccine Cause Autism?

By Michelle Goldstein / May 11, 2016

Does the MMR vaccine cause autism? This is the essential question that each parent should ponder prior to injecting their child with the MMR vaccination. The answer is largely divided between conventional medicine and the holistic community. Evidence supporting the claim that the MMR vaccine causes autism includes parental reports, court case verdicts, multiple research […]

Why the Documentary Vaxxed is so Controversial and Important to Support

By Michelle Goldstein / April 27, 2016

Recently Dr. Andrew Wakefield directed the documentary Vaxxed to educate the public about autism in general, and more specifically to address the coverup of the 2004 research connecting the MMR vaccine to autism. Gastroenterologist Wakefield has become a champion for the autism community, which stands behind Wakefield’s dedication and work to help the growing numbers […]

Doctor Andrew Wakefield: Hero or Quack?

By Michelle Goldstein / April 23, 2016

The answer to the question of whether Dr. Andrew Wakefield is a hero or an enemy to modern science depends largely on one’s perspective and training. Dr. Wakefield, a practicing British gastroenterologist, dared to publicly question the safety of the MMR vaccination in 1998. Wakefield observed that his pediatric gastroenterology patients suffered specific inflammatory bowel […]

How Healthcare Was Bought Out, Resulting in Today’s Focus on Vaccinations and Pharmaceuticals

By Michelle Goldstein / March 28, 2016

Our health care system is now based on a pharmaceutical model of care with a strong emphasis on vaccinations. In the 1800s, homeopathic and nutritional health care approaches successfully treated many people who suffered during disease epidemics. Orthodox medical treatments were dangerous and comparatively less successful in treating patients. Great divides existed between orthodox and […]

You Decide: The Risks and Benefits of the MMR Vaccination

By Michelle Goldstein / February 18, 2016

Most of us weigh the risks and benefits of medical procedures prior to obtaining them. We sign an informed consent form with an understanding of the potential harm versus the perceived benefits. In the case of vaccinations, the great majority of parents obtain vaccinations for their children, influenced by the “sales pitch” and “scare tactics” […]

The Perfect Storm: Vaccination and Modern Malnutrition

By Michelle Goldstein / February 15, 2016

We have the perfect storm for creating an environment that will continue to injure and destroy the health of our most precious gifts, our children. We live in America, which is the most highly vaccinated country on the planet. Vaccinations alone are responsible for tremendous health damage. We are also a country that consumes a […]

My Children are Vaccine-Damaged; are Yours?

By Michelle Goldstein / February 5, 2016

I was raised like most Americans. Doctors were highly respected in my parents’ home and their authority on health matters was not questioned. My parents followed their physicians’ advice on healthcare and I was no different when raising my own children. I was careful to follow the health and dietary recommendations when my children were young and I […]

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